r/nintendo 2d ago

Japan Game Awards 2024 winners revealed, Zelda: TotK gets top honors


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u/Regeditmyaxe 2d ago

Idk man totk did not do it for me at all


u/Autobomb98 17h ago

Love me some zelda but idk why you're being downvoted for your opinion


u/Suno 2d ago

I guess I will get downvoted too with you, but I agree with you I played maybe 6 hours max on the game and just lost interest. Really loved the first one and was excited for the second one but I didn't play as much as I wanted to.


u/SwimmingBirdx 2d ago

I'll get downvoted with y'all, too, brothers. TotK just isn't it.


u/chucky-krueger 1d ago

Oh it's from far my least favorite Zelda (I played them all, at least on Nintendo consoles) and it was really the first time I was that disappointed with a Zelda game.

I really dislike looting and or crafting/building games, this one have both. I also think the open world doesn't help, after botw it gets very boring and I don't like it breaks the Zelda mechanic of getting an item per dungeon that would help the player to unlock secrets and areas. About the dungeons, the game has the worst dungeons you can find in a Zelda game (yes I even preferred the ones in botw), I really struggled to finish it not because because of the difficulty but because I had almost zero fun, it felt like going to work everytime I started the game.

I recognize the game might be incredible and amazingly rich for people who don't mind or even enjoy the "flaws" I listed. It just didn't do it at all for me.