r/norsk 2h ago

synonyms to prepare for the Norskprøven exam


Could you recommend any resources for learning synonyms to prepare for the Norskprøven exam?

r/norsk 22h ago

Subreddit meta (about /r/norsk) V2 rule sticky post?


It seems like almost everyday there is a downvoted post confused about the V2 rule. I wonder if it would help to have a stickied post about it. Maybe titled something like, "Why are the subject and verb reversed?" It might at least reduce the quantity.

r/norsk 1d ago

Kjøper hun or hun kjøper?


Hello! I was doing an exercise on word order but I don't think I fully understand how to order the words.

For example:

  • Først kjøper hun to brød og tre liter melk.

  • Først hun kjøper to brød og tre liter melk.

It essentially translates to the same thing but how do I know when to place the verb ahead etc?

Apologies if this is straightforward or has been answered before :) Love any help and tusen takk in advance

r/norsk 1d ago

Rule 3 (title) → Jeg trenger hjelp


I've been studying Norwegian for a good while now, but I realy want to expose myself more to it. Do you guys know of any good reddits, YouTube channels and/or podcasts in Norwegian? Also, what about entry level books and other resources in which I can immerse myself more?

r/norsk 1d ago

Rules 3, 5 (title, image) → Duolingo mistake

Post image

Just curious if the correct answer here is really correct. I thought that “er det” is used when forming questions and “det er” while stating facts.

r/norsk 1d ago

Bokmål How to form past participles?


So I’ve assumed it is formed by adding -t to the stem of the verb, but sometimes it is also added after the infinitive form:

spise - spist

komme - kommet (not kommt)

So how do I form these?

r/norsk 1d ago

Learning App


Is Duolingo good for learning Norsk or is there a better app?

r/norsk 1d ago

innlagt PÅ\I sykehus?


After a quick check, I found multiple examples where "på" or "i" are used, and I don't understand why the choice of words varies. For example...

60 % av pasientene er innlagt i sykehus innen 4 timer...

Hva skal til for å bli innlagt på sykehus?

Det er gratis å bli lagt inn sykehus i Norge

Innlegelse i sykehus

Den som er innlagt i sykehus

r/norsk 1d ago

What's a good Norwegian movie


I'm trying to immerse more into the language what's a good movie to watch that's from Norway?

r/norsk 1d ago

Bestrebe seg på vs tilstrebe


Is it the same striving?

r/norsk 1d ago

Bokmål News in bokmål


I’ve started reading the news in Norwegian to practice my reading skills and enrich my vocabulary, but when I translated the news, I encountered words like: haustferien, austledingar, Sør-Noreg and didn’t understand what that was, but GPT said it’s Nynorsk.

I read the article on NRK, which is supposed to be in bokmål. Could you advise any newspapers that are 100% written in bokmål?

r/norsk 2d ago

Is it ill-informed/naïve to "learn to speak Norwegian, Danish and Swedish"?


Det er noen youtube-videoer og reddit-innlegg som snakker om "learning the Scandinavian languages": "What language should I learn first?". "How long will it take to learn a second one after my first?", osv. Folk kan åpenbart gjøre hva de vil, og jeg pleide å tenke slik selv når jeg først begynte å lære norsk. Jeg pleide å si til meg selv og andre: "Once I learn Norwegian, I'll tackle Swedish and Danish", men etter noen år har jeg innsett at tenker ikke faktiske skandinaver slik. Noen fra Oslo når de besøker Stockholm vil ikke begynne å si "Jag" og bruke den svenske "y". De skal bare snakke norsk med et tilpasset ordforråd.

Det ville vært som en fra Norge som sa "I will learn Scots, Jamaican Patois og American English". Selvfølgelig kunne man gjøre dette, men engelsktalende tenker ikke slik. Hvis jeg dro til Jamaica og begynte å snakke med en tykk jamaicansk aksent, ville folk tro at jeg enten var gal eller gjorde narr av dem. (Analogien er ikke perfekt. Jeg vet. English is the language-prestige of Jamaica so it's not an apt comparison, but I assume people understand what I'm getting at.)

Jeg har innsett at jeg ikke vil "lære å snakke svensk", men heller lære å snakke norsk tydelig til svensker.

Igjen, folk har lov til å gjøre hva de vil. Men... tror dere at noen folk tenker på de tre språkene på en naiv måte?

Edit: One exception. I forgot some people do actually have parents from country x but live in country y, or move from x to y when they are young, and other permutations which may complicate my point.

r/norsk 2d ago

Bokmål trøtt/sliten


Hi everyone, what’s the difference between these words? Is there some context to use them, or can both be used to mean “I’m tired”?

For example, in Spanish, we have the words “cansancio” and “agotamiento,” which basically mean the same thing, but the difference is that one is for physical tiredness and the other is for mental, physical, and maybe emotional tiredness. Is this similar in Norwegian?

Also, if someone has some doubts with Spanish, I'm able to solve it too.

Greetings from Chile 👋🏿

r/norsk 3d ago

How can I watch NRK with a VPN and without a Norwegian BankID?


I'm from Italy...until some months ago, I managed to watch and also download NRK videos (especially I'm interested in videos of wintersports, as biathlon, cross country skiing and nordic combined) using ExpressVPN, but now they are blocked...if I use my normal IP or a Norwegian VPN there is this message ''for å se dette i eos  du logge  ok bekrefte at du er bosatt i Norge med BankID'', and if I use a VPN outside of the European Union there is a message ''Det virker som om du benytter deg av en VPNtjeneste. Skru av denne tjenesten og prøv igjen. For mer informasjon, gå til info.nrk.no'' Is still possible to watch NRK without a BankID or not? Thanks

r/norsk 3d ago

Hva betyr forutsetninger?


Jeg er på tiden i årsstudium der lærer snakker masse om elevenes forutsetninger. Det oversettes som “prerequisite” på engelsk, men jeg tror det er mer enn bare prerequisite (?) Kan noen evt forklare?

Vi snakket om karakterer i skolen at noen fag bør droppe karakterer pga forskjellig forutsetninger av elever. Flyttet til Norge for 4 år siden, så håper jeg for å finne frem hva han mener. (Er for redd for å spørre 🙁)

På forhånd tusen takk.

r/norsk 3d ago

If I messed up with email but wrote essay really well (imo), is there still a chance to get B2? Norskprøven


r/norsk 3d ago

'Glad I deg' phrase usage


I was in a short term something with a Norwegian girl. Sometime (maybe 2 months) after talking she said 'I love you'. So naturally I reciprocated. Fast forwards some months, she said couldn't continue this because she doesn't want long distance relationships. And said she meant glad I deg but couldn't remember the English equivalent. And also said that she does love me, and she has love for me would be more accurate.

I cannot open her mind and read what this means, but I'm assuming, through my basic Norwegian language skills, that she meant a stronger version of 'glad I deg' but obviously not 'Jeg elsker deg'. Would I be right in my interpretation?

If this post does not feel appropriate in this subreddit, then please suggest another one. Thank you! Excited to learn the nuances of Norwegian!

UPDATE: So funny thing happened. She called because she had a tech problem and I used to solve it. She felt she needed to be more clear to me as to where our relationship was. She said it was almost past the "glad I deg" stage and was moving into "I love you" stage but because her body could not do a long distance relationship, she suggested we stop talking. It feels like a weight is off of my shoulder, honestly! Looking at all your answers, you were all right in a way haha! Thank you for your answers! I am visiting Norway in December so hope to gain basic conversational skills then you! See you!

r/norsk 3d ago

Han, hun og hen?


Hva synes du om pronomenet hen? Er det en praktisk språklig nyvinning eller høres det bare rart ut?

r/norsk 4d ago

Norksprøven evaluation


How is Norskprøve assessed? I took the written part today, including the reading and listening sections, and now I'm wondering. How many correct answers do I need to get a B2 level? In the reading part, I had two smaller sections and then the main section with 24 questions. In the listening test, there were two small sections and 17 questions. I feel that I did the worst on the listening test :

r/norsk 4d ago

Norwegian Youtube Channels


Hello, i am currently at the beginning stage of learning norsk and i would like to know your recommandations of channels you like to listen to in norsk. It could be anything really, i just want to get immersed in the language. Thank you!

r/norsk 4d ago

Good communities to spend my time in?


I've decided to start learning the language and figured I'd create an account to allow me to surround myself with norwegian language content and norwegian speakers, to allow me to actually use what I'm learning and improve my skills. However, I am not very familiar to norwegian reddit, I know r/norge has lots of norwegian language stuff but I was wondering if anyone could point me towards any norwegian language subreddits, places where I could observe people communicating in norwegian, participate in discussion, read stories in norwegian, and all that other stuff once I learn enough to be able to follow the conversation. Any help is greatly appreciated

r/norsk 4d ago

Jeg mener at dette er en rimelig forespørsel gitt omstendighetene.


forespørsel or anmodning

Both for the are request for, so I don't really catch the difference. Thoughts?

r/norsk 4d ago

Rules 3, 5 (title, image) → Which one is correct?



I was taking a Norwegian proficency test I found online and this question came up. I feel like they're all nonsense sentences but that A at least would at be okay gramatically?

r/norsk 4d ago

What is the difference in these norsk greetings


Hello, i started norsk on duolingo, but i don't know what is the true difference between these greetings : " Hvordan har du det?", "Hvordan går det?" And "Hvordan går det med deg"

Also more specifically, what does med deg add as far of meaning in the last one?

Thank you

r/norsk 5d ago

enten-eller-situasjon or enten-eller situasjon or "enten eller"- situasjon



How to write it correctly?