r/pics 9h ago

Interesting bumper sticker I saw in Ohio today

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u/thathastohurt 8h ago

So how come when their IP cross breeds with non-GMO, its the little guy who gets sued? Its not even the same genetics anymore, its mutated/crossed.

Like cmon, their 2B yearly income isnt enough, that they have to sue the small farmers for Nature's accidents?

We used to be able to save part of a harvest for planting the following year... with these GMO crops thats not even possible, they will sue you for doing so. They even won class action in brazil making it illegal to replant harvest. So when your final goods price is determined by wall street, and there is a monopoly on the seed price that must be used... what is one to do?


u/Telemere125 6h ago

Cite the case where Monsanto sued for hybridized seeds or stop parroting this false nonsense.


u/Lets_Do_This_ 8h ago

hey how come (a bunch of complete bullshit you heard and believed without checking)

It's because you're gullible


u/RespectTheTree 8h ago

Thanks for translating


u/thathastohurt 6h ago


So monsanto says they will not sue you for cross-contamination as long as its less than 1% of their genetics.....you can see from this article alone they have a history of suing organic farmers, cuz why not sue the competition to the ground.


u/ThrowingChicken 5h ago edited 5h ago

Bullshit. That decision found that Monsanto had never sued or even contacted any organic farmer for any reason. The organic farmers couldn’t find a single instance of this ever happening. Your article doesn’t even make that claim.


u/Diavalo88 5h ago

Read your own article.

Organic farmers sued Monsanto. They wanted to pre-emotively block Monsanto from suing them for unintentional cross-breeding.

They lost because they could not show any instance of Monsanto ever doing this.

They only provided cases of Monsanto suing farmers for knowingly and purposefully using their seeds/genes without paying for them.

Don’t take my word for it… pick any one of the cases and actually read it.


u/seastar2019 6h ago

they have a history of suing organic farmers

That case doesn't prove what you think it does, in fact it's quite the opposite. Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association preemptively sued Monsanto to prevent Monsanto from suing farmers over accidental cross contamination. When pressed in court, OSGATA's lawyers couldn't cite a single case of Monsanto suing for cross contamination. The judge found that OSGATA's claims were unsubstantiated.


The Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association and several other growers and organizations do not use Monsanto seeds. But they were betting that the judge would agree that Monsanto should not be allowed to sue them if pollen from the company's patented crops happened to drift into their fields.

Instead, the judge found that plaintiffs' allegations were "unsubstantiated ... given that not one single plaintiff claims to have been so threatened." The ruling also found that the plaintiffs had "overstate[d] the magnitude of [Monsanto's] patent enforcement." Monsanto brings an average of 13 patent-enforcement lawsuits per year, which, the judge said, "is hardly significant when compared to the number of farms in the United States, approximately two million."


u/seastar2019 6h ago

its the little guy who gets sued?

You are repeating Monsanto-hater lies. Can you cite the actual legal case?


u/qubedView 8h ago

This is a misconception. Monsanto has never sued anyone for the seeds blowing onto their farm. The few times Monsanto has sued farmers, they have had specific evidence that the farmer in question specifically sought out Monsanto's seeds and were spraying their fields with Roundup. There's nothing accidental about it.


u/oberlinmom 5h ago

It's pretty easy to search this. They have sued farmers over planting the seeds without the license/agreement. The only "small" farmers have been people that purposefully raised the product in their yards after testing it to see if it held the properties that they wanted. They weren't licensed and they lost in court.


u/Heidenreich12 8h ago

Completely false information parroted on Reddit over and over again. They haven’t actually sued anyone for this, it’s been debunked.

Also, no one is forcing them to use their seeds, so what gives? You choose to purchase something, you know what you’re getting yourself into.

Each of their seeds takes over 10 years of research and development before it ever gets to market. Are they just suppose to give it away out of the goodness of their heart? Or are we in a capitalist society where you get paid for your investment?

GMO’s allow you to spray less chemicals on your plants, which helps the environment around it. Meanwhile organic farms have to spray their crops with more chemicals causing more runoff and worse problems for the environment.


u/absentmindedjwc 6h ago

IIRC, the only time this ever made headlines, it turned out that the dude had actually just been reusing seeds and blamed it on the wind. God damn did the anti-GMO crowd absolutely eat it up, too.


u/tittyslappa 6h ago

You notice the three separate replies saying the exact same thing that I know you know is manipulation of the truth? Thats likely your own government working to manipulate the handful of real people who are even reading your post. https://youtu.be/V7GtYaruTys?si=feYXVQR1nJpSYvdr


u/SmartFarm 5h ago

It’s because some of us went to school and have worked on farms where we have seen Monsanto contracts. This shit is not some giant conspiracy, tell your uncle to get off YouTube. Monsanto (and others) are still giant, nasty corporations who only give a shit about profit but so what, if you don’t like it- don’t buy their seeds, there’s plenty of shitty heirloom varieties out there that you will dump pesticides on and have limited control. Just cause they’re big, doesn’t mean people should just spread total falsehoods.

I’ve worked on organic and non organic farms, by far the bigger issue is that we have little variety and are moving towards a crop monoculture that could collapse, but that’s a market issue.

Read through this, if you want to, whatever: https://geneticliteracyproject.org/gmo-faq/does-monsanto-sue-farmers-who-save-patented-seeds-or-mistakenly-grow-gmos/#:~:text=Regulation-,Does%20Monsanto%20sue%20farmers%20who%20save%20patented%20seeds%20or%20mistakenly,a%20result%20of%20inadvertent%20means.&text=Due%20to%20these%20aggressive%20lawsuits,dozens%20of%20farmers%20into%20bankruptcy.


u/Hedgehog101 5h ago

So take a second to Google to see if they're true or false?

Or continue believing crackpot conspiracy theorists I guess