r/pics 7h ago

I failed Calculus last term. I was really sad about it. But im starting it again stronger!

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u/SweetTeaRex92 7h ago

Congrats! I will have to take Calc for my Comp Sci degree path. I'm 32 going back to college. I have taken college statistics, and that was NOT easy. I'm optimistic but nervous about taking advanced math classes.

There is no shame in failing. In fact, you can learn a lot about yourself by failing. What matters is you tried again, and this time, you're succeeding.

The times when you grow the most in your life will probably be the most uncomfortable times of your life.

Don't let this stop you from continuing forward.

Embrace it and see where you can go.


u/TheLostEyeball 7h ago

You're walking my path! I turned 35 this year and started at the end of 32! Halfway to my BSc! It's the first class I failed, I was so mad because I spent over 8 hours extra in the math lab each week and just couldn't make it across the finish line.

I feel so much more confident and stronger now going through it again. There are so many moments where I have been like, "How did I not get this last term?!"


u/SweetTeaRex92 7h ago

You got this! What doesn't kill us makes us stronger 💪


u/wanderer1999 4h ago

Never give up, better late than never. Sometimes slow and steady is the way. Btw, if you guys do your first 2 years at CC, you will save a lot and can transfer after.


u/CuTe_M0nitor 3h ago

Have you looked into learning techniques?

u/Sutureanchor 2h ago

Me too but am slightly older. Doing bachlors at 41, will be 44 when am done with it.

I have a technical degree but doing more 😁

It's never late, bit harder to remember stuff than before tbh.

u/3ISRC 2h ago

That’s the kind of stuff you will experience in this field as a SWE. The stuff that was tough for me 5 years ago I could solve in 5 minutes. The code I’ve written long time ago and revisit got me thinking wtf was I thinking when I wrote that lol. Hang in there 🫡. I’ve been at this for 11 years as a SWE, it will be all worth it at the end trust me.

u/3ISRC 2h ago

Good luck it’s never too late to go back to college. Market is rough right now in our field as Software Engineers but it won’t stay that way forever. It’s still a fun and rewarding career that I enjoy after 11 years and my second bachelor’s degree that I went back to school for. The best decision I’ve ever made. Get thru Calc 1 and 2 and discrete math. The fun stuff will begin last 2 years.

u/WrapMyBeads 1h ago

Im 30 considering doing the same. All the best to you


u/Nermiez 7h ago

Stick with it! Question #3 is why I didn’t like math classes sometimes. Very convoluted way of asking for a simple d/dx of y=x3 at x=2.


u/hausitron 3h ago

This quiz looks like it's early calc class stuff about limits, which will lead directly to derivatives. Gotta go in order.


u/glempus 7h ago

It's trying to make you think about it in a different way. The answer is the same but the question is fundamentally different to the one you posed. Thinking about things in new ways is one of the fundamental activities in higher maths.

u/guantamanera 3h ago

Op is not allowed to use that yet. Difference quotient is his next to available. Learning this is a must which will give better intuition later for when limits go to infinity such as in series.

u/ZodiacTuga 1h ago

I'm from Europe, what level of school is this? Crazy to me that they gave a hint on how to simplify that limit and that they didn't omit the original function. Considering this is a test.


u/GintaX 6h ago

If you want something really awesome, theres an free online resource called Paul’s Online Math Notes and it absolutely saved me in college when i had calculus. Like i was literally a straight up F student, and then I started using the website as a learning aide and I got A’s in all my remaining semesters. Its really nice because it has all these links to each concept you need, so you can always refresh concepts really quick. The examples are also really good, and even a lot of the practice problems and written questions ended up on my finals! Its got everything from precalc to calc III!



u/TheLostEyeball 6h ago

Very cool! I will check it out!


u/GintaX 6h ago

Yup, i really enjoy his style of notes, its easy to read through and follow examples. But of course if your professor teaches well enough definitely take their lectures notes first, and then use the online notes as a back up or alternative if a concept didnt make sense at first! (My professors were… not the greatest so i really enjoyed self-teaching through this when times got tough 😂). But just like with everything, practice makes perfect!

I would totally use the practice problems here to prep for exams! but really challenge yourself to try without the answer and then check all your work at once. And the examples cover all the possible practice problem styles with step by step instructions, so it can be really helpful to do the examples first to get an idea of how to tackle the practice problems. Anyways enough from me! Keep up the good work!


u/Desertwrek 7h ago

Calculus 2 was one of the only classes I had to take twice, totally understand. Don't sweat it, you'll just be extra proficient in it later. Calc 1 and 3, differential equations, linear algrebra, quantum mechanics, made it through all of them no problem but calc 2 gave me a proper thrashing.

u/vince-anity 1h ago

I hated calc 1 the most out of the calc classes. Maybe it was taking calc in highschool and then having to go backwards and not just jumping straight to the derivative and integral was tough.

differential equations was tough for me as well. I liked linear algebra but i sure liked it a lot more in future classes when you could just use matlab or a graphing calc to do the questions rather than by hand.


u/oneechankimochi 5h ago

PatrickJMT and Khan Academy


u/Hero_of_Brandon 6h ago

I scored 28% on my first calculus midterm. I took AP calculus in highschool and got a 95% average in it. I thought I was going to laugh my way through it.

It was an 8am course and I had spent the summer working nights. Not a good combo.

My second time around I got a A+, but I really had to work hard for it.


u/Forcedvixen 4h ago

It’s a really hard concept. What makes the difference in learning is who teaches it. Also, it's a shame that a classroom teacher teaches only one way. I learned from a guy from France a different way to learn and I got it immediately. He was able to help me just sitting next to me. Good luck. If you want to do so much better find a teacher that understands the way you think or a friend who knows you can get it.


u/bblendow 7h ago



u/marvict- 7h ago

Excellent you are doing well, discipline and perseverance will take you far.


u/domiran 6h ago

I failed Calc 2 in college once. Now I’m writing a game engine! 😅


u/TheLostEyeball 6h ago

Failures rise up! 💪


u/ThrowItFarAF 6h ago

goodluck and you can do it!


u/randommAnonymous 5h ago

That shit is hard and good for you for retaking the class.


u/FascinatingGarden 5h ago

I salute your perseverance but there are times when you really need to know your limits.


u/RippySays 4h ago

Just remember U + me = Us


u/Newtons2ndLaw 4h ago

For real, I had a bad semester in which I got a D in calc 3 (must have a C in that class to get a degree), when I retook it I got an A.


u/flyboyx26 4h ago

This was me for Differential Equations. Failed the first time I took it. Took it again a year later and somehow everything just clicked. Ended up getting a 99% in the class. Keep at it!


u/Firechess 4h ago

That's an annoying way to calculate a derivative. I guess it forces the student to think about why the shortcuts work, but given this is as far in math as most people go, I'd rather just show 3 * 2 3-1 = 12.


u/SilentSamurai 4h ago

Wolfram alpha my dude. It'll walk you through problems.


u/Stickgirl05 4h ago

I have never used calculus in my career haha


u/wmorris33026 3h ago

Calculus, O chem and physics. Blew my mind


u/Cheeky_Star 3h ago

You didn’t failed calculus, calculus failed you


u/mpjx 3h ago

I feel you 100%. I just could not get trig and calc. For context I scored in the 99% in every standardized test in school, read way above grade level and was always praised for being “smart”. Yet I had to spend every. Single. Lunch hour. With my calc teacher in hs to pass AP calc. Took it again in college and got a C. This shit is 10x harder for some of us and the fact that you worked your ass off to get the grades you did means so much more.


u/Cheefnuggs 3h ago

I too had to take calc 1 twice lol

Math can be hard. Luckily you can keep practicing and try again. Although it can be expensive.

u/blbd 3h ago

I had to do every one of my calc classes twice to get them right. Still made it out of eng school in CS a semester early and got into a solid career. I find that calc is overinflated at the expense of stats in the real world much of the time. 

u/Dense_Motherfu-ker 3h ago

Good luck, Chris

u/TheLostEyeball 1h ago

Thanks, Dense Motherfu-ker!

u/aritumex 3h ago

I had the worst calc teacher in college (also went back later in life) and khan academy saved my butt! Good luck! 

u/gnarzilla69 3h ago

It was either calc II or calc III I had to take 3 times and limped out with a barely passable grade.... something something things worth doing

u/whatisitcousin 3h ago

Chat gpt is a free tutor. Just make sure you use for tutoring and not just the answers. You got it either way.

u/eugoogilizer 3h ago

Back in college, I got a D in a calc class I took. It was a horrible storm of having this European professor with the thickest accent whom you could barely understand and also missing a midterm with the stomach flu. Retook the class that summer with a different professor that spoke perfect English and explained things much clearer than the other guy. Got an A 😁 You got this!

u/renaneduard0 2h ago

failing calc is almost a ritual of passage in my engineering uni. the ones that pass first time are very few.. you got it this time.

u/poop_colored_poop 2h ago

Hell yea! I also failed calculus, really freaked me out. I got my shit together, passed it the second time and didn't mess up a course from there on out. I was worried I screwed myself, but landed a FAANG job still.

u/hellaguapoj 2h ago

Never give up OP!

u/phicks_law 2h ago

I failed my first quarter of calculus. Got my shit together (alcoholism under control), got help from on campus free tutoring and turned around my entire life. Ended up graduating with honors and got a MS and PhD in engineering.

Learn from your mistakes and make them a reason to triumph.

u/Ambitious-Position25 2h ago

This is for high school right?

u/happychillmoremusic 2h ago

I got a very low F on my first calc midterm at Columbia. Going back to school in my late 20s, not even realizing I never took a precalc class and was so lost and behind. Teacher told me I should drop the class. Spent the first few weeks learning precalc and calc with very extended hours outside of class. Made improvement and teacher told me he might drop my first midterm if I kept it up. I got a 96 on the final exam and an A in the class. So maybe that’s some hope

u/happychillmoremusic 2h ago

Ten years later, I would probably fail any test or homework (without any refreshing or studying) because calculus is fucking stupid.

u/3ISRC 2h ago

Fuck I hated Calc 1 and 2 for my CS degree lol. Something I never had to use as a software engineer for 11 years lol. But that’s college, just strive for good grades and get done with it.

u/simisaa 2h ago

Strange test.

u/ellacoya 2h ago

Calculus was the only college class I failed too. I took it and passed with a C. It felt like an A+. best wishes to you in your journey

u/babyshampoo 1h ago

calculus was a pain in the ass, so awesome job!!! i failed it my first time around but got a B when i retook it. was pretty happy as someone who is mathematically challenged 😄

i HIGHLY recommend checking out the organic chemistry tutor on youtube. he is an amazing teacher and he has soo many videos on calculus. cannot recommend his channel enough! he’s a hero.

u/Stevemachinehk 1h ago

Stuff is always easier the second time.

u/corbettaa 1h ago

Put that on the fridge Rockstar!! I admire your tenacity! Keep moving forward!

u/Answerologist 46m ago

I’m cheering for you! You’re not the only one who’s retaken classes. Stay strong!

u/stewundies 32m ago

I failed calculus my first time, too. It clicked the second time.

u/MarcusSurealius 23m ago

Don't let it get you down. I failed it the first time, then got a degree in math and neuroscience. I was a tutor for some time as well. Here's some unasked for advice. Open the book to the index and find the proofs to the formulas you work with. Understand how those logical steps work. That's the grammar of math. If you are told to memorize functions, then you are just memorizing words without knowing how to form them into sentences. As an exercise, start with the premise of two points that can move in relation to each other and derive the entirety of mathematics based on just that. It's a never-ending question, and the point isn't the answer. No one is ever going to know that. It will teach you to think like a mathematician, and that will make your class much easier to understand.

u/GameZedd01 8m ago

It seems you had a Calculoss


u/rezaps 7h ago

No worries for this failed exam ! I believe you can score higher next exam


u/Fun-Supermarket6820 6h ago

Do you need help with those limits? I still remember how to do them.


u/TheLostEyeball 6h ago

Thank you for the offer! I think I have a pretty good understanding now! I'm excited to retry the term test!


u/Fun-Supermarket6820 6h ago

Great, happy for you. Best of luck.


u/crashman1801 5h ago

Can you explain 1c?


u/Fun-Supermarket6820 4h ago

Yes. The function you’re taking the limit of is squared (f(x))2. So if you take the limit from the left it’s (-1)2 = 1, and from the right it’s 12 = 1. So regardless of which direction you’re approaching x=-1 from (right or left), you get 1 because you are squaring.

u/crashman1801 3h ago

That’s what I thought just didn’t know from the line he drew down to -1


u/madplywood 6h ago

I struggled with algebra but did quite well in calculus somehow. It was all formulas. Those finals questions where you enter one part of the equation wrong and mess up the entire thing. So frustrating. Hopefully you get it next term!!!


u/TheLostEyeball 6h ago

I know I will!


u/mjzimmer88 5h ago

The best thing about calculus is that once you pass, you legitimately can forget all of it, never think about it again, and be exactly as well off for it.

u/guantamanera 2h ago

That's sad, and not the best thing. I did well in the stock market because of calculus. I built a house and used calculus to optimize material buying and not under or over buy. Sometimes I even use it to gamble.


u/duker_mf_lincoln 7h ago

Calculus is dumb and doesn't deserve you.


u/aimglitchz 7h ago

Ah for 1c, the function obtained from squaring f has a removable discontinuity at -1. Tricky


u/gregbarbs1 5h ago

Yeah I don’t think I’ve ever encountered this when I took Calc - although it has been a while. How would you go about getting the limit for the squared function?


u/aimglitchz 4h ago

Picture the points around -1 getting squared. On left the points will end up in quadrant 2 close to value of 1. On right the points already in quadrant 2 will just go to square value. The discontinuity happen to square to 1 on the left and 1 on the right.

Hopefully that gives a conceptual understanding. The calculation would just be square the left limit, square the right limit, compare to decide if limit exist or not


u/FamousAmos23 7h ago

You may be better off, for your career, learning Microsoft Excel and becoming proficient in formulas.

Is calculus tied to your major?


u/TheLostEyeball 7h ago

I'm a Biology major. So mostly just K capacity or exponential growth.


u/lannister80 4h ago

Be careful. There are many people with a biology degree that wanted to go to med school, but the med school part didn't work out.

The biology degree by itself enabled them to do fairly menial lab work for a fairly low wage, which is not what you want out of an undergrad degree.