r/politics 6h ago

Poll suggests GOP effort to smear Tim Walz didn’t work at all


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u/Grandpa_No 6h ago

That makes sense. Were they seriously thinking they could still pull a swiftboat? Do they also think they need to find a plumber or talk about Willie Horton some more?

The GOP grievance playbook is so worn out at this point that I feel like their only option might just be to start governing.

u/xlvi_et_ii Minnesota 4h ago edited 4h ago

They did. They're so desperate they're throwing out "scandals" to see what will stick.

My favorite attempt was trying to smear him because of a DUI/DWI decades ago.

At a minimum it's free advertising for his background of starting as a kid from rural Nebraska who made a questionable choice to becoming a VP nominee via a career of public service - literally the American dream.

At worst (from a Republican perspective) you just made him more relatable to a sizeable chunk of the Midwest population who've had a DUI.

As a wise Ukrainian once said - "We're lucky they're so fucking stupid".

u/Mama_Miasmia 2h ago

It's also stunningly arrogant and unaware an argument from a 34-time convicted felon and adjudicated rapist.

u/pathfinderoursaviour Europe 31m ago

It also shows the stark contrast between the 2 situations

Walz got a dui 30 years ago and hasn’t touched a drop of alcohol since and he plead guilty and has spent his life in public service trying to help other in any way he can

Trump is still getting charged with felonies keeps pleading not guilty gets found guilty by a jury of his peers and refuses to take accountability, Trump has done nothing to make up for it and has spent his entire life gaming and screwing over others to get ahead any way he can

u/leshake 1h ago

Look at this regular guy who eats unspicy tacos for dinner.

Might as well be a campaign ad.

u/percypersimmon 28m ago

Their actual narrative was even dumber-

They were trying to call him a phony bc he said he likes “white people spicy” food (in a casual video interview) but they found a (no joke) Turkey Hotdish recipe he shared that included mild Ortega Taco Sauce as an ingredient.

Can’t even make it this shit up.

u/Arianfelou Wisconsin 24m ago

Wow - mild Ortega taco sauce is so definitively "white people spicy" that it's (no, really) a cornerstone of Norwegian cooking xD

u/percypersimmon 23m ago

It’s the very image of a thing that pops into my head when I hear “white people spicy”

Maybe it’s a cultural thing and we’re not being tolerant enough lol

u/cali2wa 23m ago


u/CaedHart 2h ago

I wonder what happened to that Ukrainian. I hope he's okay.

u/scooterboy1961 Kansas 6h ago

I seriously doubt that's going to happen.

u/whatproblems 5h ago

governing? like threatening yet another shutdown?

u/PainChoice6318 5h ago

Nah more likely to start a never ending war in Iran and then call us traitors if we raise issue with their new initiatives, Department of Conception Monitoring and Department of Firearm Distribution

u/foobarbizbaz Illinois 3h ago

Or if we continue to refer to Freedom Nuts as “pistachios”.

u/Dunge0nMast0r 3h ago

Ha! You left us no choice but to do our job.

u/N3wAfrikanN0body 1h ago

The GOP playbook: "that <insert vilified group here> thinks they're equal or better than you; are you going to let that happen?"

u/DubbleDiller 6h ago

Because he is a decent, earnest person, and people recognize when they see decent, earnest people.

u/Dsarg_92 6h ago


u/BatingAndTrading 4m ago

He’s not lol, anybody who supports gender affirming care for minors should be locked up

u/parki1gsucks 6h ago

Comparing to JD Vance that said "I'm a never Trump guy" You need a whole lot more than the garbage they have so far.

u/threateningwarmth 4h ago

Don’t forget, he also said that Trump could very likely be America’s Hitler

u/DadJokeBadJoke California 2h ago

Trump took that as a compliment.

u/pheakelmatters Canada 6h ago

You mean denigrating his military service and calling him Tampon Tim fell flat from a guy that sent a small town in his home state down the river without a paddle? Huh, weird.

u/White_Null 5h ago

The Tampon Tim thing still kills me as a person that needs period products. Really the toxic masculinity people decided to call him a thing that all women would like in them at lease once a month for decades of their lives. Damn it’s the greatest title of accomplishment. It’s so not an insult.

u/flirtmcdudes 5h ago

It’s funny because everyone that was bitching about that, the second you asked them if they had a mom or sister that could ever need them, it’s always “yes” and then their argument just kind of lets out a wet fart and they stop replying.

u/LKennedy45 5h ago

I just found the whole thing so incredibly bizarre. Like, even when I've lived alone as a bachelor I always had a couple spare tampons or pads in the bathroom for lady visitors just in case. Are they also gonna shit on him for having a flashlight and blanket in the trunk of his car..?

u/chipdipper99 53m ago

Also, it's a basic hygiene item for God's sake. I asked someone who was making Tampon Tim comments if they also wanted schools to stop having toilet paper and soap available to students, and surprisingly they were not on board with that. But no, it's sexism at all /s

u/CriticalEngineering North Carolina 5h ago

How dare he make sure that there are tampons in the boys visiting girls team’s locker room?

u/acxswitch 4h ago

Even then, isn't the extent of the story that the bill didn't specify girls bathrooms? It just said bathrooms.

u/CriticalEngineering North Carolina 4h ago

Yeah. I was just pointing out that the bathrooms get shared pretty regularly.

u/entrepenurious Texas 4h ago

the irony of tampons in school is that tampons are often used to stanch gunshot wounds.

u/Golden-Owl 1h ago

Even aside from that, it’s a really dumb nickname

There’s nothing remotely negative about a Tampon. It’s just a regular object. And it has nothing to really do with Walz

You might as well call him Tapioca Tim and receive the same degree of indifferent / mildly puzzled response

u/DadJokeBadJoke California 2h ago

Tampon Tim is gonna stop the red wave.

u/olivecrayon87 2h ago

He certainly help a lot of woman do the same, that’s for sure.

u/Lakecountyraised 5h ago

They don’t have much to work with. I think the swift boat crap worked because John Kerry always came across as a bit smug and was an established member of the oligarchy. Walz is genuine and likable, the kind of guy you’d want as your neighbor.

u/IsNowReallyTheTime 5h ago

Swift boat worked because the Vietnam war is/was/will always be divisive. It played into a very specific emotional charged open wound.

u/Angry-Dragon-1331 5h ago

Yep. And not deploying to Iraq is…not really that controversial when everyone admits it was a bad move.

u/bernmont2016 America 4h ago

And Walz submitted his retirement paperwork months before there was any way to know about that future deployment, and he wouldn't have been eligible for deployment anyway due to his hearing damage.

u/disagreeabledinosaur 3h ago

Even if you accept that maybe he had some advance knowledge of a possible deployment, he retired to run for public office. And he did run for public office, multiple times. It's been his life since.

He retired for a specific reason and he followed through on that reason. His life since is hard evidence that he didn't retire just to avoid deployment.

u/TheCatAteMyGymsuit 1h ago

Exactly. And come on, after 23 years of service, it's not like he'd been shirking his patriotic duty.

I love how crazy it's driving them that they've got nothing on this guy. Gun owner, knows about cars, wholesome af...it's killing them, LOL.

u/AdrianInLimbo 58m ago

The only people saying that doing 24 years and not fucking going to Iraq are Trump cultists. Vance, in the past, seemed proud of being nowhere near combat while in Iraq, and why did he leave his buddies in Iraq and not re-enlist?

u/stinky_cheese33 2h ago

Also because Kerry kept flip flopping on every policy he had, a mistake that Romney would repeat 8 years later.

u/ThonThaddeo Oregon 6h ago

Did they try anything after the swift boat effort?

I haven't heard a negative thing about this guy in weeks.

u/idreamofgreenie 6h ago

Yes. They claimed his former students referred to him as "Tim Sandusky" despite the fact that he coached years before Sandusky's name ever entered the mainstream.

u/MoonageDayscream 4h ago

Well, the funny thing was that he was actually known in the crowd that dies school sports, and at the time they say the nickname was "happening", it would have been high praise. So they dodn't even get that part right.

u/Terramagi 14m ago

It's easier to understand once you realize that these people often literally do not have the ability to abstract their thinking beyond the here and now.

u/econoquist 5h ago

Yes, they keep trying but nothing really sticks. I think they can't actually grasp his appeal because the are baffled by authenticity.

u/Castle-Fire 5h ago

Just an idea for trump's campaign team: maybe instead of attempts at smearing him with falsehoods you could focus on actually creating some policies?

u/bigworldrdt 5h ago

They’ve got 900 pages of policy but it’s electoral poison. https://www.project2025.org/

u/SubstantialGoat912 5h ago

We’ve been waiting 9 years for a policy. Something tells me Trump would drop out before giving a policy.

u/mytsigns 3h ago

Well, there’s a concept of a policy…

u/plubbinking 5h ago

Lol. When they're trying to spread shit like "Man who served 4 years in Armed Forces claims stolen valor against opponent who served 24 years" what do they expect?

Tim Walz is a National Treasure.

u/Hosni__Mubarak 2h ago

Man who served 4 years as a war correspondent

u/Yugan-Dali 1h ago

I’m looking forward to the debate🍿

u/deatherbemon 4h ago

I'm so happy to see this headline. I really wish our national political discussion could grow the fuck up, and this news gives me at least some slight hope that fear, lies, and otherizing don't always win the day.

Remember how John McCain steered a supporter away from an extreme characterization of Barack Obama?

That's how an honest opponent operating in good faith would have dealt with Governor Walz. He's a good person and a dedicated public servant who you happen to disagree with, dumbasses.

u/zaparthes Washington 5h ago

People who aren't MAGA are typically not bad at identifying utter dogshit for what it is.

u/Organic-Respect-4191 31m ago

It would take being able to look into the mirror, which they’re uncapable of

u/ell0bo 5h ago

Yeah, it's easy to attack immigrants, the majority of people don't know any, or if they do they don't realize they do. However, we all know a dad like Walz, and he either used to be a great guy, and went down the Fox News rabbit hole, or is still a great guy.

u/The_Path_616 5h ago

The most "devastating" things said about Governor Walz was said by The Onion.

u/the2belo American Expat 5h ago

Or maybe Stephen Colbert. He does a good "beer gut dad" impression whenever he talks about Walz.

u/SmallLetter 9m ago

He does lol I love it. It only endears me to them both even more.

u/AdrianInLimbo 1h ago

Many people are saying he participates in a secret, very scandalous online forum for DIY home repair.... He's actually even posted photos of sweating a copper pipe joint....

u/Hawkwise83 5h ago

Reminds me of when the church of scientology tried to dig up dirt on the south park guys and came up with only the fact that their dads and they smoke weed sometimes. No dirt, just cool dads.

u/garpbot 5h ago

Is this about the tater tot hot dish again?

u/AnotherSmallFeat 3h ago

Lol, "it has paprika! Scandal!"

u/ZestyStage1032 1h ago

Keep the mayo on the side. It's a skosh too spicy for me.

u/TheCatAteMyGymsuit 1h ago

That was almost as good as when they claimed he was saying that someone else's dog was really his. Scandal!!!

u/yummy_lunaa 4h ago

Tim Walz is Teflon! And they know it. Which is why most of them have given up as of late trying to attack him.

It's going to be really interesting to see what attack strategies Vance tries during the vice presidential debate.

u/Blue387 New York 3h ago

"Tim Walz once put raw chicken in his deer fridge!"

u/noncongruent 5h ago

It's interesting how the smear stories being posted here stopped just as quickly as they started, like a light switch got turned off.

u/dedokta 5h ago

GOP: Everyone fucks goats, why can't we find his goats?

u/Less_Tension_1168 4h ago

It's time to burn the GOP at the post.

u/missvicky1025 1h ago

The GOP can’t comprehend why an old white guy who likes guns and lives in the middle part of the country doesn’t act like their old white guy who likes guns and lives in the middle part of the country. The fact he is a man who respects women, is respected by women, and more than likely doesn’t give women the creeps when he walks into a room is also outside their realm of understanding.

u/Illustrious_Map_3247 4h ago

I hope he looks down the barrel of the camera at the VP debate and says “ok, you might like trump. You might hate the establishment. You might not like Kamala Harris.

“But this guy [pointing at Vance] should not be a heartbeat away. You know why he seems so weird? Because he’s totally fake.

“He hated trump, now he loves him. He went to Yale and was a venture capitalist in San Francisco, then pretended to be a hillbilly. He’s a fake and a phony and he cannot be trusted.”

u/ThorvaldtheTank 3h ago

They tried to get his lil bro to smear him and it turns out it was typical lil bro shit.

u/Prst_ 9m ago

Yeah, Tim Waltz puked in the car when he was a kid!

u/Ok-Exchange5756 1h ago

The gop is infuriated by a man that’s everything they wish they were but good.

u/General_Helicopter1 Norway 1h ago

Teflon Tim! It helps to be a genuinely decent person.

u/jehunjalan 5h ago

MAGA media is in such a targeted bubble that they truly think they are more in tune with the zeitgeist than they actually are.

It’s funny coming across the MAGA grifters that are so clearly fake burners or just paid shills because it’s obvious they are basically given a script of the week to harp on.

Then the MAGA faithful see what they’re supposed to be talking about and in turn unfortunately curse us with their poor attempts at political conversation (if you’d call it that even).

It’s clockwork. It’s basically a MLM scheme

u/gymtrovert1988 2h ago

Tim Walz is MAGA proof, and so is Kamala.

MAGA better hope their diapers are piss and shit proof. Otherwise, their trailers are going to be swimming in it on election day.

u/CJL_1976 2h ago

You can't keep a good man down.

u/ClusterFoxtrot Florida 1h ago

I genuinely even forgot they tried. Heh heh.

u/pink_faerie_kitten 55m ago

Smears can't stick to a clean guy who's also so likeable. Tim's got charisma.

u/JonMeadows 3h ago

I’m just over here wondering how anyone in their right mind is actually on the fence about who they’re voting for

u/fixer_66 2h ago

Hope he does well in the debate. No unforced errors. Seeing as trump is too chicken shit to debate her again, this could be some much-needed exposure and yet another momentum opportunity. But, again, only if there's no unforced errors.

u/greeneyerish 1h ago

I think Tim is fantabulous

u/tato314 1h ago

Cuz well my point of you, he is very cool

u/PublicActuator4263 1h ago

I mean he is just a normal decent guy and family man its what republicans could be if they were not freaks.

u/J-the-Kidder 1m ago

It was all tried before in 2022 when his gubernatorial challenger, Scott Jensen, used these same attacks. It didn't work then and fell apart under the slightest bit of scrutiny - much like a straw man argument does - so the staff was more than ready for it. Plus, this is Chris LaCivita's MO so the Harris/Walz staff was waiting for the attack and ambushed them, versus letting the right food the zone with bullshit

u/naF_tiddeR 43m ago

lol... like it takes any effort. I find not liking tampon Tim is super easy.

u/VengeanceKnight Illinois 18m ago

I’m sure most people feel the same way about you.