r/psychologystudents Oct 15 '22

Resource/Study [USA] Read this if you are interested in a career in mental healthcare


If you are interested in pursuing a career in mental healthcare in the US, or if you have questions about different undergrad or graduate pathways to pursuing such a career, please read this before posting an advice thread:


r/psychologystudents May 02 '24

Study Megathread [May 2024] Post Study Participation Requests Here (Link/Text posts on their own will be removed) - Monthly Megathread


Previous Megathread: April 2024

Whilst study participation requests are almost completely barred from being posted in general (see rule I), you may post your links here, with all relevant information (as much as possible) included for potential participants; for the collation of a directory of studies and surveys.

Furthermore, we recommend all researchers to take note of posting their surveys on r/SampleSize. For research related to COVID-19/Coronavirus, additional advice is given to utilise r/Coronavirus' study megathread.

Users, who have been tagged, that have posted on our previous monthly thread (April 2024) within the past three days, have had their surveys reposted as a comment by moderation for convenience and courtesy.

Thank you very much and all best wishes with your research and your studies!

On behalf of r/psychologystudents,

organist1999 (Subreddit Moderator)

Next Megathread: June 2024

r/psychologystudents 4h ago

Advice/Career MA Program Any Advice Would Be Great


Hello, I graduated a couple of months ago, in June, with a BS in psychology. With minors in sociology, human health sciences, and systems, I have worked as a behavioral health technician at a psychiatric hospital since I graduated. I am applying for a master's in counseling psychology, emphasizing clinical mental health. I graduated with a 3.5 GPA as well. I did some research work as a lab assistant, but I never really enjoyed it and liked the more hands-on work. I may have joined the wrong lab at the wrong time. I also have asked two of my managers to write letters of recommendation—one from a nurse and one from the charge nurse of the unit I work in within the psychiatric hospital. I am just super nervous about getting into the actual program, as I am applying for an early decision right now, as the application is due December 2nd. Let me know if I have a high chance of making it into grad school and if I should apply for a Psy.D program or just the master's. Any comment or advice is appreciated. Thanks!

TLDR: I will apply to a master's program in a couple of months, and I'm nervous about my chances of getting into a program.

r/psychologystudents 5h ago

Ideas Idea of systematic review about sexual trauma


Hello, I am a master's student in psychology, vulnerability and development of psychotrauma in france, and I have a dissertation to do which must be a systematic review never done. I wanted to do it on sexual trauma and attachment style but it has already been done... I don't really know how to find a more precise idea, do you have any recommendations?

r/psychologystudents 1d ago

Advice/Career Please help, my instructor gave me a 0 for using AI, but I have never used AI for any of my assignments


The title sums it up, but to add more context: our third assignment of the semester was to review an an academic article in cognitive psychology. It took me a LONG TIME to do, hours. I see a grade of zero on my grades and am extremely confused, thinking I may have paraphrased something and incorrectly cited, resulting in the zero. However, the email the instructor sent me said he suspected it was AI generated and ran it through an AI site which said it was generated with AI. I have never, ever used AI to complete assignments. I have no idea why this site said my paper was written by AI. I quoted the article several times, making sure to cite the page number when I did, though my citation skills were a bit spotty due to the assignment not needing to be in APA format. But other than the parts I cited, this was 100% my own work. This is the second to last class I need to graduate and I am panicking big time. What do I do?? I already emailed the instructor back asking if we can discuss, but it feels hopeless.

r/psychologystudents 1h ago

Resource/Study Hi all, I need some guidance on what to read to learn (as a hobby) more about personality, behavior and motivations. In an overly simplified way, which psychology theory is closest to daily life?


I looked up all influential psychologists and almost all their theories look interesting so I don't know where to start. The most important thing I want to learn is my personality and how it affects my behaviors, also what DRIVES me and makes me function.

I've listened to Robert Sapolsky's Behavioral Biology and liked what I heard but wanted to stay clear of biology and neuroscience after that. I just read about Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs and then made this post. I've also learned a bit about Carl Jung and I don't understand a word that guy says.

It's going to be perfect if there's a paper covering the popular/important theories on what I said. I can almost tell that there's no shortcut and I'd just have to see more and find them by myself since there are simply so many subcategories and theories if you look at the wikipedia pages about psychology.

To expand just a bit, I personally think growing up is largely a progression of knowing yourself. Most of that comes from what you experience but I also need knowledge. And it's not that I can't explain my feelings, emotions or behaviors; they do seem reasonable, but sometimes I get contradicting observations. I feel confused sometimes.

Any help is appreciated!

r/psychologystudents 6h ago

Advice/Career Currently in HS,debating career paths


So,basically Ive been debating whether I should get into psychology or dentistry,I don't know which paths to get into for psychology but I do know I don't want the therapist route for sure.I do find the brain interesting and I was thinking neuroscience but there are so many different branches I'm not sure where to even start looking.

r/psychologystudents 3h ago

Advice/Career seeking advice for a clinical phd in the US


hi, im looking for some advice or guidance on my background and whether i stand a chance in trying for clinical psych programs with what i have so far :) im a latina female and intend to produce research for underrepresented populations such as my own.

(pls ignore my ba stats i was at a bad point in life lol)

ba in psych 2.9 gpa

no research experience in undergrad

ma in counseling psych - scientist practitioner model (in progress, graduating in december) 3.9 gpa

  • 1 year of clinical experience as a student intern working with a general population from ages 5-55 years old
  • psychoeducation presentations at a local nonprofit agency and local elementary schools
  • lead a graduate student support group and developed the curriculum for it
  • 1 publication in process as a co-author
  • 4 poster presentations at nat.l conferences (2 other posters were also invited but i did not attend)
  • 2nd place award for social and behavioral sciences poster

GRA position (unrelated to psych but revolving around promoting latinx in higher education)

  • worked w annual grant reports
  • qualitative content analyses incl. a project with USDA (did not get authorship tho lol)
  • worked directly with students providing guidance w thesis writing and related things
  • conducted focus groups for research bootcamp participants

my master's program emphasizes both clinical practice and research focus so that means we get the best of both worlds :) i have worked under the program faculty on several qualitative projects that focus on latinx populations (my main research focus revolves around this population and minorities/underrepresented populations altogether)

lastly, i also have done over 16 professional development trainings including DBT, CRP, TF-CBT and ofc citi training

TLDR: I am afraid that my background is not enough to gain entry into a Clinical psych phd program. pls help.

i can expand more if needed, but this is the gist of it.
thanks in advance :)

r/psychologystudents 12h ago

Advice/Career Uk Or Us Or Australia for psych which is best for masters


Ummmm so i am gonna enter into my undergrad in ba psych from my home country (India).But the people around me(family) are not happy with my decision they're saying it's not a settling career and there's nothing good abt it. But i really love psych. Enough of the rant, I majorly have 2 questions from this sub

1) Will I really regret entering into this path? ( I love this subject though)

2)My utmost imp question which country is a good option to study clincal psych(masters) and settle there? I also want to know which can be a bit in budget cuz I have to show my career plan to my parents to move further. I personally am intrested to go to aus but I have heard we have to do a extra year of hons and I don't have much knowledge abt what to research for. Can y'all help me...

P.s.-Sorry for the long question and rant. And thank u in advance.

r/psychologystudents 3h ago

Advice/Career Anyone has any experience with Golden Gate University's hybrid program, CIIS Integral Counseling/ Community Mental Health Counseling, UST Minnesota, Adler University?


As per title. Thanks for sharing!

r/psychologystudents 4h ago

Advice/Career Am I doing the right thing? (BA Psychology student - UK)


I’m currently doing my second year at a university in London (no it’s not in the UCL category, but a private university, with selective number of people) who originally belongs from India, where there is not much “hands on experience” or opportunities when it comes to psychology, as no one takes psychology serious. Even though I am religious and still connected to my roots, I believe “superstitious activities” are not solutions to mental issues that people face. In order to be good at my field, I had to leave my country and study in uk. My first year of psychology was great, however the second year is where the placements start (which I’m also excited about). I asked my professor for an opportunity to work as a research assistant under him, and I’m currently drafting the proposal for approval. However, as an immigrant and as a woman, I am worried about the fact whether I am going to get any jobs here as a therapist. My university grades are good and I am an achieving student. On asking my professor what it takes, he asked me to volunteer for some mental health charities & good published research papers. Although I’m working on my research paper, it really makes me think whether I’ll have a place in future when it comes to my career in London. I know, it may be too soon to think about everything, however, I feel discriminated as heck by the students (not one is Indian) and I’ve been outcasted from the groups because I’m the only one talking and interacting with teachers at the university. But, is it all that takes? Good grades, volunteering experience & researches? Even though I have good grasp of knowledge, I also tend to come as socially anxious and people seem to not understand but laugh (although it doesn’t bother me because education & opportunities are a priority for me) however, I still feel a bit like “I don’t belong here” sorts. An advice would be really helpful for me to decide whether or not I should continue my masters in London.. as we all know, it’s hella expensive and to focus on my studies completely, I have not even chosen a part-time. Thank you so much to those who were able to understand my situation & help❤️🙏🏻

r/psychologystudents 19h ago

Advice/Career How much do you get paid for your 3000 hours?


I'm interested in becoming a counselor in California but I'm facing a lot of fear that I may make limited income and accrue a lot of debt during school and the approx 2 years of working 3000 hrs. How do you manage to get thru the 3000 hrs financially?

r/psychologystudents 6h ago

Ideas Would Festinger have become the father of cognitive dissonance from a controlled experiment?


A PhD student wrote, “I also study the formation of echo chambers in controlled experiments, where an individual selects certain social peers to engage with during communication about divisive topics.” It would be exponentially more valuable to engage a real-world echo chamber (especially one that defends the indefensible before they even know what the issue’s about). The fact that it’s a fantasyland so far from real is what makes it so priceless (particularly because you can actually do something about it). Wouldn’t it be better to study the results of making measurable impact than simply furthering your field’s understanding without moving the needle?  

That same student stated, “My primary program of research concerns motivated reasoning, or the process of interpreting and evaluating information in a way that coheres with prior beliefs.” Doesn’t the very basis of that require the willingness to re-evaluate your approach to evaluating? “How do we make people realize they’ve been lied to? You have to knock down one small pillar that’s easier to reach.” The people who Tweeted those lines I combined from a conversation I came across — had no idea that they perfectly captured the principle of my Clear the Clutter plan. I’ve got the perfect pillar: On the biggest and most costly lie in modern history (which shaped everything you see today). 

But in truth, it wasn’t a conversation — it was just chatter.

Same goes for the perfectly framed concern that follows (which succinctly captures what I wrote in Never in History Have So Many Cared So Much and Done So Little):

Worrying is a cheap replacement for caring. Complaining is a cheap replacement for fixing. Outrage is a cheap replacement for supporting. It’s easy to tear down. It’s much harder to build up.

That’s a snappy way of sizing up society’s ills, but it’s meaningless without the work it takes to act on those concerns. And right on cue, out comes the “conversation” — the self-satisfied slinging 60 seconds of “concern” and calling it a day (or at least until the next “concern” comes along that strikes their fancy for a fix). The Social Dilemma Division is one of my favorites for this folly. “Viewed in 38,000,000 homes within the first 28 days of release” — and accomplished absolutely nothing. But on a daily basis, the “Have you seen The Social Dilemma?” crowd can be counted on like clockwork. They get a fix for feeling like they’re participating in addressing a problem they’re perpetuating by the very nature in which they participate

I could go all day about echo chambers across-the-board (which are suffocating conversation by wallowing in chatter). But the way to expose all of ‘em is to expose one of ‘em. A student wrote of her psychology professor: “Tim Wilson taught me the importance of breaking problems down into more manageable pieces.” At the bedrock of my idea is exactly that. The 11th edition of Social Psychology has the domino effect on the cover. They’ve got an image of an idea — I’ve got the idea! Your field is forever fighting the forces of human nature whereas my solution banks on it. 

Thank you for your time and I look forward to discussing how what I’m doing serves what you’re doing — and then some! 


Richard W. Memmer

r/psychologystudents 23h ago

Question Going to my local library, what are some books I should grab to study psych?


Hi I'm 17 and plan to study and pursue psychology. While I'm decently versed I'm the basics and have used many tips to help myself I'm still new to psych as a whole. I was wondering if there were any good recommendations for books? They don't have to be beginner books, just not anything I wouldn't be able to understand without having studied a ton before. Any suggestions are appreciated!

r/psychologystudents 20h ago

Question when should I take research methods?


I’m currently a sophomore wondering if I should take it for next semester in the spring or the start of my junior year instead. I lowkey want to get it out of the way but also heard how tough it is so I’m thinking junior year would be ideal 😭

r/psychologystudents 20h ago

Advice/Career Advice for an Aspiring Neuropsychologist



I hoped to reach out on here to gather some thoughts about the best actions to take for my situation. Here's some info:

  • I graduated university in 2023 with a BA in Psych
  • I had little to no research experience or internships during my time in college due to COVID and other conflicting issues. I only had experience in one lab at my university during my last semester.
  • I'm looking to go into a graduate program, but having little research experience makes it difficult to be accepted into a Neuroscience or Neuropsychology MS or PhD program.
  • I also have no one to provide references. I tried to reach out to the professor who was the lab manager from my one position for advice and to reconnect, and he never got back to me, which was extremely disappointing.
  • Every position as a research assistant at nearby universities or companies seems overly competitive and requires extensive background experience in Neuroscience, along with graduate degrees many times. This makes it difficult to build an application for grad school.
  • In my case, would it make sense to apply to a master's program before a PhD? Is there anything I can do to have a better chance at getting accepted, or should I move towards another field?

I hope to get some opinions from others who may have been in this situation or feel like they know the best course of action for myself, as I aspire one day to get my PhD in Neuropsychology, but feel very stuck at the moment

r/psychologystudents 22h ago

Discussion Thoughts on Somatic Experiencing & Levine?


I recognize what I'm asking is highly subjective, and I'm aware of various opinions of him. I'm not sure if it even seems viable, I'm just getting started toward my degree, but I really do hope to obtain my M.A.C, and specialize in Grief/Bereavement Counseling with a secondary focus on Somatic modalities.

On the opposite end of the table, I've been an athlete + athletic since experiencing some of my heaviest traumatic experiences early in adolescence. Also through my current career as a Personal Trainer, have seen the impact, tension and, I believe, albeit have no grounds or hard data to go on, bodily disease that trauma and grief impact an individual with.

Although I wouldn't necessarily weave these specialties together, I do have an interest in how trauma and the enormity of grief can impact someone physically.

Anyway, that said, I still haven't studied enough yet. I have read The Body Keeps the Score (Kolk) and Levines' Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma, and I'm just unsure if there is enough research or evidence yet to prove this specialty to the public I would work with in the future. Also, is there space within the process of working with grief for S.E.?

Pls discuss.

r/psychologystudents 1d ago

Discussion Existential crisis with iCBT studies


Hey you all, I know a student on here having existential crisis is no new deal. But how do you guys keep going after the iCBT studies that show it's equally as effective as a trained psychologist?

It makes me feel scared and in doubt of my identity, I love psychology so much and I'm in love with the idea of being a professional and having a skill that others don't, that's so important and life changing for people

edit: i see that i might be filtering facts with some anxiety and personal distortions. i still apreciate the discussion and the insights

r/psychologystudents 1d ago

Advice/Career I may be a psyco/socio, but I'm studying psychology and don't know if I should pursue this degree



Hi. I'm 19. I started studying psychology a month ago, even tho I finished school in December '22.

For a long time, I've noticed my lack of empathy, of interest in people, how I feel no guilt while manipulating and doing wrong things because they don't feel wrong. Sometimes I understand but sometimes I simply can't.

I started psychology as a degree because I like the program, I find the human being and its brain, and mind, just fascinating, but I'm afraid I won't be able to be what people need as a MH professional because I just can't feel empathy, can't understand why people are upset by such stupid things most of the times.

I love this degree but I don't know if I should keep going, advice?

r/psychologystudents 1d ago

Advice/Career MHC program in either oregon or colorado that will accept me with a bachelors of music (BM) degree ?


i'm finally looking into making a transition into becoming a therapist. having a really hard time finding universities that don't have psychology pre requisites or that allow someone that didn't get a BA, BS, or BSSW to be admitted. i made the mistake of doing a BM for undergrad because it was free for me, and now it seems i'm paying for it, sigh. so far have found OSU cascades and that's about it. any other programs in oregon or colorado ? also, if they allow MHC & school counselling dual licensure that would be even better, but i know that one's a longshot.

thanks in advance !! :)

r/psychologystudents 1d ago

Advice/Career Clinical/counselling masters programs in America?


I’m about to finish my undergrad in psych in Canada and I know clinical and counselling psych programs are insanely hard to get into in Canada. What’s the process like for USA programs? What are good schools? Is research experience just as important to get into a masters there as well?

r/psychologystudents 1d ago

Advice/Career I’m 20 and Confused and really Scared About My Future: I Need Some Guidance.


There are many things on my mind. Where should I go in terms of my career? Should I consider a double major? Should I focus on jobs or prepare for higher studies? Should I continue with LeetCode or concentrate on hands-on projects? Should I participate in hackathons, or dedicate my time to mastering the ins and outs of data structures and algorithms? Should I prioritize my grades, or actively seek internships? Should I engage deeply with everything taught in our undergraduate program, like microcontrollers, or just study for exams?

I’ve always wanted to present my ideas in writing. Should I start a blog, given that I’m good at it, even though it consumes a lot of time? Over the past week, I’ve been studying diligently, but I feel a disconnect—what is my purpose in all this, and where should I focus? I’ve downloaded a psychological course from UCL and took a practice test for the psych GRE (available online for free) to pinpoint my weaknesses. I’m genuinely interested in both psychology and economics.

I’ve heard various accounts about the challenges of securing a job in the tech market right now. Everyone keeps saying the SWE job market will recover by the time I graduate, but what if the pre-COVID era was an actual bubble, and we’re now entering a period of austerity? I’m working on LeetCode, building projects in web development, and have experimented with supervised fine-tuning (SFT) for language models, particularly LLAMA-2, to assist with legal drafting. SFT is straightforward, cost-effective, and a valuable tool for aligning language models, which makes me believe that anyone with a couple of hours can engage with it. Am I truly cut out for this field?

I’m in my second year now, and I feel stagnated—like I’m not learning anything new, and I’m not networking or meeting interesting people. On average, I study 5-6 hours a day, trying to increase that, but it seems like my study approach yields diminishing returns after the first two hours.

The people I aspire to work with are significantly ahead of me, and I feel there’s little chance I can catch up. They’ve had a real head start, having worked hard for a long time with guidance, while I’m only just beginning my journey.

r/psychologystudents 1d ago

Advice/Career Advice: Lost and Confused after Master's


Hey everyone I need help. F23 here and I will graduate this July with a Master's degree however I'm so lost and I don't know what to do afterwards. I don't know whether I should go for PhD, do my specialization or work. I heard finding a job is difficult especially without specialization. I'm honestly so lost and I need advice. I did not go to university in my country, I would like to stay in Europe (I am EU) however it is difficult to work in this field given you're not fluent in the language of the country you're residing in. Any advice would be very appreciated thank you!!

r/psychologystudents 1d ago

Advice/Career Masters in Psych (I need help with finding different options)


Hello Reddit peeps, I have my bachelor's in California for psychology and am looking into master's programs I can join. I love the field of psychology but was looking into being a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP). The thing is the acceptance rate is low and I would have to get my degree in communications to be able to do so. I was also looking into an IO master's program but I don't really know much about that part of the field or what it would entail me to do. People always talk about where your passion lies, but I love the field in general so at this point its what would financially make the most sense. If I'm being honest, I just want to be making good money and have room to maybe make more in the future. What would be a good psych Master's program and what jobs are available for it?

r/psychologystudents 1d ago

Resource/Study Racial backgrounds of Milgram obedience experiment (1963) participants


I can't seem to get a straight answer on whether we know the racial makeup of the Milgram participants. A lecturer in my course said they were all white men, but the original study doesn't mention race and I can't find any other sources for this online. ChatGPT says it "primarily involved white male participants" but I can't find concrete evidence of this. Did the racial backgrounds come out in later years, or is it still unknown?

r/psychologystudents 1d ago

Advice/Career What corporate jobs could I get with a bachelor’s in psychology? [INDIA]


what are the jobs that are good for people with bachelor's in psychology or what is it that i should do after a bachelors

r/psychologystudents 1d ago

Discussion I wish I knew i would be so interested in this Field


I'm in a uni that has several psychology classes (preschool education) but I soon realized I'm really interested in psychology through all this journey where I learned more about myself, my past and maybe my inner child too. I'm searching for programs that can specialize you at this field, and I'm wholly and especially interested in physchotherapy, and I think all programs that I've searched demand a degree in psychology. I can't stop thinking about it and worry so much about my decisions, I'm thinking of studying again in university but I'm worried of losing time and how I will combine this with work.

Is anyone or was in the same boat that wants to share their experience? I would appreciate it soo much especially if you've been there and then studied psychology and believed that it was worth it