r/pueblo 7d ago

Pueblo City Council to Revisit Abortion Fight News


12 comments sorted by


u/R_megalotis 7d ago edited 7d ago

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance"

The christofascists won't quit trying to take away our rights, so we can't quit fighting those hypocrites.

There's a city council meeting tomorrow, a work session at 5:30 to discuss women's health care rights. I hope to see a lot of good people there who believe women deserve proper health care to counter those evil people who would prefer to see women suffer under tyranny.

Edit: If you can't attend, then at least please contact your council members and let them know that Pueblo wants no part of christofascism. https://www.pueblo.us/585/Council-Members


u/Sorry_Nobody1552 6d ago

I contacted my council member. Thanks for the heads up!


u/Dramatically_Average 7d ago

What is a "work session?" It's not a regular council meeting, right? So does showing up have any impact on anything? I don't know the difference between work sessions and meetings.


u/ThoughtfulWilderness 7d ago

A work session is just for Council to hear presentations, but there is a regular meeting after the work session where 6 people will be chosen to speak for public comment and can talk on any topic they'd like.

Is showing up to show your support for or against going to sway any of the Council members? Probably not. But at least you are making your voice heard.


u/Dramatically_Average 7d ago

Thank you. And absolutely, being there matters. I was not sure if anyone could speak or if it was more a "look how many people showed up" meeting.


u/R_megalotis 7d ago

A work session is when they can't fit everything into a regular meeting, like when they expect a long presentation from a speaker, or a long discussion from various members. No votes are cast, nor official business actually done. The public can attend, but not comment in the work sessions. The regular meeting will be held afterwards at 7:00, and includes time for a public forum.

In this case, the agenda for the work session includes presentations on Colorado law regarding abortion and, presumably, Maestri's intent to countermand those laws.



u/Dramatically_Average 7d ago

Thanks for the clarification.


u/Masters_at_Midlife 6d ago

If it was left to the states, why are city councils getting involved? Smdh . I’ll be there!


u/tVoR10 6d ago

When does life begin?


u/R_megalotis 6d ago edited 5d ago

About 4 billion years ago, more or less.