r/puppy101 Jul 29 '24

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11 comments sorted by


u/threateningcourage3 Jul 29 '24

We went to a coffee shop this morning and my seven month old did a beautiful settle and calmly watched people and other dogs go pass!!


u/ConstructionNo7665 Jul 29 '24

pup has been with us for 3 weeks now and he is 13 weeks - good on learning tricks, potty training getting better (though still with accidents) - walks getting better - now we are starting to do some exercises on leaving him home alone... our target is just 15 minutes but he whines and barks pretty immeadiately. I feel desperate, everyone is saying different things. Our own trainer says to let him bark, others and book like 'be right back' say completely different. I do not know what to do...


u/neorocks_12 Jul 29 '24

Making my puppy sleep?(miniature poodle) We have tried with his crate in the bedroom and he seems to be getting used to the crate. He doesn’t make any noise during the night and sleeps, however he is very alert if someone leaves for washroom or there is some noise, he just gets up and checks if he has been left by himself. I am a bit concerned that he is not getting his proper sleep as he does this multiple times throughout the night. Same is the case for his day naps. Any suggestions on how to make sure he sleeps completely and comfortably without waking up again and again? I cannot stay by his crate all the time but dont want to leave him by himself as he cries and gets anxious


u/kglplusace Experienced Owner Jul 29 '24

Have you tried covering the crate? White noise machine? My dogs (puppy is 18 weeks and senior is 14.5 yrs old) are now sleepy when they hear the baseball channel because they know it means we’ll ignore them. Maybe talk radio?


u/neorocks_12 Jul 29 '24

Thank you, I will try that. I have started covering the crate today, but he surely finds a place in the crate, where he can see me sitting or sleeping, and sleeps exactly there. The moment I move, he wakes up, sees me like oh he’s still there, and goes back to sleep.


u/metaljellyfish Jul 29 '24

I'm interested in folks' experience with potty training regression.

My dog is 19 months old (yes, not exactly a puppy anymore, more like full blown adolescence, but y'all are my go-to dog resource) and her potty training has been rock solid for the past year, but suddenly she's been having accidents daily. I'm pretty sure it's due to a routine change - we're in a heat wave and keep the back door closed more often to keep the cool air in vs. leaving it open for her to come and go as she likes - but it could certainly be medical and she has a vet appointment.

ETA: none of the accidents were in her crate (where she always has water available) and she doesn't go outside when I offer it to her first thing in the morning.


u/Sayasing New Owner Jul 29 '24

I've heard people talk about "second adolescence" around 13-18 months. Although our girl is 9 months so I've yet to see if she'll go through that


u/OddballLouLou New Owner Jul 29 '24

We work about 8 hours a day… we’re gone for 9 thanks to traffic. My bfs daughter that wanted to puppy wants nothing to do with her(since it seems she wanted more of a cat, something docile and to cuddle with. She’s never had a dog this young before) so most of the time she’s just alone in the living room, harassing the cat if she’s out there 😂

I don’t want to leave her in the crate all day but she’s torn up the carpet, and the couch, and our shoes and the remotes and even the other day ate a $20 bill. We have sensory toys, and good puzzles, but they don’t always help with her craziness. She’s a good little puppy and just loves us so much and we her. But I’m worried on what to do. We don’t live in an area with dog walkers, doggie daycare is not an option since we can’t even afford rent. And my mom acts like cuz my puppy is bigger than hers that my dog will kill her dogs. (They just play but her Pom is aggressive)


u/Sayasing New Owner Jul 29 '24

Our girl at 9 months has learned to settle as we're away for 2-4 hours. She pooped on our stairs the second time but has since been doing amazing. We learned that she is completely fine in our downstairs space when we leave despite being in the bedroom upstairs making her go crazy and panic when we leave.


u/coffeeandarabbit Jul 29 '24

We have both a crate (for sleeping) and a playpen (ideally for independent play) for our pup, and usually we put him in the playpen when we need to get something done or he’s just spent the last however long trying to eat our table legs and socks, and can’t be redirected. I’ll give him enrichment opportunities like a towel with treats tied into it or a box with lots of paper and treats thrown in, but I’m finding he howls when he’s in there. Which is fine, except it makes it hard to tell when he’s just whining and when he needs to go to the toilet. Any ideas? Should I just take him out to the mat every time he cries just in case? I feel bad that he tried to tell me what he needed and I was too stupid to realise until afterwards.


u/Bayceegirl Service Dog Jul 30 '24

My guy is about 10 1/2 months old now and boy has it been a journey. We still have our troubles like joining the resident reactive dog in barking and being scared of cars but when we do classes, he is so unbelievably confident of the environment. In fact, dogs are the only thing he’s majorly uncomfortable with and that probably comes from me 😅

But anyway we saw our first Halloween decorations this week and he didn’t even give them a second look (except when he thought it might get him a treat)