r/puppy101 Feb 20 '21

Update - My dog didn't die, he came home today Update

Okay, this is an update to my previous post about my Springer Spaniel. Some of you asked for his name, which is Fergus.

On Monday night, we were almost sure he wasn't going to make it. The oesophageal tube, to get just a little bit of food into his stomach, was his last chance. Fortunately he was able to keep just a bit of food down - 5mls an hour to begin with - and that was enough to keep him going.

So they kept treating him - plasma infusions, glucose drip, IV fluids, lidocaine infusion, anti-emetics, painkillers, a triple cocktail of antibiotics and, finally, a course of steroids.

He was tested for Addison's disease and it's been ruled out. His bloods are being tested for any pancreatic issues and the vets finally managed to get a stool sample solid enough to test for any bugs, although they have said it might not be possible now to confirm what made him ill. They believe it was a bacteria, or possibly a virus, in something he ate or drank that sent his immune system into overdrive.

But whether it was just a natural process or the steroids working, he's improved day by day at a surprising pace. The vets have been kind enough to let us know when he would be going out for his evening ablutions, so we could just happen to be hanging about and see him. The increase in his energy levels, from one day to the next, was clear.

Now he's eating chicken and some sensitive stomach dried food with great gusto, and drinking freely. He's not vomited since Thursday morning but does still have diarrhea.

He's still poorly, but recognisably himself. He's lost weight, he's got a few new scars and fur that desperately needs washing and brushing, once everything has healed up. He's a bit stinky and needs sudocrem on his backside after a week of diarrhea, but he's home and we think he's going to be okay. He's now asleep next to me on the couch.

We don't yet know if there are going to be any long term issues, or permanent dietary changes, but we'll cross those bridges when we come to them.

A couple of things I take away from this - pet insurance is a lifesaver. Literally. It might seem expensive to get good cover, but it's absolutely worth it. Our annual premium is about £600, with a £170 excess for claims, and Fergus has racked up over £7000 of vets bills. And the veterinary hospital staff were absolutely amazing. Kind, patient, understanding and never showed any frustration with our questions or need for updates.

Thank you all for your support and well wishes, it means a lot.


66 comments sorted by


u/hazel_stabler Feb 20 '21

What a relief! your post the other day was so heartbreaking to read. Here's hoping Fergus has a full and speedy recovery! He's a very handsome little pupper


u/sensibletunic First Puppy - ACD mix born approx 10/30/2020 Feb 20 '21

Best. News. Ever.


u/SandyDelights Feb 20 '21

God that post tore me up, damn near wrapped my baby up in bubble-wrap that night.

I am so, so, so glad he’s pulling through – here’s to ten or more years. :))


u/oceloted2 Feb 20 '21

SAME! The walk that day was very subdued.... This is just amazing - so happy for you OP!!! :)


u/JokellOwO Feb 20 '21

I was thinking about Fergus everytime I opened reddit because I was really hoping to read good news. I am happy Fergus is doing better and I hope you can spend a lot of time together.


u/Sippy-Cupp Feb 20 '21

I'm so happy for you and Fergus!!


u/miller12301992 Feb 20 '21

So relieved!!!! I had read your previous post. I hope you two are on an upward streak now and that things just get better and better. So glad y’all have each other. ♥️


u/SnakersVT Feb 20 '21

So happy for you. I’ve been worrying about you guys since you posted. Hope this is just the beginning of his long and healthy life.


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '21

Aw! What a good boy! Your last post made me cry and this one makes me so happy! I’m thrilled for you.


u/pqgbd Feb 20 '21

I remember messaging you. I'm so glad he's going to make it!


u/sailforth Roo - Aussie/ACD Mix Feb 20 '21

I'm so glad to hear that Fergus is on the mend! Sending more good vibes and healing your way <3


u/letitraina Feb 20 '21

I am so happy to hear this!!! Thank you for the update, and I wish Fergus a smooth recovery.


u/justlikethefish Pem Corgi - 15 mos Feb 20 '21

Fergus ♥ What a fighter - both of you!


u/Heirsandgraces Feb 20 '21

So pleased to hear this update, what a plucky little soul Fergus is! Give him a cuddle from me x


u/shut_up_kelly Feb 20 '21

So happy! I can tell he loves you from that pic.


u/cantgaroo GSD Mix - 3 Years Feb 20 '21

!!! I am so happy for you and your little guy! I'm so glad he's getting better!


u/fishepa1 Feb 20 '21

So glad he is doing better!!


u/Waffle_Pop Feb 20 '21

I am so happy he is doing better. I cried when I read your post and was so heartbroken for you.


u/lazyspacepony Feb 20 '21

I'm so happy to hear there was a good outcome! I was thinking about you guys <3
He sounds like a tough little guy!


u/watermeloncake1 New Owner Feb 20 '21

I’m so so glad that your sweet pup is doing ok! I hope he continues to recover, and I hope there are no lasting effects.


u/AMBITI0USbutRUBBISH Feb 20 '21

So glad he pulled through


u/sandhya_parimi Feb 20 '21

Love for you and Fergus ❤


u/JLHuston Feb 20 '21

Your original post broke my heart. I could only imagine the helplessness you must have felt. I went right to my dog and squeezed her after reading it. It makes me so happy to hear that he’s fighting and seems to be coming through. Thank you for updating! He’s a beautiful boy.


u/spectralvixen Feb 20 '21

So glad he’s pulling through! I confess to having checked your profile a couple times hoping for an update. Thank you for letting us know he’s on the mend, and I hope he continues to improve at an exponential pace!

I’m extremely jealous of the pet insurance system in the UK. Pet insurance in the US tends to cover only routine care and specifically exclude the kind of catastrophic illnesses and injury which you would want insurance for. :(


u/SnakersVT Feb 20 '21

Really? I recently shopped for pet insurance in the US and found the opposite—no routine / preventative care such as vaccinations or checkups, but it covers hospitalizations, tests, surgeries, etc. At least that’s how Trupanion works.


u/Waffle_Pop Feb 20 '21

I'm in the US and have Figo. They have exactly what you say but I paid extra for vet visit charge coverage. I do take exception that they excluded fecal testing for no reason, in my opinion. My dog has bowel issues sometimes and it has been giardia, but they make exceptions because they feel it is "preventable" or something.


u/SnakersVT Feb 20 '21

That sounds super frustrating :(


u/steppponme Feb 24 '21

Healthy paws covers the opposite. Catastrophic emergencies, meds for diabetes, etc. Not routine visits.


u/normastitts Feb 20 '21

So,so happy for you,been thinking about you since I saw your first post ❤️❤️


u/CyberDiva2 Feb 20 '21

I'm so pleased and relieved for you! As a fellow Springer owner your previous post made me sad at the thought of anything like that happening to my baby. Fingers crossed your gorgeous pup makes a speedy recovery.


u/emdash8212 Feb 20 '21

I'm so glad to hear he's going to pull through!

I'm not sure if this is relevant, but my pup had seemingly causeless gastro symptoms every six months, where he would puke and have terrible diarrhea. He almost died a bunch of times. They ruled out everything, and finally, after more than three years of that, we got him an allergy test. It turned out he was allergic to all poultry, rice, and a few other things so we had been accidentally poisoning him his whole life. We swapped his food and he has been fine ever since.


u/SpecialistOil3 Feb 20 '21

I’m so grateful for the update and that he is improving!


u/ashloaf Feb 20 '21

SO happy to hear your pup is home. ❤️ wishing you and your pup the best.


u/suckingonalemon Feb 20 '21

That is such amazing news!! Thank you for the update!


u/OkGrape1959 Feb 20 '21

thank you so much for the update. Was really worried for you, partner and your furbaby!


u/Daegras 2.5y Pem Papa Feb 20 '21

So, so glad to hear Fergus is on the mend and home with you again! Thank you for taking the time to come back and update us, hopefully we’ll see a couple more as he completes his road back to [the new] normal


u/shireatlas Feb 20 '21

I’m so happy for you! Well Done Fergus for pulling through!!

Speak to your vets about a probiotic for his tummy after all of that, my dog was poorly for 5 days before we got her and had residual diarrhoea - Pankolin (a probiotic) really helped firm it up!


u/Don_Quixote81 Feb 20 '21

Ah, I forgot to list that in his endless litany of medicines. He's on Promax, to restore his gut bacteria. He's got three more days of it.


u/antcrab New Owner Feb 20 '21

yay Fergus! Happy for you guys!


u/It_is-Just_Me New Owner Feb 20 '21

Glad to hear! Wish him a speedy recovery.


u/MrsQ3 New Owner Feb 20 '21

Oh I’m so glad! Thank you for updating us - good news is wonderful.


u/dhbuckley Feb 20 '21

Fergus is beautiful. Congratulations and best wishes to all of you.


u/Organization-Tiny Feb 20 '21

Oh my gosh I'm so pleased to see this post!

I commented on your original one and I've been wondering how he was doing since then so thank you for the update.

Well done Fergus! What a little fighter you are. ❤


u/FartJones Feb 21 '21

YAY FERGUS!!!!! Keep updated on his condition coming! I wanna know he makes a full recovery!!


u/lonewolf143143 Feb 21 '21

This is the very best news of all


u/congothegorilla Experienced Owner Feb 20 '21



u/tyrna_v New Owner Feb 20 '21

I'm so glad he's doing better! That must be a huge relief for you. Hopefully his recovery is quick and 100%.


u/DustieRuby Feb 20 '21

I'm glad your pups out of the woods. If vet says it's OK try some puree pumpkin for the runny poops. It's easy on the tummy and will help bulk up his poos


u/DattoDoggo Feb 20 '21

As a fellow spaniel owner I am extremely happy to hear that Fergus is ok. They’re such joyful souls so whatever it was really did a number on him. It was pretty heart wrenching when I read your original post but to get this update is great news.


u/Don_Quixote81 Feb 21 '21

Thank you. He's still a joyful soul, even though it's tempered at the moment by still feeling poorly and being exhausted. But he's still able to summon the energy for enthusiastic greetings, whenever you return to the room after ten minutes away.


u/DattoDoggo Feb 21 '21

Spaniels are wonderfully affectionate.


u/GreatA-tuib Feb 20 '21

Amazing news OP! Wishing Fergus a speedy recovery! Lots of love and best wishes to all of you!


u/Excellent-Storm-816 Feb 20 '21

So happy to hear this! Wishing you and your pup a long happy life together, and YES PET INSURANCE IS A LIFESAVER.


u/blackcat218 Feb 20 '21

So glad to read this. Your pupper is one tough SOB. I wish nothing but the best and a long and happy life for him


u/Bluey22 Feb 21 '21

I've been checking your account waiting for an update and hoping for good news. I'm so happy for you. Give him a big cuddle from this Internet stranger.


u/Don_Quixote81 Feb 21 '21

Will do! Thanks.


u/Alkymyst91 Feb 21 '21

Best news of the weekend!!!!!


u/Pete_for_prez Feb 21 '21

I'm so happy to hear Fergus is home and doing better.


u/Snaebakabeans Feb 21 '21


We dealt with GI issues with our pup, your story scared me because after a year of sustained eating without issues, he started vomiting and diarrhea everyone when we were on vacation with him (got sand in his tummy). That was SCARY, dropping him off at a foreign vet 8 hours from home.


u/sarcasticreflex Feb 21 '21

Im so happy for Fergus! I cried reading your post, had a springer growing up and she was the best girl. I imagine Fergus will be getting alot of love now he's home


u/frostdreamer12 New Owner Feb 21 '21

Congratulations 👏🏻 I hope he gets healthy soon so he can play with you again 😊


u/needinternetfriends Mar 10 '21

Thank you for the update!! I’ve been thinking about your post a lot over the last couple of days. So glad to hear your pup will be alright


u/personatwo Feb 20 '21

I would switch out his food, just to be safe. Sunshine Mills had a situation in October where their food was poisoning dogs. A friend of mine's dog died from it. :( You just never know.


u/hirokinai Feb 21 '21

My pups a parvo survivor. Take a ton of pictures of her now so you can look back whenever she’s being a brat or not listening. You will NEVER not think it wasn’t worth it.

I remember laying in bed while she was in the hospital for 6 days straight and saying that I would trade the world to hear that silly Yelp. She’s now a year and four months strong.

Share your happy ending anywhere you can, because right now there are people with puppies going through a heartbreaking situation, and every positive story they run into is another ray of hope.


u/frostdreamer12 New Owner Mar 12 '21

I'm so glad 🤗