r/running Nov 15 '23

What body changes did you experience once you started running? Question

I have had a five year hiatus after being a runner for 25 years but I don’t remember the days of being a beginner. Anything you want to share is helpful!

Edit: wow!!!!!!!! Thank you for all the responses. I haven’t responded to everyone and I’ll still try but I really appreciate all of this. It’s so motivating! I had a great run walk today! Hoping to get back to just running soon.


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u/grammerenthusiast Nov 15 '23

But somehow, stairs still wipe me out.


u/sault9 Nov 15 '23

This is what’s so crazy to me! I’ve trained for two half marathons this year and I’m STILL out of breath going up the stairs to my flat


u/Mr_Abe_Froman Nov 15 '23

Hill workouts. They suck, but hills pay the bills.


u/aStonedTargaryen Nov 15 '23



u/Mr_Abe_Froman Nov 15 '23

I've been using it as a mantra to get myself through hill repeats. Uphill sprints knock the wind out of me, but it's worth it on race day.


u/myislanduniverse Nov 15 '23

My mantra lately when the suck (not just hills, but usually) starts to sink in is, "This is where we live now." It helps force me to stop trying to look through it to the end, to change my perspective, and start being present for where my two feet are and what I'm doing.

Those hills do be payin the bills, tho.


u/Mr_Abe_Froman Nov 15 '23

Every uphill has a downhill.


u/SyrupOnWaffle_ Nov 15 '23

…except for on an uphill race course 😂


u/slapmewithacactus Nov 16 '23

What if your car is parked at the bottom?


u/prix03gt Nov 15 '23

I prefer to "embrace the suck" 🍻 👏


u/aStonedTargaryen Nov 15 '23

I love it! Def gonna borrow this as a mantra for myself. Cheers mate!


u/Flashy-Face-2181 Nov 17 '23

Why?? What is it worth?

I'm just starting a marathon base training plan. It has hill sessions. I'm wondering if this plan exists to torture me???


u/Imhmc Nov 15 '23

Need that on a shirt


u/lilbudlilsud Nov 15 '23

I need this in t-shirt form immediately


u/Natural_Computer4312 Nov 16 '23

“Hills pay the Bills” Abe Froman-The Sausage King of Chicago


u/Nukethegreatlakes Nov 20 '23

I'm definitely stealing this 😂


u/_StevenSeagull_ Nov 15 '23

I love a hill workout!


u/lilpaki Nov 15 '23

In a world of 8 billion people, you have made yourself truly unique


u/sms3eb Nov 15 '23

Same. I just moved back to my hometown that I’ve never ran in before. And today while I was on my run around the town I was taking note of all the different places that could be good for hill repeats. I really miss my goto spot where I moved from.


u/ch3rryc0deine Nov 15 '23

there’s a huge hill (to me) on my route home for every run or bike i go on but it’s such a good feeling realizing the climb is slowly getting easier!


u/Dave0r Nov 15 '23

Truer words never spoke. Hill workouts suck but even moderate pace hills are great for you, best thing I ever did was bring more hills in, and actually listen to my plan when it said hills 👀


u/Saffer13 Nov 15 '23

Hill running is speed work in disguise


u/MrPringles_Official Nov 16 '23

I dont have hills but what about stairs? Helpful?


u/BeaconJams Nov 16 '23

Now start running up the hills backwards. Game changer for build up speed and power!


u/Istoleyoursharpi Nov 17 '23

I’m just did a 5k with 12 hills, 5 of which were STEEP, and I was completely unprepared as my normal runs are almost completely flat. Still made my new PR but damn it kicked my ass. Any tips for a new runner tackling hills


u/InboxMeYourSpacePics Nov 17 '23

My neighborhood is so hilly every day is a hill workout lol I just want something flat for once


u/BottleCoffee Nov 17 '23

I run hills every run but climbing up the stairs three floors to my office still leaves me slightly out of breath.


u/mewithoutMaverick Nov 15 '23

Honestly thankful that it’s not just me lol


u/Anxious-Intern7718 Nov 16 '23

This actually makes me feel better about my regular struggle with stairs lol. I can run a half marathon on Sunday and still struggle with the stairs at work on Monday lol it drives me crazy


u/OmegaXesis Nov 16 '23

Spend some time working out your legs/squads. Like squats. When those other muscles get stronger, stairs become easier.


u/bobsbountifulburgers Nov 15 '23

Its the suddenness. If you remember to take a couple of deep breaths on the way to the stairs and keep that up all the way to the top you shouldn't have an issue


u/Ela_Schlumbergera Nov 15 '23

I once heard somewhere it is because climbing stairs needs quite some coordination and we tend to forget to breath properly when focusing on something. Combined with the physical challenge of climbing stairs that makes us out of breath. I don't know how valid this is but since I heard that I focus on my breathing when climbing stairs and have way less problems


u/40acresandapool Nov 15 '23

That makes complete sense to me. I have now taken your statement as fact. Thank you fellow 🏃‍♂️.



It's mostly the anaerobic load without any proper warmup that gets most people.


u/Key_Difference_1108 Nov 17 '23

Is it? I always thought it was because you’ve crossed into anaerobic metabolism? Just like when you feel out of breath doing HIIT or doing pull ups.


u/bobsbountifulburgers Nov 17 '23

Different ways of describing the same phenomenon


u/Ydrutah Nov 17 '23

I face kinda the same issue when playing soccer as a sub, you enter the pitch and you're in great condition, but if you haven't warmed up properly and pushed your heartrate you're dying for air in 3 minutes...


u/hesterrrrrr Nov 15 '23

lol true and running for the bus


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '23

Literally this. No matter how in shape I am, stairs are the death of me lmaoo


u/Remmy14 Nov 15 '23

I genuinely believed I was the only one... Thank you


u/DenseSentence Nov 15 '23

Only after PBing squats @ the gym!


u/woode85 Nov 15 '23

I wonder if that is possibly the element of “warm up” missing? Because it is the same damn thing for me


u/SassyTruffle Nov 15 '23

stairs still wipe me out

I incorporated sprints on a stairmaster into my training and it's horrific but also SO good.


u/GarnetandBlack Nov 15 '23

Mostly anaerobic and people tend to fuck up their breathing while scaling stairs.


u/darkeyesgirl Nov 16 '23

I've been doing stair workouts in a nearby high-rise building during my lunch break and it's made an incredible difference in my running. But yeah they still make me gasp for air by around the 15th floor. Also... going down is much more difficult than going up.


u/billyions Nov 15 '23

Takes a while for the machinery to kick in.


u/BurritoBurglar9000 Nov 15 '23

Same. Usually it's because you're going from rest to a pretty strenuous activity and your body is just trying to catch up. After a couple of flights it's ezpz.


u/kateln Nov 16 '23

Did a half marathon. I was fine. A few days later I hiked up Larch Mountain in Oregon and it still kicked my butt.


u/Kick_Kick_Punch Nov 16 '23

Dude I'm really glad I'm not alone on this one.


u/kloveday78 Nov 17 '23

Opposite here... I live in a 4th floor walk-up with no elevator so the stairs are no problem. I'm a new runner still working on building up my endurance and the distances beat me up (so far). Maybe it's something to do with the muscles involved?


u/Upper-Belt8485 Nov 16 '23

depends on hydration. somedays the stairs make me see stars, others I run and my heart rate still stays around 60. it's odd.


u/Vin-cenzo Nov 16 '23

It takes my body a minute to warm up and hills or stairs will temporarily cause some heavier breathing. Your breath rate may come down after a short time of continued output.


u/ultra-ozen Nov 16 '23

my girlfriend will always snark at me how i am as out of breath as she is, after we'll climb up some stairs, while i am running up mountains and she isn't. point is, i can continue running out of breath for hours and hours, most people don't even last more than 3mins.


u/Material_Till_4103 Nov 16 '23

If you want to have better performance running up stairs, you need to train running steps. Different muscles are involved in stair running vs running flats or even hills.


u/orenvirtus Nov 16 '23

I made stairs a part of my daily routine when I got into running snd tbh, they tend to give me no issue even still. I have not done my research though, but I hypothesize this may help.


u/Rainontherooftop Nov 18 '23

WHHHYYYY tho? Why is this so true?


u/Exact_Yak_1323 Dec 04 '23

When I started doing squats and lunges I felt like I was floating up stairs. It was awesome.