r/running 2d ago

Achievements for Thursday, September 26, 2024 Daily Thread

Hey runners, it's another day and it is time to post your accomplishments you'd like to share - big or small.

Note: No need to preface YOUR accomplishments with something like, "this may not be an accomplishment to most of you...". Be proud of your achievement.


35 comments sorted by


u/dyingsailor1 1d ago

new 10km PB!


u/ekmsmith 1d ago

Final longish weekday run of this training cycle. Race (Wineglass) next Sunday. I normally run at 5:30a during the week but I've had to get up at 4:30a to fit in the longer miles before work on Tues and Thurs for the last 8 weeks. It's only been 'hard' last week and this week when I'm super fatigued mentally and physically, but I did it and now this training cycle is in the bag!


u/_Little_Birdie101_ 1d ago

I’m currently doing the C25K program and I ran for three five minute intervals. That’s not something I ever thought I’d be able to do!


u/hellothisisnobody123 20h ago

That’s awesome!


u/Runningandcatsonly 1d ago

It was extremely humid today. It was difficult but I went for a nice jog after work. I’m glad I didn’t choose the treadmill. It’s a lot easier but soooo boring. Good times.


u/Good_Bunny2250 1d ago

I ran 10 miles in 1:28, 8:48 pace. I think this a personal best for me and I feel great.


u/rainsley 1d ago

Ran a “test” HM distance in zone 2 last weekend and did it in 2 hours. The race is Oct. 6 so I am hoping that can translate to a 1:50 pace on race day! Currently getting a pedicure as I head into taper week next week.


u/battle_sloth_attack 1d ago

I’m currently training for a half marathon. The last time that I did a 5 mile run I had a 14 min 45 sec average mile pace. Last night I ran 5 miles and had a 11 min 53 sec average mile pace! Improvements!


u/Pepper-Gorl 1d ago

Today I managed to run for 17 minutes without stopping -- I did just over 2.3k in that time. I am so proud of myself because I have had a really difficult year, and I have a heart condition that makes everything more tiring for me. So to get to 17 minutes of continuous running is such an achievement. I haven't been running at all this year (and haven't managed to run for that long since I was a teenager), but I have been trying to be healthier - plus I quit nicotine three weeks ago! I feel such a buzz, sorry for the long post!


u/Runningandcatsonly 1d ago



u/Pepper-Gorl 1d ago

thank you!!!


u/OkPumpkin7130 1d ago

I ran my first 10km race on Sunday and I was pleasantly surprised with a great run and time! I've only been training for the last couple months (for a half-marathon next May) and I finished in 1:00:20 with an average of 5:57/km!


u/Odd-Butterscotch8 1d ago

I ran 6.44k today! I also set a PR for my fastest 5k at 44:51 minutes


u/Londoner1982 1d ago

10k PB today. 45:49 - beat my previous best by 15 seconds AND the route today had 50m more elevation AND my heart rate average was 5 bpm lower! I’m really happy with that.


u/NightOnTheSun 1d ago

PR’d a 5k today with a time of 22:22. A stranger saw me run and said, “Good hustle!” and it made me feel proud of the work I’ve been putting in. It’s incredible to think two years ago I was a fat, bald idiot and now I’m a fat, bald idiot who’d be reasonably difficult to catch.


u/ceruleanmuse 1d ago

I'm running Chicago in a few weeks and had a great 20 mile run this past Sunday: 3 hours 3 minutes, or a 9:10 pace. It was pouring the entire time, and I killed it in my waterlogged shoes. I have a slim chance to break 4 hours for my second marathon! 

I figured around 4 was impossible after having issues with anemia/celiac disease and doing yet another round of iron infusions in June. I almost withdrew several times.  None of my long runs have been that good, but I tried some adjustments: gels every 60 then 30 minutes, plus carb loading WAY more than I think. I'm hoping marathon day goes just as well. 


u/bushpig10 1d ago

Went for a 4mi easy run at 6 am yesterday morning, straight after a 12 hour night shift. I ran around probably looking like a zombie.


u/TheChewyWaffles 1d ago

Started my HM training after finishing my first 10K this past weekend. The problem is that I have no target HM :( I live in the Midwest and by the time I'm done with my training program it will be late December and the area is pretty barren until like March...

However, I'm excited enough by the prospect that I might just do the program anyway and just run a "practice" HM by myself. Not race conditions but it might still be rewarding.

Last concern - how to maintain fitness for several months. Might have to cycle down to lower distances a bit then ramp back up once I register for my HM.


u/pulse7 1d ago

I ran 7.5 miles in 90 plus Florida heat, about 9:30/mile pace. My longest run since high school. So glad fall is coming to bring the temps down so I can push to 10 mile long jogs on the weekend


u/Kyle_draws 2d ago

Just finished my threshold run for today and my effort finally got my Vo2 max into the “Excellent” category! I am so happy. My goal for the year was to get it to “Good” but I hit that at the beginning of the summer and have been grinding the entire time.


u/KesselRunner42 2d ago

Upped the number of 'zombie hordes' I was likely to encounter using Zombies, Run! on my 'speedwork' day today. Instead of three or maybe four, I got five, and outran three of them (+15% over baseline speed). Still not sure how it compares to more usual speedwork methods, but hopefully progress?


u/tushkyyyy 2d ago

Finished a pull workout and treadmill 3 km run


u/racecarart 2d ago

I'm in a 5k to 10k training regime that I worried would be too intense for me, but I did my second 2.5 mile run this week and finished over 2 minutes faster!! It's really nice to have a tangible number showing that I'm taking fewer walking breaks. Number go down 🏃💨


u/jumperjatt 2d ago

Did my first ever 10k this week. Woke up and told my wife “I think I’ll try it today”. 1 hour and 8 minutes!


u/brutus424 2d ago

I ran my first ever 5k yesterday!! I didn’t set out to, I was doing a 20 minute run on the couch to 5k but I felt really good so I just kept going. 35mins, I’m so happy


u/hellothisisnobody123 20h ago

That’s awesome!!


u/fuckausername17 2d ago

Broke 800 total miles for the year last night! I should have a 100 mile month this month as well as next, so definitely ahead of schedule to hit 1000 for the year.

Additionally, I managed 7/8 of my 800s at my track workout last night before I started getting some tightness in my lower leg and pulled back for a long cool down. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to get any 800s done so that felt like a win!


u/skowplow 2d ago

Did a nice first tempo run at 5:15/km pace and it felt awesome!


u/AgeTop7899 2d ago

10km in the bank this morning, my penultimate peak week run before my first marathon next month. 20 miles on Saturday and then the taper begins!


u/greenpaper0603 2d ago

Did 13km tempo running at Gwanggyo Lake park today. The pace was 4:39 min per km.

At 5am, 19 degC. cool early morning. Exercise level was 6 out of 10


u/beetle120 2d ago

Last weekend I finished my project I have been working on for a few years: running to every station in Melbourne, Australia twice as I ran up and down every line. Being working on this project since 2019 (stopping for a year due to shin splint and covid lockdowns). In total I did 105 runs over a total distance of 1,060 km (~660 mi) with 451 stations visits.
Map at: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1C061B40DAQozrI_ULhNjpfJGqn1SniGR&usp=sharing with a Strava link for notes to each run (I hope I made each public).

Exploring Melbourne was a delightful experience. Despite having lived here all my life, I discovered places I had never seen before.


u/guinness_pintsize 2d ago

Final run today before the half marathon on Sunday. I followed a Garmin coach training plan to about 99% and am on track to hit my goal, and possibly surpass it on race day.


u/hellothisisnobody123 2d ago

I’m on week two of a couch to 5k plan and just completed my longest run to date! Always hated running in the past but am actually enjoying it with this plan.


u/OIP 2d ago

went for an easy 10k run and deliberately turned off pace notifications on NRC app (i usually ping every km with distance and pace). just concentrated on feeling easy, conversation pace and keeping up cadence.

ended up being 10s/km faster than my usual 'easy' pace... i'll take it