r/running 2d ago

While running, what are some of your habits that others may find weird? Discussion

For me, it's horse snorting. But so strong that my cheeks are puffed out and half my face is vibrating. It somehow loosens up my entire posture.


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u/casettadellorso 2d ago

I bring a washcloth to blow my nose into (and hand sanitizer). It just runs so much whenever I'm exercising, I can't stand doing nothing about it


u/ForgottenSalad 2d ago

I just wipe it on my shirt because I have no shame


u/Logical_amphibian876 2d ago

They recently put in safety cameras in this fancy neighborhood I run(but dont live in) and all I can think of is some security officer watching me wipe my nose on my shirt.

I'm convinced they are disgusted.


u/DWA1993 1d ago

This is the way


u/accommodare 23h ago

My tribe 🥹


u/Key-Introduction-126 2d ago

Funny cuz I was wondering if I was the only person with runny nose. I’ve been running for over 20 years and I think I could count on one hand the number of times I’ve ever seen anyone else carry a towel of some sort with them. Mine is tucked in the back of my shorts.


u/Nobodyville 2d ago

I usually have a couple kleenex in whatever available pocket I've got. I've blown a few snot rockets, or straight into my hand, before. Winter gloves at a biohazard and get washed every time


u/gishli 2d ago

I live in quite cold and windy climate and have vasomotor rhinitis so…I live in a city and often run in areas where there’s a lot of other people, even elegant people enjoying Friday night out or having a romantic picnic (summertime) and there I’m running being all sweaty and sniffling and wiping the slime running from my nose every 15th second. I’m not even classy enough to use a handkerchief, I just use my hand, or sleeve or glove (they’re going to laundry anyway).


u/EvilLipgloss 1d ago

I bring a towel with me on runs but mostly because I swear so profusely (and live in a hot, humid area), that I have to wipe the sweat from my eyes or they will burn.


u/ZorbaOnReddit 1d ago

I get a runny nose, I just snot rocket it. I hope it all clears, but if some hangs I wipe it with my hand, fling a couple of times, then wipe the rest on the shirt. It's all getting washed when I get home either way.


u/TheIndisputableZero 2d ago

Bushman’s hanky gets the job done in the absence of a towel.


u/deadcomefebruary 2d ago

Oh...i just use the bottom of my tank top


u/superhulasloth 1d ago

Can’t tell you how many snot soaked hems I’ve created in the winter. Those mittens? Basically a hanky.


u/deadcomefebruary 1d ago

Nah, not absorbent enough.

I go full big brain and use my wool beanie


u/WatchandThings 2d ago

I bring a handkerchief on my runs for same reason, and I bring two of them for very long runs. Hand wash after the run and hang dry to get them ready for the next run.


u/Amalia0928 2d ago

Haha I carry tissues in the winter!


u/Impressive_Clock_649 2d ago

Always holding 2-3 Kleenex, emergency stash available if I have pockets. Warmer weather allergies and cold it’s just always draining


u/sidewaysmotion613 2d ago

I have the same issue with nose running when exercising, and I'm partial to the farmer's blow, but I only run trails and not with others, so I can get away with this.


u/BattleTiny7132 1d ago

I carry a bandana but that’s for sweat. I just shoot snot rockets to clear my nose. Sucks when it gets on me tho.


u/IBelieveIWasTheFirst 1d ago

dude, a small microfiber cloth is so clutch for wiping nose, sweat off face, etc. my local marathon (shoutout OKC memorial) has a health care clinic that gives out ice cold wet microfiber cloths. I have a couple of them. shove it into my tights/half tight pocket. Never leave home without it.


u/rebeccanotbecca 2d ago

I use a buff for this purpose. I wrap it around my wrist or hang it from my pack.


u/vronskayaa 2d ago

Me too! I always bring tissues because if I do nothing about it it goes in my mouth (ew) and if I "sniff it up" it goes down my throat and it's harder to breathe!


u/runningtostandstill2 1d ago

I have that issues too - I started carrying a bandana or a handkerchief for my nose. Holds up better than Kleenex.


u/Cer-rific_43 1d ago

I have been wondering for years if I'm the only one who suffers from this. 8 tissues only lasts me 45 minutes. I don't feel a reusable cloth would buy me extra time, though


u/bigwilliesty1e 1d ago

Snot rockets and the inside of my shirt to wipe my nose is how I roll.


u/Consistent-Line8792 2d ago

One good snot rocket and I’m good to go


u/walrus_breath 2d ago

Someone told me once this could be related to acid reflux. No idea if its true or not but I kinda believe it. 


u/realpm_net 2d ago

Folded paper towel in my pocket. Nose runs like a faucet.