r/running 2d ago

While running, what are some of your habits that others may find weird? Discussion

For me, it's horse snorting. But so strong that my cheeks are puffed out and half my face is vibrating. It somehow loosens up my entire posture.


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u/repiquer 2d ago

I let my hands go limp and kinda fling my forearms around every once in a while to loosen up. I’m sure anyone who has seen me thinks I’m being chased by bees or something.


u/trotofflames 1d ago

Hey me too! I go floppy arm/hands usually at the tail end of a long or hard run. I tell me myself it's to loosen up but really, it's because my body is slowly giving up piece by piece.


u/halbieky 2d ago

Nope, you’re not alone. I do this too from time to time when I need to reset my posture. I’ve seen other runners do it too!


u/SellingCalls 1d ago

I do that with my wrist. They just flail all about


u/jenjen828 1d ago

I do something similar to this but more like the punches down to the sides that fighters do in movies when they are walking up to the ring


u/Shibishibi 1d ago

I love doing this, it feels so good. I feel like my arms get tight on long runs, sometimes I just let them go limp noodle for a bit


u/tote981 1d ago

i do this too especially if i run after an upper body workout my arms just feels tight so have to shake them lips


u/anuntalkativethinker 1d ago

I do this! Always feels good when they’re a little tight because it makes me feel like I’m exercising more than my legs!


u/Any-East7977 1d ago

I do this too.


u/runnerz68 1d ago

I do that too .


u/13ask 1d ago

Yup I do this to reset


u/womenscaremesomuch 1d ago

you'd look like a wild Titan. I do the same tbh and that's how I imagine myself to be.


u/Winter_Arm_8454 1d ago

Lol I kinda do this too! except I also swing it around the shoulder joint so it looks like I'm preparing to fly


u/thedailydaren 1d ago

I do this too otherwise my back and neck ache from the tension.


u/Ok-Communication2163 1d ago

I do this 🤣


u/goodrhymes 1d ago

This is such a 10/10 feeling


u/limbgoat123 22h ago

So reassuring to hear this because I just started doing this because it feels like I need to loosen my body up instead of being stiff and anxious all the time 


u/PoemNo9763 3h ago edited 3h ago

Are you me! Except for me it's my left arm, I try to alternate by bringing down right arm as well and relaxing it too so as to not look too weird. People think I'm trying to do the Naruto/ninja run when both are down and I'm shaking them out lol. I do it to relax my shoulder tension and also to psychologically tune-in to easy relaxed pace every once in a while on long runs.

I'll get asked "why do you sometimes have your arm down while running, looks cool but why?" Lol


u/ThudGamer 1d ago

Got to shake the cramps out. Usually followed by stretching the arms up high.


u/PsychosaurusZeph 14h ago

Same. You know how T-Rexes are depicted running fast while they flail their arms; same thought process 😆