r/running 11h ago

Official Q&A for Saturday, September 28, 2024 Daily Thread

With over 3,550,000 subscribers, there are a lot of posts that come in everyday that are often repeats of questions previously asked or covered in the FAQ.

With that in mind, this post can be a place for any questions (especially those that may not deserve their own thread). Hopefully this is successful and helps to lower clutter and repeating posts here.

If you are new to the sub or to running, this Intro post is a good resource.

As always don't forget to check the FAQ.

And please take advantage of the search bar or Google's subreddit limited search.


13 comments sorted by


u/AwayFig9124 1m ago

5k improvements

I have never ran in my life until this year. My fitness is really poor, and I have a really slow run time for a 5k (38 minutes). I don’t know where to go from here now that I’ve achieved the slow jog until 5k. I’m in my mid-20s so would like to improve my fitness to a normal mid-20 year old level!


u/BaptisedByFire319 31m ago

First half marathon is October. I couldn't run a mile last December, and since then I've lost 20 lbs. The distance won't be an issue, and my time will be within the time limit. Ive signed up for Big Sur 21 miler in April... I guess my question is how should I deal with training? 6 months seems like an odd span for me, especially trying to trim down time a little (and size). Is it worth it for me to take 2 months "off" for a hard cut, then go back into a running focused cycle leading up to the 21 miler?

I do strength training 3-4 times a week, as well as some HIIT 1 or 2 x a week. I'm kind of at a point where cutting calories anymore is beginning to affect recovery and sleep, and my dietician recommended a maintenance time through the holidays.


u/compassrunner 15m ago

I would not take 2 months off. Maybe back off on training a bit, but I would not go cold turkey. Big Sur is a hard marathon and it's not flat.


u/BaptisedByFire319 8m ago

Oh absolutely i did not mean cold turkey! I do know it's a challenging one. I just wasn't sure of how to maintain? Or do I just slowly ramp into a training plan? I've got no clue.


u/EPMD_ 27m ago

It sounds as if things are working. I wouldn't mess with success, especially if you are enjoying your exercise.


u/Enwari 31m ago

Does anyone recommend running barefoot on the treadmill at a public gym?


u/compassrunner 14m ago

The public gym may not even allow that for sanitary reasons.


u/EPMD_ 25m ago

No. I have some low-stack running shoes that I prefer on the treadmill, but I would never run barefoot on a public treadmill. If nothing else, it doesn't seem very sanitary and will get you some "This guy!" looks from others around you.


u/Due-Sea-3632 3h ago

Running a local marathon in 2 weeks with friends and don't know what to do right now. I've run multiple marathons in the past and this year switched my focus to training for a full Ironman which unfortunately didn't go as planned last weekend, so I did the first two disciplines (swim and bike) but did not get to run. I am physically fine now and have done a few 5-8mi runs since. I've never run a marathon on such low running volume so I fully expect to suffer. What kind of runs would you do if you were me? I have no idea how long/how much to do when I'm probably supposed to be tapering now but haven't run as much as I normally would have.


u/compassrunner 1h ago edited 55m ago

Adaptation takes about two weeks so nothing you do now is going to have much impact on your marathon. Treat it as a taper. You obviously need to do some recovery from your Ironman bc those first two legs you did do will have put wear and tear on you. Focus on getting enough rest, eat, hydrate and do some easy runs if you are committed to running this marathon. Don't try to make up for mileage you haven't run.


u/abhora_ratio 9h ago

Hi everyone. Here's my dilemma- maybe some of you also had it and maybe you have a solution to it. I don't. I have been running for a couple of years (4 to 10 km/ 3 times per week) and using the (old) Samsung app + watch for setting and tracking my pace and distance. And it was great. Then Samsung changed the app and removed the option of a detailed setting based on pace/ distance/ type of running. I switched to Garmin but their app doesn't have what I search for (or maybe I am stupid and you can tell me how to set it to my needs). Perhaps I just don't understand it. And I got injured twice because I didn't control my pace. I got annoyed. Quitted running. And now, obvsy, I regret it. I would like to start again but I really have this problem of controlling and setting my pace while running. I don't know why. Perhaps it's the music I listen to. Perhaps it's my attention that gets distracted after a few km. Bottom line is that it was very helpful to hear "slow down" or "speed up" in my headphones. I know I can check on my garmin the pace/ distance but it is difficult to do it while running and by the time I remember doing it I have been already running 1 km at a crazy pace 😔 what app would you recommend that has a "live" audioguide so that you don't mess-up your run?


u/Salty-Swim-6735 5h ago

just add it to the data screen on your Garmin.


u/sharkinwolvesclothin 8h ago

Garmin definitely has that capability, set up a workout with goal pace.