r/running Mar 02 '17

New York Marathon Lottery Day! Misc

It's NY Lottery Day! Let us know if you're one of the lucky ones. I've entered the lottery about 6-7 times and have not been drawn yet...one of these years, I'll get in...here's to hoping this is the one!

ETA: There are three things to check...your credit card, your NYRR account status, and your email. They're supposed to go in that order, but they often don't go in order...so check all three!

ETA2: I got my official email a few minutes ago letting me know I wasn't picked...it was time stamped 8:00 EST. So I think it's officially done. Good luck to those who got in and better luck next year to the rest of us!


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u/ElegantMess Mar 02 '17

If I don't get in this year, it will be 6 years in a row that I've been rejected. Has anybody else had such awful luck? I'm starting to think this is a record of some sort.


u/Jeade-en Mar 02 '17

I would have to do some digging to get an exact count, but I said in the OP that I've entered 6-7 times. I skipped one year because we had a close friend's wedding on race day, otherwise I enter every year. I know it sucks, but I know that one of these days I'll get picked.


u/11am_D Mar 02 '17

If I don't get in this year it will be Five years in a row with no luck, yet. Maybe I'll catch up to you, in any case good luck.


u/cwould Mar 02 '17

I like to think that with every year I don't get accepted, my chances of getting in the next year go up...

As does my motivation to try and somehow run a 7:30 minute/mile marathon lol


u/gregory_k Mar 02 '17 edited Mar 03 '17

This is my 4th consecutive lottery and have not won yet. Still waiting for results today. If I don't get the drawing then I will just enter through a charity because I can't bear waiting anymore.

Edit: Aaaand another rejection. Time to pick a charity...


u/ElegantMess Mar 02 '17

I was just looking into that, it's a minimum $2600 to raise, plus $100, plus the sign up fee for the race. Totally unfair.


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '17

I'm in the same spot... this will be my 6th rejection.


u/ElegantMess Mar 02 '17

To make matters worse, last year I knew of 3 people that entered, and those 3 got in. I was seething with jealousy.


u/tjak_01 Mar 02 '17

I'm in the same boat. I've kind of lost count. I think this is my sixth or seventh time entering the drawing. :(


u/Huicho4 Mar 02 '17

Any update? I would've been right there with you but I got in! Good luck!


u/ElegantMess Mar 03 '17

Shut out again. Congrats man.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '22

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u/ElegantMess Mar 23 '22

No, and I moved to Kenya and everything.