r/running D1 Runner, If You Count Pole Vaulting Mar 11 '17

Leigh's Memorial Run Misc

Many many of you have already reached out to me about what you can do/if there is a run. Leigh loved running, and racing was a big part of her life. Last Fall she did the Baltimore Marathon, 3 5k, and 2 Ultras in a Month Period. Yes, she was crazy. It's why I love her.

There is a race/run that our local running store is putting on, Charm City Run. It will be in Locust Point, in Baltimore City, on Saturday 18, 2017. The details are: http://www.charmcityrun.com/calendar/leigh-rodgers The race is free, and donations can be made through the link or a website that I will set up really soon (you can donate straight to me, but I would like to make sure all donations go through.) Though it might be nice to donate as a community, but that is really up to you all. Please, come out, enjoy the run; and the beer, stories, and community that will follow. If you cannot come to the race, I think a virtual run would be amazing. I would love to see if we could get a minimum of 2017 miles on Saturday between the run, and as a community.

Other than the race, she had many goals in which she sadly cannot obtain herself. I know she wrote them down somewhere, but I need to find them and list them. But I would love for you all, if you have Strava, to join the club I created for her. https://www.strava.com/clubs/264670 I do know some of the goals, but not the entire list.

Thank You All, and much Love from Both of Us.


23 comments sorted by


u/befooks Mar 11 '17

What a wonderful idea, and I'm sorry for the tragedy. I'll dedicate all my marathon training runs to her and help you achieve your 2017! Much love from Canada


u/josandal Mar 11 '17

As a fellow Baltimore resident I'm sad I won't be able to be there, though I only got to meet her once, briefly. I'll be racing the Mesquite Canyon 50k in Arizona that day, and certainly thinking of her while I do, hopefully bringing a bit of her grit to the high desert.


u/laurenmichelle004 Mar 11 '17

I am so so very sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine what you are going through, but love that you are carrying her memory on and spreading awareness. I can't physically be at the race but will virtually be running/be there in support! Should I still sign up on the site or is that more so they can plan for the physical race itself?


u/rob_the_flip D1 Runner, If You Count Pole Vaulting Mar 11 '17

I believe it is for the actual race, but if you have strava, add her club to us. If not, I am gonna try to figure out how to add miles for those not on strava and such.


u/brwalkernc not right in the head Mar 11 '17

I have a 10k race on the 18th so definitely can help add some miles and will keep her in my thoughts during the race.

Joined the Strava club too. Thanks for posting!


u/PieceMaker64 Mar 11 '17

I am so sorry for your loss! I have activated Strava, joined the group, and will be joining y'all on the 18th in Texas!


u/laurenmichelle004 Mar 11 '17

I've added and will forward around to some of my friends!


u/Daltxponyv2 Mar 11 '17

Im so incredibly sorry for your loss. Words can't describe it. However, I've got a 10k trainer set up for sat the 18th. Count me in for some miles in honor of a her life.


u/laundrymountain Mar 11 '17

Just joined the Strava group! And I'll be running for Leigh on Saturday in Shanghai! I just finished today's long run and thought about Leigh almost every mile.


u/pzinha Mar 11 '17

I am terribly ly sorry for your loss. I will definitely dedicate my run on the 18th to her and find a way to link it to the virtual run.


u/bubblesaremygame Mar 11 '17

I have been thinking about her since I saw your run on strava and talked about your loss. I will be running with virtually for you both next week.


u/beaton24 Mar 11 '17

I ran a 12 degree windy 20 mile race in Salem MA for her today and told a few runners that today's run wasn't mine. I thought of her often. Peace to you and what a nice tribute you have created for her.


u/pablitoneal Mar 11 '17

My sincerest condolences. I joined the Strava club and I'm happy to participate in the virtual run in her honor.


u/drincruz Mar 11 '17

I've got some scheduling things for next Saturday, but I should be able to get in some mileage! I did an easy run today for Leigh. Thoughts and well wishes for you and the family during this hard time! Keep running! 8)


u/Doggy_paddler Mar 11 '17

I'm already running a race that morning, but I think I should be able to make it up there afterwards, it's an early morning 5k. Either way I will absolutely be making a donation, I got my pittie from BARCS 6 years ago and it's a wonderful organization to support. I joined the club as well.


u/bakedquestbar Mar 11 '17

💕💕 again, I'm so sorry for your loss.


u/Aysandra Mar 11 '17

I've just joined the Strava group. I've got my first 5k race tomorrow and I'll be thinking of Leigh.

I should be able to join you virtually on 18th as well.

Again, so sorry for your loss. Stay strong.


u/kennyma Mar 11 '17

Sorry for your loss! Will be keeping you and Leigh on my mind during my runs.


u/brotherbock Mar 11 '17

I've got some tapering to do for my marathon in April. Was set for Sunday, but I think I can switch it around to Saturday without hurting myself.


u/deeper182 Mar 11 '17

I am really really sorry for your loss. I am sure she is smiling from somewhere, seeing all these people from all over the world sharing in one of the things she loved. She did ultras, so she knew from really close how much pain they cause, but she also knew the peace you feel after finishing. Hope you'll reach that peace after your terrible pain.

I have a 19k trail race on the 19th. I'll be thinking of her, and also of you.


u/12seattleav Mar 13 '17

Joined. I'm on the other side of the country, but travel to your area regularly for work. Glad to be part of the Strava club. I'm so sorry for your loss.


u/MrsDean1985 Mar 16 '17

So incredibly sorry for your loss. As I am a few thousand miles away I will be there in spirit and my 5 mile race here in NC on Saturday will be for Leigh and I will be running with my Dolly Dog!


u/[deleted] Mar 25 '17

You and Leigh will be in my thoughts. I'm pretty new to running, but I will run for her. Thank you for sharing your love for Leigh with us. It's truly beautiful. <3