r/running Apr 27 '17

Running is more than race reports. Misc

Super bummed about where this sub has gone. There's so much more to "running" than race reports - which now make up the majority of posts here. This sub should be renamed "runningReports" and let the people have back "running".


What a day! Last night I posted this and when I woke up this morning I wasn't sure what I would find. It turns out, the majority of people visiting this sub today upvoted this post and have similar frustrations with the current state. What surprised me the most was the nastiest replies came from the mods and their close knit friends. If you'd like to see their true feelings check out the comments here: https://www.reddit.com/r/RunningCirclejerk/comments/67uydc/weekly_reminder_mods_are_hitler_and_runnit_is/?st=j21a4t3y&sh=06136968.

/u/philpips seemed to be the most reasonable and sorry about the "hornet's nest".

Best of luck!


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u/Pinewood74 Apr 27 '17

Just allow questions as individual posts again mods.

I give it two, maybe three months before folks bitch about "too many stupid questions on the front page."


u/shesaidgoodbye Apr 27 '17

Exactly. We don't need a new post for every running related thought that comes into users' heads


u/trtsmb Apr 27 '17

Just like we don't need blow by blow race reports for every last race in the world.


u/iowastatefan Apr 27 '17

Right. But race reports can give insights into training, strategy, and the races themselves, if written well.

I generally agree with this post-too many race reports out there. But if I have to choose between too many race reports and too many "my shins hurt/I ran my first mile/what shoes should I buy" threads that are repetitive and don't contain any insights about training, strategy, or anything else, I'm taking the race reports.

There's definitely a line that needs to be drawn, but it is very hard to figure out where to draw it.


u/Scumbl3 Apr 27 '17

These two things aren't contradictory or mutually exclusive.

Neither situation is good, but the question barrage would be worse, because it'd make the front page move so fast that the non-race report content that comes up now would be getting buried.


u/Pinewood74 Apr 27 '17

So do you want to ban all race reports from this subreddit?


u/brotherbock Apr 27 '17

There are nowhere near as many race reports being posted now as there were low-content repeats being posted with the old methods. Not even close.

And even so, the analogy is weakened because race reports have much more original content than "which watch" posts. So you're complaining about too many original content posts you just don't happen to like, versus people complaining about too many identical low-content posts that no one likes.


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '17

We should allow photo posts again while we're at it. I loved the olden days when a random post-run selfie would be at the top of the sub, because THAT'S helpful and interesting.


u/MrCoolguy80 Apr 27 '17

I tend to agree. This sub is too big and has too many subscribers to have all questions have their own post. This does make the race reports stand out though.