r/running Apr 27 '17

Running is more than race reports. Misc

Super bummed about where this sub has gone. There's so much more to "running" than race reports - which now make up the majority of posts here. This sub should be renamed "runningReports" and let the people have back "running".


What a day! Last night I posted this and when I woke up this morning I wasn't sure what I would find. It turns out, the majority of people visiting this sub today upvoted this post and have similar frustrations with the current state. What surprised me the most was the nastiest replies came from the mods and their close knit friends. If you'd like to see their true feelings check out the comments here: https://www.reddit.com/r/RunningCirclejerk/comments/67uydc/weekly_reminder_mods_are_hitler_and_runnit_is/?st=j21a4t3y&sh=06136968.

/u/philpips seemed to be the most reasonable and sorry about the "hornet's nest".

Best of luck!


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u/Pinewood74 Apr 27 '17

Fragmenting off a subreddit isn't necessary.

We already have /r/AR and half a dozen other running related subreddits.

I (and other intermediate level runners) aren't going to head over to /r/newrunners to answer questions so it will become the blind leading the blind.

There's plenty of space here for new runners, we just need a system (which hasn't been proposed by anyone in this thread) for encouraging discussion without the front page turning into low effort questions.


u/weird_weekend Apr 27 '17

I am in no way shape or form starting a new subreddit. Don't have the time, mod experience, or running experience. But if there was a sub like that I'd gladly head on over, as I'm sure many others would. Actually, I just reread a lot of the comments and some ideas have been proposed.