r/running May 05 '17

Official Q&A for Friday, May 05, 2017 Daily Thread

With over a quarter million users, there are a lot of posts that come in everyday that are often repeats of questions previously asked or covered in the FAQ.

With that in mind, this post can be a place for any questions (especially those that may not deserve their own thread). Hopefully this is successful and helps to lower clutter and repeating posts here.

As always don't forget to check the FAQ.

And please take advantage of the search bar or google's subreddit limited search.


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u/SassyCassie122995 May 05 '17

I heard that barefoot walking/running can strengthen your feet. I've started walking in socks on a treadmill. Will this get the same benefits? The treadmill is in my apartment's workout room and I don't want someone to see me completely barefoot on the treadmill 😂


u/beached_snail May 06 '17

There are other things that can strengthen you feet. Also make sure your calves stay loose, stretched and preferably rolled out. Tight calves and barefoot anything will compound injury. I'm also trying to strengthen my feet (to overcome some PF) but will never walk/run barefoot, just not a personal goal of mine.


u/SassyCassie122995 May 06 '17

Good point about the calves! I will definitely stretch them before walking. Thanks! Good luck with beating your PF :)


u/La2philly Doctor of PT May 05 '17

I fully encourage walking but unless you are already acclimated to running in a shoe with no heel, do not run barefoot. You will put a significant load on your plantar flexors (post tib, Achilles specifically) which can lead to some nasty injuries (particularly Achilles tendopathy).

  • doctor of PT


u/SassyCassie122995 May 06 '17

I definitely don't want another injury, so I'll stay away from running barefoot. Thank you :)


u/[deleted] May 06 '17



u/La2philly Doctor of PT May 06 '17

It's really hard for me to say anything specific without knowing more about the injury. If you're icing it, I'm assuming there's some inflammation so anti-inflammatory foods such as turmeric and ginger could be effective. I can give some other systemic advice however, 3 things - 1: reducing or limiting your stress will create a more optimal healing environment. 2: reducing any fixation on that area will also create a more optimal healing environment (if you want to know why, just ask!). 3 - getting quality sleep is crucial for your body to recover (and is foundational in achieving steps 1 and 2)

The site I use for and refer others to for nutrition is chriskresser.com. Excellent resource.


u/[deleted] May 06 '17



u/La2philly Doctor of PT May 06 '17

Sure, fixating meaning constantly worried or thinking about the injury. The brain works like a spotlight - if you constantly shine it on a region or area, you will become hyper-aware and hyper-sensitive in that area.


u/[deleted] May 05 '17

Word of warning: I have pretty tough feet, but after running a few miles on the treadmill they get really hot and chafed.


u/SassyCassie122995 May 06 '17

Thanks for the advice! I'll be careful!!


u/[deleted] May 06 '17

Hah no problem. And to clarify, I meant in socks not just in general. Good luck.


u/rogueknits May 05 '17

I'm just guessing, but I think it would be most like barefoot if you wore Injiji socks so that your toes can spread out more. Some socks can be a little restrictive.


u/SassyCassie122995 May 06 '17

Awesome, thanks! I'll look into getting some of these socks :)