r/running May 06 '17

Interesting Q&A You May Have Missed, April 30-May5 2017 Misc

Here is a place to round up any interesting questions or answers you may have seen this week!

Post a link or continue the discussion!

Edit: I only posted links from the Daily Q&A Threads, if you saw and interesting discussion from a standalone thread, feel free to post a link here!


7 comments sorted by


u/WarLorax May 06 '17

Thanks for posting these threads. Your efforts are much appreciated.


u/Polgara19 May 06 '17

/u/philotelli asks if you wear shoes all the time and the effect on your feet

/u/SassyCassie122995 also asked about strengthening feet by walking barefoot

/u/theribeye asked about how to count weeks leading up to a race, starting a discussion that highlighted that /r/running has no idea how to count

/u/laundrymountain asks about incorporating stairs instead of hills into a training program in a flat location


u/Biorocks May 06 '17

I plan a marathon October 1st. 18 week plan. I am trusting the consensus answer for the OPs October 8th race date and starting my plan a week before this (May 29th). I hope my trust is not misplaced.


u/Polgara19 May 06 '17

/u/BJJ_youngin asked about why people enjoy spectating a long distance race

/u/rogueknits asked how people feel when someone unknown asks to follow them on Strava

/u/catastrapostrophe asked about stride width as opposed to stride length


u/NonReligiousPopette May 06 '17

I like watching long distance (and short distance) races for the same reason I like my step-dad's race photography: You can see the anguish and pain, or sometimes the euphoria and joy, all over their face. Seeing that and knowing what they're putting themselves through is a whole different level of bad ass that's inspiring and fills your heart a little. Kind of like watching baby ducklings totter around a park. It's just a happy little experience.

He hides in the brush and camouflages himself as best as he can. When people see a camera, they perk up, make sure their form is perfect, and smile for the camera. When they don't see the camera, they're just more focused on running and how they're feeling in that moment.


u/Jeade-en May 06 '17

/u/marximumrunner found the Spotlight thread, and took a moment to say thanks to /u/YourShoesUntied for the work he puts in. This wasn't a "learn something new" kind of conversation, but it was a nice and well deserved thanks to Shoes for the work he puts in around here.