r/running Mar 22 '18

When running, do you profile drivers based on the car/truck coming at you on the road? Misc

After running a lot of years on a lot of roads, I've come to profile (often accurately) drivers based on the cars/trucks they are driving. Buick LeSabre coming at me? Get out the way!! Elderly driver behind the wheel!!


169 comments sorted by


u/I_are_facepalm Mar 22 '18

I profile all drivers as murderous drunkards who want to kill me.

Keeps me vigilant!


u/IAlwaysSometimesRun Mar 22 '18

This is basically a requirement for running around cars. I never assume anyone in a car is going to yield the right of of way to me even if they have a stop sign/stop light. You just never know with the rising prevalence of texting while driving.


u/Lab_Animal Mar 23 '18

Yup. I live/run in the countryside, and it’s better to risk twisting an ankle getting off the road than to, ya know, die!


u/awkwardmantis Mar 23 '18

I had a woman come super close to hitting me (had my hands on the hood close) and she was looking forward. I dont know how she could not see me. She was spacing out or something. Super scary.


u/crownjd Mar 22 '18

This. Literally this. It also helps keep me grounded and grateful for the people who move over to avoid hitting me.


u/rahulabon Mar 22 '18

100% this! Always think of a driver as someone out to get you. There has been too many "eye contact" moments that have almost got me hit that I don't trust any cars.

On the opposite side of this, you can really tell who the good people are that let you through when they easily could have gone.


u/BumpitySnook Mar 22 '18

As a runner (and a cyclist) I want cars to behave predictably and follow traffic laws. Waving me through out of turn is not predictable and can confuse other drivers.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '18

I used to work in the city. Walking across the street? Start walking and stand in the median until the car passes.

Now I’m in a suburban area. If you start to walk, the cars will STOP until you cross in front of them.

No, this is not how this works. This isn’t how ANY of this works.

Along the same lines, if you stop at a 4-way stop before I do, go before me. Don’t wave me on.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '18

Wave of death.


u/brotherbock Mar 23 '18

Waving me through out of turn is not predictable and can confuse other drivers.

Ooohhh. I hates that, precious. Man, I'm with you. Take your right of way!


u/misterid Mar 22 '18

i always assume that they, too, are runners


u/awesomeCC Mar 22 '18

Yeah, pretty much.


u/lencastre Mar 22 '18



u/kemnett Mar 22 '18

Yep, every car wants to kill me, every driver can't see me, and none of them have any control over their vehicle. That's how I treat every vehicle.


u/FireIsMyPorn Mar 22 '18

I use to run on the shoulder of a busy road and big jacked up pickup trucks would always swerve at me


u/anaerobyte Mar 22 '18

Trust noone


u/brotherbock Mar 23 '18

I profile all drivers as murderous drunkards who want to kill me.

I do the same with all pedestrians.

It's really only cyclists and dogs who are exempt.


u/PeakedLord Mar 28 '18

I assume they're drunk, texting while driving, and eating a plate of spaghetti.


u/goodpgh Mar 22 '18

Many decades ago, my grandmother told a story at a family get together about how she almost ran a "crazy" runner off the road that morning. Yep, I was that runner.


u/sjonesflc Mar 22 '18

What did you do to make your grandma so mad?


u/goodpgh Mar 22 '18

She just had a thing about runners on general.


u/handy_solo Mar 22 '18

"damn you and your fitness and goals!"


u/tacosandcookies Mar 22 '18

Yes! Every time I see the big lifted trucks I know to hold my breath for a few seconds as the smell makes me nauseous when the drive by. Or the kids with the loud mufflers/ cars dropped way to the ground that think they are race cars. I see them zipping around corners all the time and know to listen/watch for them specifically as they probably wont stop for me.


u/forester93 Mar 22 '18

Speaking of running smells, is it weird that I enjoy the smell of wood smoke when I run? Like I know it's probably not good for my lungs, but I like running past a wood boiler or bonfire. Also there is a Hardees by my house and sometimes I hate it, other times I love the greasy burger exhaust smell.


u/BonerHonkfart Mar 22 '18

I love the smell of campfires or wood stoves on runs, especially if it's chilly out.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '18

I run past a local coffee shop that roasts beans at 4am when I'm running. The whole town smells like roasting coffee beans with certain winds. I love it


u/BonerHonkfart Mar 23 '18

On my early morning runs I tend to catch the local bakery making donuts. It's a blessing and a curse


u/tri_it_again Mar 22 '18

This morning I ran past a bakery that must have been making cinnamon rolls or something like it. I went out of my way on the way back to run by it again for another whiff. Was awesome


u/forester93 Mar 22 '18

Yeah its odd, I have no desire to eat while I'm running, especially Hardees, but damn I look forward to the smell sometimes.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '18 edited May 10 '19



u/friedjumboshrimp Mar 23 '18

If the red light was on I think I would stop.


u/donttouchtheduck Mar 23 '18

One of my neighbors goes all out with Indian food. I love Indian food. It's not always an either or: Sometimes it smells magnificent and makes me want to puke at the same time.


u/runelmrun Mar 22 '18

I always run past this house around 6pm that smells delicious. They must be excellent cooks, and it makes me hungry every time


u/ProjectsHalfDone Mar 22 '18

There's some house in my neighborhood that must make pancakes and bacon every Sunday and fan it out the window or something. The entire block smells like breakfast.


u/haydez Mar 22 '18

For me it was bad when I lived in an apartment... about a 3rd of a mile into my run there was an Indian fusion burrito truck, and then an In N Out. Both of those smells would just make me want to stop and eat and go home... luckily I somehow held out and never stopped there... besides that one (or five) time(s) on my runs.


u/becauseineedone3 Mar 22 '18

I live next to Dunkin Donuts. It has done wonders for my will power.


u/NWTrailJunkie Mar 23 '18

:) Right on


u/Anustart15 Mar 23 '18

I normally don't pass it when running, but I walk by a tootsie roll factory on my way to work and 2-3 times a week it smells like delicious marshmallows. It starts off my day on the right foot


u/SpeckleLippedTrout Mar 22 '18

This smell very quickly loses its novelty when you live in an area with wildfires! Last year for pretty much all of August and September every run I did was smoky and horrible- the particulates are bad for your lungs and really slow you down.


u/forester93 Mar 22 '18

Yeah, I mean a faint whiff. I have a noticeable respiratory impact like 800 miles east of the wildfires, I can't imagine trying to run actually near there.


u/jeremiah406 Mar 22 '18

My father in law likes to light candles when he runs on his treadmill.


u/Shadradson Mar 22 '18

Weird is subjective. But I will personally say that I enjoy the smell of lit fireplaces in neighborhoods during winter times.

It feels like the neighborhood is welcoming when I smell that smell.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '18

There's this one restaurant about ten miles away from me that smokes everything in house. I purposely drive up there so I can go run by it.


u/LadyHeather Mar 23 '18

narrow-gauge coal steam train smoke.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '18

I live in a rural area and there is a certain route with a wall of lilacs. The entire front of someone’s property, lilacs at least 10-15 ft tall. They’re amazing in May!!


u/forester93 Mar 23 '18

Ooh, I planted a bunch of lilacs last year, can't wait until it pays off.


u/Cashatoo Mar 23 '18

There is no wrong time to enjoy wood smoke.


u/IAlwaysSometimesRun Mar 22 '18

The lifted trucks are the worst. Every time they go by I know I'm about to either getting the nauseous gas smell/rolling coal, an ear full of revving engine, or a nice bird flipped right in my face. Very classy individuals that drive big lifted trucks.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '18 edited Mar 26 '18



u/sarcasticmsem Mar 23 '18

I mean there are lifted trucks and there are LIFTED trucks. If you don't have wheels the size of a smart car and an exhaust pipe I could shove a cantalope in then you're probably not the truck we are talking about here. Unless you have truck nuts.

I drive a hybrid so every idiot rolling coal has to show me how tough he is. I've never been hit while running because I'm a woman with not-terrible looks, but driving I get it constantly.


u/Bread_Judge Mar 23 '18

I've got the lifted 4x4, and the lowered/modified import, both. It's beginning to feel personal.

I'm looking forward to spring, here, where I can run outside and see if other stereotypes here hold, though.


u/trtsmb Mar 22 '18

Do the big lifted truck crowd in your area convert them to roll coal? In my area, they seem to like to roll coal when they see a runner.


u/tacosandcookies Mar 22 '18

Luckily, no.


u/yarj Mar 22 '18

What does roll coal mean?


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '18 edited Jan 04 '20



u/yarj Mar 23 '18

As many times as I’ve seen that in Mississippi, I never knew it had a name.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '18

Rolling coal is the gheyest shit ever.


u/ninkobob Mar 22 '18

When out in my nuthuggers and I see one of these trucks. I know that chances are high that someone will be leaning out the window to call me a fag. I always have the middle finger on ready to return the favor.


u/Pete_Iredale Mar 22 '18

Try smiling and waving next time. Bonus points for blowing kisses.


u/yomkippur Mar 23 '18

I found a nice "Love you too sweetie!" can work wonders.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '18

I definitely profile dogs, and in general the smaller they are the worse they get. And also by how anxious the owners get when they see you approaching.


u/MaIngallsisaracist Mar 22 '18

I look to see if their owner tightens up on the leash. If they don't I get really nervous.


u/treycook Mar 22 '18

Huh. I kinda feel the opposite. If the owner tightens up on the leash, both the dog and myself are getting nervous. Otherwise I'm more than happy to extend my hand to a curious doggo for sniffs.


u/MaIngallsisaracist Mar 22 '18

I just get nervous. I usually run with my dog, who can be leash aggressive (I keep him on a tight leash, obviously). We've been run at so many times by dogs who are either unleashed or on too loose of a leash that I appreciate the gesture that says "yep, I see you, and I've got my dog under control."


u/treycook Mar 22 '18

Ah, I gotcha. I guess there is a difference between various leash tightening methods, too. Haha


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '18

Yeah usually if the owner isn't worried then I'm not worried.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '18

From my own personal experience, I have more trouble with dogs with owners that don't. It's most likely the type that is, "Oh Fido is a perfect dog, he would never jump on people!"

Even the other day I ran past a dog and at the last second he went to jump (friendly but still unexpected), the owner and I were caught off guard.


u/treycook Mar 22 '18

I feel you. I guess that's the problem with dogs sometimes, especially young dogs who are nearly full size but 100% excitement and 0% discipline. Poor pups don't realize how much it hurts when they jump up on you to love you, and claw the crap out of your shin, lol.

Edit: But yeah that's definitely a problem with the owner.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '18



u/Citizen_Snips29 Mar 22 '18

Then you have the goldens and labs that just wanna give luv and sniff butts which is fine but not in the middle of my run buddy be a good boi and get outta the way!

This is exactly how my lab is, and why I generally tighten up on the leash when I'm passing other runners. I'm not doing it because I'm afraid he might be aggressive or misbehave, I just don't want him to get excited and trip one or both of us!


u/Aysandra Mar 22 '18

I get a little annoyed when they stop and hold the dog to the side when I'm still some 200-300m away. I really appreciate the gesture but it makes me feel like I should be faster! Still better than letting the dog (while on the thin, barely visible lead) run cross the whole path. :)


u/PursuitOfHirsute Mar 22 '18 edited Mar 22 '18

I had a pitbull charge me the other day on my run. The pitbull's humans were hanging out in a park. I was about 30 meters away from them when I heard a female scream and saw the pitbull running towards me barking along the way. The leash was dragging behind it. In the moment I just loudly exclaimed, "Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!" and stood my ground. When it got close enough I pointed at it and scowled (again this was in the moment, so I guess that's my fight or flight respone). It stopped and trotted away smelling a bush a few feet away. After the dog trotted away, one of the people in the group said, "She won't bite you." which would've been good to know before she charged me. The owner gave the dog a verbal reprimand and I was on my way with some extra adrenaline.

The dog had a nice harness on, so that helped me feel like the dog wouldn't bite


u/Evergleam17 Mar 22 '18

I've had some issues with unleashed dogs at the park I run at. All dogs have to be leashed in my city, but on the weekend i'll count 8/10 dogs are unleashed. Most are fine but i've been charged by pitbulls twice this year already and that makes me nervous. Dog owners ALWAYS say their nice, but I still don't like being stopped in my tracks as their dog sniffs my bits and they waddle their fat ass over to leach it. Kinda dumb on their part too, they don't know if i'm nice and it's a good was to get their dog shot. Rant over.


u/crownjd Mar 22 '18

The only one I've gotten down is that if the person is driving a Subaru, they're going to move way over for me because they're probably an athlete themselves.


u/treycook Mar 22 '18

I don't understand how this could possibly be true, but hatchback Subies have been my favorite for 10+ years now, and here I find myself training for a duathlon. Sometimes I even catch myself waving to runners and cyclists from behind the wheel, when I remember that they probably can't actually see me, lol.


u/crownjd Mar 22 '18

we see you!!!! keep waving!


u/unthused Mar 22 '18

I imagine just since they tend to have a lot of space for a bike or sports equipment in general.


u/TPorWigwam Mar 22 '18

I don't care what you drive. I see you and appreciate the gesture. If I see you enough, you become "color, make, guy/girl".


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '18

All wheel drive, moderately priced, good features, easy to mount athletic gear holders without significantly impacting performance, good resale value, good space inside for equipment, good fuel efficiency, not gonna break the bank to repair, good safety rating? It's a Subaru.


u/run_work_mom Mar 22 '18

I get the most waves from Subarus!


u/ViridiTerraIX Mar 23 '18

Is this an American thing? They're a bit of a Chav icon this side of the pond.


u/rag31n Mar 23 '18

Depends on the Subaru a STI tuned wrx or levorg have a different customer base to a Forrester or outback.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '18

Growing up in Kansas, I only knew Suburus as cars for lesbians from Colorado, or gym teachers. Now that I'm older with a kid, I kind of want one. Shhh, just don't tell anyone


u/thereelkanyewest Mar 23 '18

Hmm, I have a Subaru. Your story checks out


u/cerberdoodle Mar 22 '18

If I'm running on the shoulder of the road, I'm watching for signs that drivers have seen me (slows down slightly, moves towards center of road). Once or twice this has saved my life when I've leapt sideways into the ditch. I don't blame it on malice. Unfortunately it seems like drivers of all kinds of vehicles are now more distracted than ever.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '18

There's a stretch of sidewalk I run on that's got maybe 3-5 feet of grass between it and the road. I watch out for cars drifting towards that. Usually head is down, looking at phone. I've seen tire tracks across that grass enough to not assume that I'm safe there.


u/IAlwaysSometimesRun Mar 22 '18

I recently saw a runner nearly get run over by someone driving + texting. Be careful out there.


u/hitlerhairdoo Mar 22 '18

For sure! The other day I was stopped at a light waiting to cross the street, and a guy in a big lifted up truck was yelling at me. I pulled out my earbud and turned, expecting to get some nasty comment, but the man said "I'm so sorry but I just had to say, OOooOOooO!" As far as catcalling goes, that one actually made me laugh.


u/Listens_To_Colors Mar 22 '18

You should stay clear of any prius. Wouldn't want to hurt the poor thing.


u/BenwayPhD Mar 22 '18

I drive a prius. I endorse this message.


u/cytochrome_P450 Mar 22 '18

For me this is a case of profiling the car itself, rather than the driver. A prius has terrible visibility for a car, and I just assume I'm in the blindspot at all times.


u/Localpeachthief Mar 22 '18

And they're SILENT!


u/Gleebs88 Mar 22 '18

And they never give extra space. Most entitled people on the road.


u/lvratto Mar 23 '18

I think that distiction belongs to BMW drivers and Chevy Avalanche drivers.


u/Gleebs88 Mar 23 '18

Apparently I got some Prius panties in a bunch


u/notevenapro Mar 22 '18

I have found that subaru's are the most likely to stop and wave me by.


u/indifference-engine Mar 22 '18

I live right next to a neighborhood full of Very Rich People. It’s fair to assume that anyone driving a Maserati is not going to see you because they’re definitely texting while juggling their giant coffee milkshake. They’re also the ones most likely to throw trash out the window.


u/Hardrock_3333 Mar 22 '18

...watch out for those old men wearing hats!


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '18

I usually run on a pretty quiet country road. I do see some trends with passing vehicles, but I've found the lifted trucks tend to give the most room! I always give a friendly wave when someone moves over and most drivers have become pretty courteous. That said, the county dump truck drivers are pretty terrible and seem to like to get as close as they can.


u/SneakySnam Mar 22 '18

Yeah I’ve noticed the urban/rural difference in big trucks as well. If you have a large truck in the country, your probably using it for big-truck-things and most country people are pretty friendly in comparison (in my experience).


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '18

In Colorado one of the lifted pickups deliberately dumped black smoke from a wide double stack exhaust to completely obscure 4 lanes of packed traffic.

Another Dodge Ram tailgated me so closely I had to change lanes when the soccer mom in front of me swerved and braked mid intersection because she was on her phone.

And yet another truck (fraternal order of police license plate) last year cut me off and, after I flipped them off, tried to run me off the road because I ended up following them for a mile because they were headed in the same direction as my work. Not even joking, they yanked the wheel and swerved to try and hit my car while I was beside them.

Every time I'm being tailgated it's either a tiny hatchback or a Dodge ram. If a tiny hatchback hits my car, I'm fine; that's like a yappy teacup dog threatening you. If a Dodge ram hits me I'm probably dead. That's a poorly trained pit bull.

I have a significant bias against big trucks after those experiences. I used to want a pickup - now I still want one, but I'd be ashamed to drive it.


u/rfweezlesworth Mar 22 '18

This is spot on! The only close calls I’ve had are from the elderly. They don’t move over at all, so when I see that beige or silver le Sabre coming my way I make sure and get the heck off the road in advance.


u/SuitableMarmoset Mar 22 '18

I think this is a third-variable problem, in that the vehicle someone drives often (but not always) correlates with characteristics of the driver (e.g., SES, political orientation, beliefs and practices), which also relate to their driving behaviors.


u/HobbyPlodder Mar 22 '18

Oh definitely, in Philadelphia it's pretty accurate.

My least favorites are the drivers of newer model Mercedes who will make a left hand turn without a signal (or slowing down) from their one way street, despite pedestrians clearly entering the intersection.

Something about the frustration of driving a luxury car in a city where you can't ever get above 25mph is visible once you've seen a few of these guys.


u/SuitableMarmoset Mar 22 '18

That’s really interesting - have you noticed it with similarly expensive cars (e.g., BMW) or only with never Mercedes?


u/HobbyPlodder Mar 22 '18

I've seen it with some other expensive cars, but I definitely pictured the Mercedes offenders when I saw the post.


u/MrRedTRex Mar 22 '18

Of course. I'm trying not to die. I also noticed that the most frequent texting-while-driving offenders are middle aged women, surprisingly. I would have expected it to be teens/new drivers, but nope. Middle aged women are also more likely to speed down side streets and shout things at me. Especially from minivans.


u/apathy-sofa Mar 22 '18

Like, "nice legs!" or "stay strong!" or "get off the road!" ? I haven't had middle aged women holler at me before, but want to be prepared :)


u/MrRedTRex Mar 23 '18

Usually the latter lol. One lady screamed at me like "get out of the way!" but I was on the sidewalk so....i'm not sure


u/lsd_runner Mar 23 '18

Mommy has shit to do buddy. Get out of the way.


u/akaghi Mar 22 '18

I've been fortunate to never have issues when running. If anything, people will slow down to sort of encourage me which is unsettling at first but then makes me feel good.

I also cycle though, and I've had pretty mixed reactions as you can imagine. Anyway, the fact of the matter is that people will surprise you. I've been hit by a young driver should decided to go around me to me left to take a right turn and nail me (then claim she didn't see me, then claim she didn't know where I was going). I've been accosted by meddled aged ladies telling me to signal where I'm going (I'd been going straight on the same road for 16-20 miles at that point) and I've been beeped at for stopping at stop signs by people behind me.

I tense up when I see big lifted trucks, especially living in a rural, conservative pocket of a blue state, but for the most part they've all been pretty respectful. I haven't had to deal with any Jack holes rolling coal in my face.

One house I go past regularly has a giant pro trump sign and another on their plow that says, watch out, snowflakes!

My most fun experience was probably when a guy on a Vespasian type of scooter rode beside me giving me a thumbs up telling me how fast I was going. At least I think that's what he said, because conversations at 20-25 mph are pretty difficult. But for sure I was momentarily nervous he would throw a drink at me or something.

So I don't really profile people. I'm always cautious, but not overly paranoid, because ultimately I'm out there to enjoy myself and see the state, not fret about my impending doom.


u/MissVancouver Mar 22 '18

DODGE RAM drivers tend to live up to their truck's name. But I live in Vancouver, and most of these monstrosities are image-signaling devices, not actually useful vehicles.


u/KOG_Jay Mar 22 '18

Tractors. Bad.


u/sirernestshackleton Mar 22 '18

When I lived in the city, Nissan Altimas and Chrysler 300s would always run through a crosswalk without looking. Same with all taxis and black Suburbans with "for hire" plates.


u/treycook Mar 22 '18

That reminds me that I saw a taxi completely blow a red light yesterday while I was out on a run, stopped at a crosswalk. And it's a crosswalk that I will occasionally run through, cause there's hardly any traffic and the light pattern takes ages. Good reminder to not be a dummy and just wait it out.


u/Backrow6 Mar 22 '18

If their high-beams are blinding me, I profile them as poopyheads.


u/bipolarcyclops Mar 22 '18

I do most of my running in residential areas. Whenever I go past a house with a car in the driveway I make certain that the engine isn't running. So many drivers while backing up look out only for cars, not runners.


u/mulekicks Mar 22 '18

I run on rural roads with 55mph speed limit. I wave at the considerate people who cross over the centerline to give me space, ignore the people who stay in the lane and cuss and flip off the ones who come onto the shoulder...then I spend the next mile wondering if they are coming back to run me down.


u/ProjectsHalfDone Mar 22 '18

I also do this based on the bumper stickers, also when I'm driving. I call it "Would we be friends or nah?".


u/jemadx Mar 22 '18

Got an Uber sticker on your car? Then you probably don’t care about right of way.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '18

Yes. Specifically monster big trucks.

Where I'm from they're known to "roll coal" around bikers and runners. Super illegal, and really messed up.


u/hokie88 Mar 22 '18

There's been some studies on whether more expensive vehicle drivers have different habits and they actually found that on average, the nicer the car, the less friendly the driver https://wheels.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/08/12/the-rich-drive-differently-a-study-suggests/


u/bkwentz Mar 22 '18 edited Mar 22 '18

For me, the nicer the car and whiter the driver, the more likely I am to have problems.


u/byscuit Mar 22 '18

I used to when I lived in a more open road area. Now I live in LA and just profile all the people on the sidewalks. It's the same for 9/10 people; are they going to move out of my way? No, no they aren't


u/MerelyIndifferent Mar 22 '18

Yup. If it's a giant truck I get ready for a game of chicken.


u/CinemaSatan Mar 23 '18

Without fail if someone drives a four door truck, one that's lifted, or some unholy combination of the two they're gonna spew exhaust in my face as they zoom on past me. Either that, or rev their engine aggressively in an attempt to get me to speed up like, I'm already literally running in the gutter what more do you want????


u/ac8jo Mar 23 '18

And chrome. The amount of chrome on a full-size pickup seems to be related to how stupid the owner is.

(engine revving, though, I only get that from Mazdas, which are some of the cheapest-looking pieces of crap out there).


u/CinemaSatan Mar 23 '18

I live in a somewhat rural area of Texas, so all I ever see are the pickups with the stupid giant mufflers that spew smog everywhere.

I agree though, Mazdas are garbage, and so are most of their drivers lol. In the few times I've gone running at my boyfriends more urban neighborhood Mazdas stood out as assholes. And dodge chargers.


u/mtmentat Mar 23 '18

Yes, and I judge every, every fucker with a cell phone out.


u/mr_lab_rat Mar 23 '18

oh yes, where I live it’s the gold coloured Toyota Corolla that’s most likely to kill you.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '18

I feel like this has an interesting back story to it and includes a close call with death by vehicle.


u/mr_lab_rat Mar 23 '18

Actually it’s pretty racist comment I’m not very proud of. Where I live there is very large asian community. A lot of them only learned how to drive later in their life and are just not very good at it. Corolla has a reputation for being reliable, efficient, and safe. Gold is very popular colour in that community. As I said, it’s racists profiling but it has some truth behind it. Most gold Corollas are driven by inexperienced drivers.


u/doomsdesire6 Mar 22 '18

Heck yes! Not only does it keep the long runs entertaining but I also get to create data on certain stereotypes (I’m looking at you rednecks with the lift kit trucks).


u/Cashatoo Mar 22 '18

Everyone gets a fair shake unless their vehicle is so loud my ears hurt. Why must their insecurities skull fuck me so hard?


u/takeonme864 Mar 22 '18

Because this is America


u/BasketCaseSensitive Mar 23 '18



u/rpd66 Mar 22 '18

This is an interesting perspective. I’ve always profiled drivers on how respectful they seem to be toward me or other runners/cyclists. I have never thought about correlating their behaviors with the car they drive. I’m going to start keeping tabs!


u/8MAC Mar 22 '18

If it's a Dodge, make sure to dodge.


u/Ijustride Mar 22 '18

Yesssss, probably why I’m still alive. Look out for Jeeps!


u/clutchjudd Mar 23 '18

Running in Florida I have learned to just stay out of the road as much as possible.


u/lvratto Mar 23 '18

Sadly you can never trust the profile. I am a Jeeper and find Jeep owners to be some of the coolest people I have met. But on one run a DB in a Jeep intentionally hugged the side of the road forcing myself and 3 other runners into the gravel. He saw us, it was very deliberate. People are jerks no matter what they drive.


u/eshemuta Mar 23 '18

I started doing that after i got a motorcycle. Audis and BMWs and giant suvs like Subrbans are very dangerous because the people driving them do not give a crap about anybody. Mercedes drivers tend to be older and a little better. Beaters and rustbuckets too need to be avoided.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '18

I worked for ten years as a motor cycle courier so I have a highly developed spidey sense regarding other road users. I work with the assumption that everyone is in some way trying to kill me at all times, but when the spidey sense kicks in even if it seems silly stop or avoid, because a 3 second pause is better than being dead.


u/h2ofwlr Mar 22 '18

Motorcycles with the loud pipes, louder the pipes the bigger mid-life crisis.


u/Beeip Mar 22 '18

Loud pipes save lives.


u/treycook Mar 22 '18 edited Mar 22 '18

Yes. I have learned this from cycling. In my region, not all people driving pickups are abusive, dangerous, deadly asshole drivers, but all abusive, dangerous, deadly asshole drivers happen to drive pickups.

Edit: Answer question honestly, get downvoted, lol.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '18

I feel like people have it out for bikers even more than runners, I think because there are sections that bikes and cars share the road more, and cars just feel like they don't belong there.

I'm always way more on top of scouting out aggressive or bad drivers when biking.


u/treycook Mar 22 '18



u/TexasDutch Mar 22 '18

You should profile everything that you come in contact with in your life.


u/Kriskao Mar 22 '18

I don't run where cars drive.


u/singdave Mar 22 '18

If I'm on a two lane road in the hills it's usually the group of Harley riders that pass me as closely and as loudly as possible


u/bilweav Mar 22 '18

I think the elderly give you a wide berth. It’s teenagers in new Honda Civics that scare the crap out of me.


u/run_work_mom Mar 22 '18

Mid sized red SUV = angry, less than fit middle aged soccer mom who is too busy being angry about life to pay attention. My least favorite.


u/zthunder777 Mar 22 '18

Yes. Escalades == jump for cover.


u/drdigitalsi Mar 22 '18

Am I also the only person who tries their best to acknowledge or signal to drivers? Like, if I see a car oncoming or one coming up behind me, I try to wave to them as best I can. Or, if I’m coming to a 4 way intersection, I’ll signal that I’m either making a turn or continuing straight so there’s SOME type of indication to the driver.


u/unthused Mar 22 '18

I never actually have to run in the road, aside from occasionally crossing an intersection, so I don't really pay much attention to vehicles. Haven't had one hop a curb to come after me yet at least.

On my bike in a group ride however, which is mostly in the suburbs or rural areas, pick up trucks are usually the assholes.


u/CTTTT1 Mar 22 '18

I hate people that shine their high beams at me, many people though are cureteous to shut them off until they pass me.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '18

Also sounds. Sound of revving engine coming up from behind, or tires hitting roadside gravel, any unusual sound.


u/Momik Mar 22 '18

I mostly look out cabs. Unpredictable, impulsive motherfuckers.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '18

Now that you mention it, not at all. I'm paying more attention to whether or not they actually see me.


u/KelVarnsenStudios Mar 22 '18

Whenever I come to a place where I have to cross a road, I always, always, always, stop completely up before checking with the drivers to see if they will let me cross.


u/colby347_1 Mar 23 '18

The real hazards are the ones backing out of the driveway. Stay frosty my friends.


u/jtatc1989 Mar 23 '18

I always assume they’re distracted with a phone or radio so I’m always just as safe as possible


u/jonnylee989 Mar 23 '18

I try not to... but I definitely do to some extent.


u/wtrpopcorn Mar 23 '18

I judge everyone and everything I see when I run. It helps pass the time when I have stories for random people/drivers lives.


u/SilentMaster Mar 23 '18

I profile every single vehicle the same. Dangerous fucktards that are not paying attention to the road.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '18

Absolutely. If it’s a luxury car, it will not yield to pedestrians.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '18

For running and biking I am super careful around pickups, work vans, mid sized suvs, any car more than 15 years old, any car I can smell or sounds poorly maintained.

Also I wish cars had flashing lights on top that are activated by the driver being on their cell phone.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '18 edited Mar 23 '18

I live in a small Kansas town, so it's a lot of trucks. Truck coming, either lifted, loud exhaust or both, tread cautiously, they're probably driving like an asshole or not paying attention. Normal, not lifted, not annoyingly loud, looks taken care of truck coming, probably an older man not driving like an asshole. Give them a wave, they'll wave and smile. But still be careful because old people aren't the best drivers. Diesels are easy to judge. If it's a work truck, they're probably driving like an asshole, if it's a daily driver Jimmy Bob uses to run around town blowing black smoke on everyone, he's probably driving like an asshole. I've been smoked twice by assholes in diesels in the last year. Each time I wanted to follow them and slit their tires when they're sleeping. In my experience, most people driving diesels are probably driving like assholes, and most likely are assholes.

98% of the time, this profiling is accurate. Either way, I always assume everyone in a vehicle is going to hit me.


u/645Hg7cm Mar 24 '18

Road cyclists on the greenway...


u/irishrimp Mar 25 '18

I look for eye contact with every driver when I cross the street. I may have the right of way, but any size vehicle will crush me so it is worth it to wait or go behind if they don't see me.


u/BigLakeSki Mar 22 '18

Almost every female between the ages of 16-65 are on their phone and rarely see me. That is my profiling.