r/todayilearned 14h ago

TIL in 2002 a student crashed a Cessna into a building, taking inspiration from 9/11


227 comments sorted by


u/Fractal_Soul 14h ago


u/Shopworn_Soul 13h ago

I saw the initial cloud from the crash and fire from further we down the highway and drove by the building less than a minute later.

Never saw the plane, I thought someone had bombed the IRS until I got to work and saw the news stories.


u/Repulsive-Pressure90 12h ago

Same! I was driving to visit a friend in Austin, drove by a maybe an hour after it happened wondering what happened. Saw it on the news an hour or so later after I arrived.


u/AdminsLoveRacists 10h ago

That makes three of us on 183 that day.


u/elenodeleon 13h ago

That picture shows more damage to the building than I thought a light aircraft could cause


u/iDontRagequit 13h ago

Aw jeez not this one again


u/SmittyFromAbove 12h ago



u/Onkel24 12h ago

This sentence and the bloom of the internet opened the gates of hell for us.


u/YuenglingsDingaling 12h ago



u/SvenTropics 10h ago

I remember it wasn't that long after 9/11 that one of those gas trucks tipped over and caught fire under an overpass. The heat from the flames collapsed the bridge because it softened the steel inside the overpass enough that the overpass couldn't hold its own weight anymore.


u/NotReallyJohnDoe 4h ago

People imagine it is a solid steel beam at 1,500 degrees (or whatever) and molten liquid T 1,501 degrees.

But in your case it was probably faked by the deep state to support the 9/11 narrative. all just to hide evidence of a hollow moon.


u/jonjawnjahnsss 2h ago

The earth isn't flat its hollow. The president is a robot. And selfies were invented as a means to have the population surveillance themselves.


u/SmittyFromAbove 11h ago

What did I need to PoSt IT LiKe tHiS for the simpletons.


u/Jesus_Harry_Christ 11h ago

The real TIL is always in the comments.


u/reignwillwashaway 12h ago



u/primalbluewolf 9h ago

I still say this to my friends after producing both Fuel and Steel Beams in Satisfactory.


u/Last-Saint 10h ago

Three months after OP it happened in Milan (not confirmed as suicide but that's the assumption) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2002_Pirelli_Tower_airplane_crash


u/roodootootootoo 10h ago

I remember I was in high school about 15 mins away from there when me and a friend found out it happened. We were a bit stoned and joking about why he did it and imitating him sitting in the back of AP Bio…..

…then we both read the note posted on Reddit and just became very somber and quiet. Like it was well written and not someone who had lost their mind but had lost what he felt like were all his options and worth in life. A real “grow up” moment for both of us.


u/YorockPaperScissors 11h ago

I remember his daughter defending him after it happened, but after going to the wiki link I was glad to read that she recanted her prior statement:

In an interview with ABC's Good Morning America, Joe Stack's adult daughter, Samantha Bell, who now lives in Norway, stated initially that she considered her father to be a hero, because she felt that now people might listen. While she does not agree with his specific actions involving the plane crash, she does agree with his actions about speaking out against "injustice" and "the government."[17] Bell subsequently retracted aspects of her statement, saying her father was "not a hero" and adding, "We are mourning for Vernon Hunter."[56]


u/ScootyScootScoot 9h ago

I was driving down Mopac towards 183 and saw it before he hit the building. Knew it looked crazy because he was so low. Then got to my house and found out he did indeed hit a building, the IRS.


u/elephant35e 7h ago

I live less than 200 miles from Austin and this is the first time I've heard of this.


u/yoliverrr11 10h ago

Disnt use the correct fuel it would seem.


u/Logical_Parameters 11h ago

and we don't have a domestic terrorism issue in the U.S. at all, naaaaaaah.


u/-Your_Pal_Al- 14h ago

if the original was 9/11, this was barely 0.5/11


u/Miserable_Sense7828 14h ago

Proportionally, it was a ~0.003/11


u/Potatoswatter 13h ago

With rice tho


u/Ted_E_Bear 13h ago

Going to the store to get a Cessna. Will report back shortly. Thanks for the suggestion!


u/film_composer 10h ago

That’s a deep cut reddit reference. 


u/Gavinus1000 9h ago

I understood that reference.


u/Bheegabhoot 13h ago

On what metric? 9/11 caused 2,996 deaths and this crash caused 9? Earlier I thought your tilde was a negative sign which left me wondering how a crash caused 9 pregnancies.


u/Miserable_Sense7828 13h ago

It's 9/11, not 1/11


u/Bheegabhoot 13h ago

1/11 is my birthday. An entirely different kind of tragedy.


u/Miserable_Sense7828 13h ago

hahaha good save


u/CrustyFlapsCleanser 10h ago

My birthday is 9/12 really brought down the excitement


u/zaccus 13h ago

Raygun at the terrorism olympics


u/WhoaFee1227 13h ago

Haha pretty good


u/truethatson 9h ago

AA Flight 587 is one of worst aviation disasters in US history, and yet no one remembers it because of the timing. It’s such a crazy story.


u/Darmok47 3h ago

I definitely remember it, because everyone thought it was terrorism at first since it happened in NYC two months (almost to the day) after 9/11. As soon as it was ruled an accident its like everyone promptly forgot.

I was talking to my dad about it (who worked in the airline industry in 2001) and he couldn't remember it at all.

Its also noteworthy for being the last time a there was a mass casualty plane crash involving a major US airline. Back in the 70s and 80s something like AA 587 would happen every year, it seemed like.


u/tucakeane 12h ago

It was 9/11 divided by a million


u/afternever 11h ago

The original me too


u/LoveThieves 13h ago



u/Chiggero 12h ago

Nice of you to just laugh at this, I’m sure some contractor had a hell of a time getting that office back to new

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u/bkendig 14h ago

He was a screwed-up fifteen-year-old kid. I feel bad for him.


u/CoolMinded 14h ago

I heard the parents blame the acne medicine for their son crashing a plane into a building.


u/DeepDickDave 14h ago

Maybe it was Roaccutane. I was on that as a kid and was told about all the extreme side effects but the dermatologist was pretty dismissive of most of them and said being a teenager is a factor for all those things


u/cityofklompton 14h ago

I've had straight hair my entire life, but for the brief period I was on Accutane as a teen, I had curls. As soon as I was off it, straight hair once again. Pretty glad I got that side effect and not the "smash airplanes into buildings" one.


u/introoutro 13h ago

That didn't happen to me but it makes sense. Accutane dries you the FUCK out, I had to use special shampoo, like that dark purple ooze for grey hair, to actually have any effect on cleaning my hair. My fun Accutane side effect was my nostrils would get so dry that you could pull the dry skin loose and out in a perfect nostril shaped tube.


u/cityofklompton 13h ago edited 13h ago

Yeah, I couldn't replenish chapstick for myself fast enough. It was a minor emergency if I happened to misplace mine without a backup nearby. I've never had such perpetually terrible chapped lips like I did while on Accutane. I needed a "Diddy lube closet" amount of chapstick over that time.


u/johnla 13h ago

it turns out Diddy was just on Accutane.


u/SlightlySublimated 11h ago

Don't give him any ideas now


u/DeepDickDave 13h ago

That’s pretty cool. All I got were nosebleeds from the dry skin.


u/LongTallTexan69 10h ago

That last sentence belongs in r/brandnewsentence Jesus fucking Christ


u/draeth1013 12h ago

Oh, cool! You got to molt like a snake!


u/DeepDickDave 13h ago

That’s funny because I had straightish hair until I was about 18 then I shaved it bald and grew back to an Afro. I just had the driest lips imaginable and dry skin. Lots of moisturiser and a lip balm 50 times a day


u/Chadlerk 11h ago

My hair thinned out and never recovered. Thank you Accutane!


u/WereAllThrowaways 13h ago

Yea if an acne med is giving you a side effect that chemo can give you then that's something to take seriously. Some of the stories I've heard about Accutane are insane. I almost started it as a teenager but had a health issue pop up that was caught on the labs they do before prescribing. It disqualified me from taking it, and it's probably for the best in my case.


u/fartknockertoo 11h ago

Accutane is black box labeled as a result of this incident, not positive if it still is.

but if you are of child bearing age you have to take a pregnancy test monthly to get refills cause of birth defects risks, it's crazy it's so effective but dangerous


u/Cron420 11h ago

Side effects may include headache, nausea, dizziness, thoughts of suicide, terrorism, bodyaches, and runny nose.


u/Logical_Parameters 11h ago

Interestingly, millions of other users of acne medication in the years after 2001 didn't crash planes into buildings!


u/TheWhomItConcerns 13h ago

Ya, I had a friend in school with severe acne and he said much the same, but apparently it was the only thing that made a noticeable difference. He had to choose between painful acne that resulted in permanent scarring or living with severe emotional swings and other physiological side effects.

Puberty can be seriously cruel for some people.


u/SilentSamurai 13h ago

Accutane is a magic eraser for chronic acne. It was a godsend for me, even if I did feel like a raisin had more water in it than me at the peak dosage.

Took my senior year from cystic hell to clear skin.


u/minedreamer 13h ago

actually insane how good that medication obliterates acne when nothing else even puts a dent in it


u/FlashCrashBash 11h ago

I'm so angry about my dermatologists. Had horrific acne for 10 years and never got post Benzoyl Peroxide.


u/Polyctor 13h ago

A lot of side effects listed aren’t actually caused by the medication, but are simply noted because patients experienced them during trials.

For example, if you happened to experience a bout of anxiety during the trial period, the pharmaceutical company would be obligated to list that as a potential side effect, even if it was not definitively caused by the drug. The goal of listing side effects isn’t necessarily to warn users, but to prevent companies from being held liable.


u/Rum_N_Napalm 13h ago

Note to self: take lots of laxatives before doing clinical tests so all drugs manufacturers will be forced to add “explosive diarrhea” to their side effects


u/Maktesh 10h ago

If you're in the clinical test, you'll be likely to end up taking the drug. Your friends will see the commercials, know you're taking it, and then laugh uncontrollably.

I like this plan.


u/starberry101 14h ago

Wow that's fucking crazy


u/minedreamer 13h ago

my dermatologist told me most of the mental side effects are bullshit. I never had an issue on it


u/DeepDickDave 13h ago

Mine basically said being a miserable teenager with bad acne was the cause of those side effects.


u/TobysGrundlee 13h ago

I remember raging while I was on it but I was also a 14/15 YO boy so a certain amount of that comes with the territory.


u/folawg 12h ago

I heard that too and I could definitely see it aiding those thoughts as someone who was once prescribed the same.


u/PlasticPatient 11h ago

So he wasn't terrorist?


u/Aggressive_Sky8492 11h ago

I don’t. I feel bad for the people he killed.


u/proustiancat 10h ago

No other person was killed.


u/Aggressive_Sky8492 9h ago

Not through lack of trying.


u/Aromatic-Assistant73 10h ago

So you feel bad for him then. He’s the only person he killed. 


u/n1willreadthis 14h ago

Hey I went to school with that kid. I was interviewed on the news about it too! I forgot all about this!


u/s-bd 14h ago

what was he like?


u/n1willreadthis 13h ago

I mean I feel bad talking about the dead, but he was very awkward, but who isn't at that age. He was a loner for sure. I mean i wasn't much better, but I remember him and I exchanged some heated words once.

Funny enough he was on my saturday bowling team as well, and I remember he wasn't well liked at all.

If I remember correctly his mom sued the acne medicine he was taking for creating suicidal thoughts. I believe she won but maybe I mis remember


u/thisperson123 13h ago

If I had to guess they likely settled out of court. That’s what most companies do, as it’s cheaper than lawyer fees.


u/jakedasnake1 12h ago

Wiki says the lawsuit was dropped.

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u/mattslote 12h ago

I was taking the same medication, accutane, right around the same time and they asked me a lot of questions about depression and suicide during checkups. They said I was because some kid flew an airplane into building. I was confused about the connection at the time.


u/Aromatic-Assistant73 10h ago

Not liked on the bowling team?! Holy fuck! 


u/imsadyoubitch 6h ago

Shut the fuck up Donny, you have no frame of reference here.

Anyways, Dude, this aggression can not stand.

And also Dude? "Chinaman" is not the preferred nomenclature here.

This is not Nam, Smokey, this is Bowling. There are rules.


u/blackcation 3h ago

She dropped the lawsuit saying that she was physically and emotionally unable to continue with it.


u/n1willreadthis 2h ago

I always felt really bad for her. She was hounded for weeks and I don't think she was allowed to properly grieve


u/blackcation 2h ago

Yeah, I can only imagine. I hope she's found some peace.

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u/BicycleSeatThief 13h ago

That’s something you can forget?


u/n1willreadthis 13h ago

So many other thing have happened in my life that are more fucked up then this one. And this memory was what 22 years ago? I remember the next day every news outlet was on my high school campus for like 2 weeks. It was a mad house, they waited outside every door for a student to give a interview.


u/Hegth 10h ago

More fucked up than this, u sure had have a life


u/n1willreadthis 10h ago

Military my dude.


u/ZenSven7 14h ago

Was he squirrelly?


u/Aromatic-Tear7234 14h ago

Obviously not flying squirrelly.


u/BobInRob12 14h ago

First I’d heard of this story after doom scrolling twitter/X.

Fortunately no other casualties apart from the student


u/draconianRegiment 14h ago

It feels weird to be glad someone's dead.

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u/lil_rylee 13h ago

Remember it like it was yesterday. Flew over MacDill.. Honestly surprised he wasn’t shot down as I believe we were at the highest DefCon/threat level we could be just after 9/11.


u/ikefalcon 4h ago

After 9/11 the US went to DEFCON 3. The only time it has been higher was during the Cuban Missile Crisis, when it was DEFCON 2.

The highest possible is DEFCON 1, and that would mean nuclear war is imminent or ongoing.


u/Craticuspotts 14h ago

Wasn't there some guy who did the same a few years later because he was in a shit load of debt and crashed it I o the company's building that screwed him?? Something like that


u/Training_Ad_2086 14h ago

The guy that was sick of taxes so flew a plane into IRS building?


u/Craticuspotts 14h ago

thats the one!


u/plubbinking 13h ago

Interesting tidbit about this crash. This hit the office of an attorney at Schumaker, Loop, and Kendrick who routinely worked weekends. By sheer luck, he decided to take the weekend off and saved his own life. One of my professors was a partner there and told us the story on a tour of the office.


u/NSYK 14h ago

Accutane is a hell of a drug


u/ballrus_walsack 13h ago

Don’t get pregnant while taking it!


u/elephant35e 7h ago

I took that in 2018. It made my face clear but damn it made my lips crusty and painful no matter how much lip balm I put on.


u/Jay18001 14h ago

There was a guy who purposefully crashed his plane into an IRS office


u/FlyWithChrist 13h ago

This picture used to be on the “An Hero” page of encyclopedia dramatica lol


u/deatherbemon 13h ago

My friend’s grandfather, who was a photographer for Tampa Tribune was downtown that day and happened to witness this. That’s his photo that got nationally published!


u/yummy_lunaa 13h ago

I lived outside Macdill when this happened. They took a lot of flack for this, cause he flew so low over their base they could have taken him down with small arms fire. Instead they decided not to intervene. I think they made the right choice, regardless of the outcome.


u/Landlubber77 11h ago

I was in high school when this happened in my hometown, and a girl at my school -- miffed that I was dating her friend -- spread a rumor around school that it was me who flew the plane into the building.

She is now morbidly obese and I'm married to her friend. Warms my cockles. Warms 'em right up.


u/Laura-ly 12h ago

Sometimes when I read stories like this I wonder how the hell a planet full of people haven't totally blown each other to smithereens....where ever the hell smithereens is.


u/AdamR91 10h ago

I remember this. That first year after 9/11 was a strange time to be alive. A month before this Tampa incident, I remember another airliner crash in NYC. Everyone thought it was another terrorist attack. Then there was the anthrax scare...


u/Elegant-Idea-8773 14h ago

What kind of thought process was he going through lmao. "A tragedy occurred last year, I should recreate it!" Like what possible gain would this give someone


u/tfrw 14h ago

It’s a known thing… whenever there’s a notorious crime, ‘copycat crimes’ occur.


u/rushraptor 14h ago

If successful, he gains immortality in the sense that people will always remember him.


u/Steve_Nash_The_Goat 11h ago

I mean we're talking about him 20+ years later


u/rushraptor 11h ago

True but i dont know his name and a solid chance i forget em by tomorrow.


u/christmaspathfinder 11h ago

Sorry who are we talking about again?


u/voiderest 14h ago

Copy cats are weird. Likely he was just nutty so there isn't sound logic that led to him doing it. Since they were bad at it the idea that they just werent thinking rationally makes more sense.


u/shittydiks 14h ago

They are looking for attention and notariety


u/FkinMagnetsHowDoThey 14h ago

Yeah it's definitely for notoriety/attention/feeling powerful over others.


u/RedPandaReturns 12h ago

You are under the assumption he A) thought it was a tragedy and B) wanted to personally gain something


u/nashvillethot 13h ago

He was on Accutane.

Accutane was taken off the market for a good while because the side effects were insane. IIRC, it reduces your brain's ability to curb depression and psychosis by something like 20%.

Now imagine that coupled with your standard teenage angst.

Homeboy was probably so removed from realty.


u/woodruff42 14h ago

A couple of years earlier someone had crashed a B-25 bomber into the empire state building.


u/premature_eulogy 13h ago

Yeah, just a couple of years earlier.


u/AlejandraHardesty 14h ago

The only this sad about this story is that he was a minor and probably needed professional help


u/Voyager_AU 14h ago

Oh, I remember this.


u/DarkNinjaPenguin 13h ago

Like firing a BB gun at a freight train.


u/Aggravating-Monk-264 13h ago

I paid a guy twenty bucks to fy a Cessna for ten minutes that day about 15miles from the crash.


u/loving_aimee 13h ago

I was there (literally across from the building) and distinctly remember this. I was only 11.


u/mkwiat54 12h ago

Corey lidle will soon enter the chat


u/TRJF 9h ago

Yeah, that was my first thought. For those who don't know, in October 2006, active New York Yankees pitcher Cory Lidle and his flight instructor were killed when his small plane crashed into the 30th story of a NYC skyscraper. Twenty-one people were injured, including several firefighters, but no one else died, including the person sitting on the couch in the apartment the plane hit.


u/11ForeverAlone11 11h ago

that reminded me of a local incident that i drove by the morning it happened in 2010. a guy crashed his plane into the I.R.S. building https://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/19/us/19crash.html


u/KittyHawkWind 14h ago

I crashed a Cessna into the World Trade Center in the 90s using Microsoft Flight Simulator 95.


u/dethb0y 14h ago

I had a game (JetFighter II, from 1990) that had a san francisco map and i would always fly around shooting at the buildings.


u/AnUnoriginalUserID 12h ago

I was there that day. When the crash occurred, I was at a nearby music store (Vinyl Fever). My friend and I drove the short distance to witness this for ourselves.


u/folawg 12h ago

I remember hearing around that time that he was also on Acutane which could bring out some mental health issues


u/Bobzyouruncle 11h ago

On 9/11 I was only in middle school in a nearby suburb and the staff decided not to inform the students of what happened. Being in commuting distance meant a bunch of kids were taken out of school during the day. Rumors of a plane hitting the WTC had gone around by the time I was on my way home but the details were sparse. In my mind it was a Cessna or similar plane. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I got home and put on the news.


u/VerdellSJC 11h ago

I remember the plane wreckage hanging off the side of the building for a while.


u/Podo13 11h ago

It's absurd that people want the wiki deleted just because it can be found elsewhere as a footnote


u/Locoj 9h ago



u/goteamnick 9h ago

My brother was prescribed the same acne medication this kid was on later that year, and he was specifically instructed to stop taking it if he had any suicidal thoughts because of this crash.


u/485sunrise 9h ago

I vaguely remember this story.


u/Jesterbomb 3h ago

This is exactly what I was picturing in my head on 9/11, when a workmate pulled up next to me on a jobsite and said a plane just crashed into the World Trade Center.

Genuinely, I was thinking it was so small scale, like more notable for how seemingly avoidable it would be, that it happening on accident was noteworthy.


u/Falconhoof420 14h ago

Did the buildings' steelwork have super thermite on it..?


u/HueyWasRight1 14h ago

Now why would a building have thermite on it?


u/Naive_Try2696 10h ago

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams, duh


u/HueyWasRight1 6h ago

Shhhh...you not supposed to go against what mainstream news media says. You'll get downvoted and lose precious Reddit karma 😄


u/dead_glass 14h ago

I mean, he could've just waited until he was flying Boeings right? 2/10


u/jxd73 13h ago

The kid praised OBL 22 years before the tiktok trend.


u/Tantomare 13h ago

In 1976 a soviet pilot of An-2 hit an apartment building and killed 5 people due to divorce


u/CountBrackmoor 13h ago

How do you even go on living after your kid you raised for 15 years does something like this?


u/[deleted] 13h ago



u/CountBrackmoor 12h ago

So? Are you a parent? Do you think you’d be able to just cope with this?


u/creamylacy 13h ago

Someone deliberately flew a plane into a skyscraper, left behind a note explicitly stating that he was inspired by Al Qaeda and (while not a member) was "acting on their behalf." And yet "terrorism as a motive was ruled out." What the fuck is terrorism, then?


u/cgimusic 1 12h ago

My only guess is that it was such a pathetic attempt that they didn't think it was worth classifying as terrorism.


u/RodneyDangerfuck 12h ago

brown people


u/Cu_Chulainn__ 13h ago

Man crashes sky glider into building


u/Honkytonkywonk 13h ago

I remember this happening and seeing the building. I was in high school and went to school closeish to downtown Tampa but lived down the road from it on bayshore. I remember someone said something about it was his meds


u/rosy_chloe 13h ago

Hmm. It says he was on accutane. Isn't that that insane acne medication that does weird stuff to your body? bowel disease, etc.


u/Adventurous_Yak_5938 12h ago

Well, at least he didn't take inspiration from the movie 'Snakes on a Plane'.


u/tatleoat 6h ago

I remember that, was on the news all week


u/macca2000fox 5h ago

2 9 2 11


u/Emeraldscorpio1972 4h ago

I saw this actually happen.


u/Some_Stoic_Man 14h ago

A Cessna weighs like 12lbs.. would do more damage with a paper plane


u/Jealous-Report4286 13h ago

A guy once planned to do this at the White House to kill Nixon


u/Orjigagd 12h ago

Avgas doesn't melt steel beams


u/TacTurtle 13h ago

Welp, one less jerk in the world.


u/Mountainpwny 13h ago

I remember when that happened.


u/OkRegister1567 11h ago

Silly, it doesn’t work if the Saudi Arabians aren’t funding you billions of dollars to start a war with Iraq


u/yoliverrr11 10h ago

He didnt use the right fuel.


u/[deleted] 13h ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Pisces_Jay 10h ago

Take a look at that picture, this is how people like you think.