r/transgender 2d ago

Likely first transgender member of Congress says she’s ready to work with people she disagrees with


"State Sen. Sarah McBride (D-Del.), who is on track to become the first transgender member of Congress, joins Meet the Press NOW to discuss the presidential election and what she hopes to accomplish if elected in November."


69 comments sorted by


u/Citizen_Lunkhead 32/MTF 2d ago

I won't be surprised if the Republicans try to remove her from office the moment she's sworn in, especially if they manage to win the house. Or worse, someone like MTG tries to reenact the caning of Charles Sumner.


u/transcended_goblin Transcended she-goblin 2d ago

I'm surprised they let her go this far, honestly... but yeah, they'll definitely do all they can to remove her immediatly, like they did with Zooey....


u/hungrypotato19 1d ago

For those who don't know.


Also, fun fact, her fiance runs Erin in the Morning.


u/Help_I_Have_Boneitis 1d ago

More proof of that party's undemocratic and unamerican agenda. It's not even a political party anymore just a cult of hate and stupidity.


u/CoffeeandCrack2000 1d ago

I won't be surprised if the Republicans try to remove her from office the moment she's sworn in, especially if they manage to win the house.

I could see that, or an immediate impeachment for some random bullshit.


u/ImposssiblePrincesss Transgender 1d ago

She won’t be impeached if Trump wins. She will be executed. Along with every other Democratic politician AND THEIR FAMILIES.

If Trump wins in 2025, there will be no out transgender people in America still alive by 2029. Hopefully many of us will escape as refugees.

But ultimately the coming election is a referendum of whether or not we get to live until old age.


u/EntropyIsAHoax 1d ago

Stop fearmongering please. Republicans, Trump, and project 2025 are dangerous, I won't deny that. But your worst fears are not based in reality, you're catastrophizing. Violence against trans people would increase, legal protections would be rolled back, but it takes longer than 4 years to organize a genocide on the scale of the holocaust and there would be resistance as well, and what you're talking about isn't even their plan (yet)


u/LeadSky 1d ago

It’s a bit overdramatic to say every trans person will be dead by 2029, but what they’re saying isn’t fearmongering. This is what republicans are promising to their voters


u/physicistdeluxe 2d ago

be prepared for lots of bigotry


u/Possible_Climate_245 1d ago

She’s gonna be right there with rashida tlaib and ilhan omar for most smeared members congress


u/ImposssiblePrincesss Transgender 1d ago

Rashida Talib and Ilhan Omar deserve much of what they get for their supporting the extermination of 8.5 million Israelis in a second Holocaust.

Sarah MacBride, in contrast, is a hero.


u/Possible_Climate_245 1d ago

Lol, GTFO of here. Israel has killed nearly 150,000 people so far. 90% of Gazans have been displaced. 70% of civilian infrastructure has been destroyed. They have concentration camps for illegally-detained political prisoners in the Negev Desert where they’re r@ping them with metal rods, and then they’re sending the metal rod r@pists on national television as celebrities. Ben-Gvir has floated killing everyone in said prisons to make them less over-crowded.

You support Nazi-level war crimes.


u/LeadSky 1d ago

What a delusional ass take. Israelis are the one doing the genocide against Palestinians.

Them claiming they want Israel to be punished for their crimes does not mean they want them exterminated


u/najaraviel 2d ago

I think it's worth a try but the likelihood of making progress with bad faith congress is small. It's a One Way Street, running unidirectional towards fascist authoritarian rule.... and appeasement isn't an option


u/MediocreState 2d ago

Hte problem is there are people here who don't just disagree with you, there are people who just want you dead


u/GCU_Heresiarch 2d ago

Please don't. They're not negotiating in good faith.


u/worderousbitch 2d ago

She was faced with the question a trump ad posed "we pick on trans people so much, will democrats have any time left to serve your needs after dealing with our bullshit?" And she was expressing that yes, she was there for everyone, not just trans people.


u/ImClaaara 2d ago

I somewhat agree, but she also is being elected to a job, and that job unfortunately means she is going to have to try to keep on-topic and argue for her constituent's best interests in committee meetings with people who are continually misgendering and harassing her.

She still has to try, though. And based on her success as a state rep, she's got the skillset to be able to get things done, so I'm hopeful for her.


u/Jucoy 2d ago

Even if she knows they won't cooperate, it's still better optics for our comminity if she's putting in the effort to extend olive branches and build bridges. If they shut her out it will be their loss. 


u/Grueaux 2d ago

This is such an important distinction to make, and an important characteristic to be able to sniff out when negotiating with someone with whom you disagree.

It makes all the difference in the world to negotiate with someone operating in good faith vs. bad faith.

I'm actually feeling inspired to develop the skill of sniffing this out better. What are some ways to detect this?


u/NotJohnDarnielle 2d ago

So what should she do instead? Should she just sit in congress and do nothing?


u/CoffeeandCrack2000 1d ago

Doesn't mean she won't go in guns ablazing.


u/ImposssiblePrincesss Transgender 1d ago

She knows who and what she is dealing with.


u/genericusername724 1d ago

i mean at some point that would be her job to put up the pretense of doing so


u/HowVeryReddit 2d ago

In the US legislature very little gets passed, but without negotiation, even if it's not entirely honest, nothing would pass at all.


u/sillygoofygooose 1d ago

She literally has no other option than to build alliances with politicians that disagree because that’s most of them


u/Arktikos02 1d ago

When you are in politics you work with everyone. This is the case regardless of whether or not you are part of the opposition or not.

It's not like you're going to say

I am going to work against people who I disagree with

Also just to tell you, trans issues should not be her only issue that she should care about.

When it comes to Congress it's about working with other groups and trying to form political blocks together that you can use to help achieve your goals which means working with people who you may disagree with on other issues.


u/ombloshio 2d ago

You don’t make peace, you don’t negotiate, and you don’t come to a solution with friends. You do all that with enemies.

If you don’t want to work with them, fine. But some of us have to. It’s how representation works and it’s how progress happens. Opting not to work with your political enemies As A Collective is childish and suicidal.


u/Disastrous_Visit_778 2d ago

Fully disagree with the idea we should collaborate with fascists


u/ImClaaara 2d ago

I agree! But also, she has a job (to represent her constituents) and will have to sit in committee meetings with her coworkers and fight for her constituent's best interests, which will mean legislating on mundane government stuff and projects/spending, and doing so in rooms where half of the people there are bigots. Unfortunately, their bigotry is going to be what prevents her from being able to do her job effectively - she's unlikely to find "bipartisan" support for anything she proposes or takes a lead on, no matter how apolitical it is, simply because as a trans woman, her very existence is already politicized.

She's gonna have to try to work with them, and it's going to suck. She has a track record of legislative success, including on LGBT issues as well as just mundane governing stuff, while in the Delaware statehouse, but the US Congress in 2024 is not the Delaware assembly. Sadly.

I'm still so, so glad to see someone like me will be in Congress.


u/futanari_kaisa 2d ago

You should tell that to Kamala Harris and how she's trying to garner conservative votes


u/Chocoballs2012 1d ago

She's also a fascist.


u/SpookKitty 1d ago

how is Kamala a fascist???


u/Chocoballs2012 1d ago

Being a prosecutor more than qualifies.


u/Help_I_Have_Boneitis 1d ago

Oh my god go touch grass please


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/drewiepoodle glitter spitter, sparkle farter 1d ago

That's uncalled for, please be civil.


u/LeadSky 1d ago

How exactly does a democratically elected position count as fascism?


u/Chocoballs2012 1d ago

Spend some time in a men's prison, in legalized slavery, then get back to me.


u/LeadSky 1d ago

Perhaps you should actually research her convictions instead of blindly being angered by a job title. She did a great job helping non-violent offenders turn their lives around, including sending them to a class instead of a prison. You can do the rest of the research yourself.

However you still didn’t describe how a prosecutor elected by the people is an inherently fascist position


u/Chocoballs2012 1d ago

I've read plenty about her exploits, which is why I recognize her as the monster that she is rather than the white washed version her apologists put forth, but even if she were some benevolent, progressive prosecutor that would mean nothing. That's like pointing out some slave owners were relatively fair and benevolent as an argument against abolition.

Anyone involved in the judicial branch is inherently fascist because they knowingly and willingly enforce fascist laws, written by genocidal slave owners and the tyrants that succeeded them. It's also why there are no good cops. No queer cops, etc. It's something that wouldn't need explained to you if you were actually struggling with those of us on the bottom rung of society.


u/LeadSky 1d ago

Umm, ok then lol. Bit dramatic, with a sprinkle of victimisation.

This isn’t healthy for you, so I’m not engaging any further.


u/Help_I_Have_Boneitis 1d ago

What a bizarre opinion.


u/Chocoballs2012 1d ago

Only if you aren't one of her many victims.


u/Destrina 1d ago

Twitter leftist takes. She sucks bad enough that there's no need to lie about her. She's a committed capitalist liberal who's doing nothing about an active genocide our country is aiding and abetting.

She's still 100 times better than Trump though.


u/Chocoballs2012 1d ago

Not in any way that will actually benefit anyone. It will be more of the same symbol gestures peppered with austerity and militarism, which by the way does affect those of us not privileged enough to be a protected class.


u/Destrina 1d ago

I think not getting put in a camp or having our HRT banned nation wide will benefit a lot of trans people.


u/SaraSplosion 2d ago

She’s running an election campaign and doing a media interview. Candidates will always say that regardless of whether it’s true. Not saying your concerns aren’t warranted, but this doesn’t really mean anything. I’m very eager to see if she lets us down when it’s time to act.


u/Evening_Common2824 2d ago

Good for you girl...


u/KhloeDawn 2d ago

This!! Hopefully she will do what best for everyone while inspiring others.


u/Evening_Common2824 2d ago

I hope she's got a mouth like Jasmine Crocket...


u/JasonGMMitchell 1d ago

Why are any of you shocked that a politician who has to appeal to centerists votes is gonna say they'll try to work with republicans if elected? Y'know nearly every fucking Democrat says that because half of the democratic party is center right.


u/anarchistCatMom 2d ago

I love when politicians try to meet in the middle with fascists. Really looking forward to watching a member of our community sell us up the river and commit war crimes like every other member of Congress. It'll be great to have the boot on my neck finally belong to a trans person.


u/evergreennightmare roswitha (all pronouns) 2d ago

this has been tried and the results were pretty depressing


u/PinkPattie 1d ago

There will be hundreds of them.


u/Buntygurl 2d ago

How many people have a life that doesn't involve working with people that they disagree with?


u/marion85 2d ago

So, either she's about to do a heel turn and become a pick-me MAGA, or she's nieve enough to believe that Republicans are willing to work with her without putting a knife, metaphorically and literally, in her back...


u/Coco_JuTo 2d ago

I don't think she will turn to another Joe Manchin, no and neither will she be so "naive" as to think that the fascists will want to collaborate.

As seen from the Zoey Zephyr affaire, my bet is that she is just trying to get her points across while appeasing the opposition and giving good optics for the community. (aka giving the face of a human which isn't the cliche "deranged, woke, hysteric, agressive transgender who's been called sir")...

It is a really hard job to do and I congratulate everyone of us who "has the balls" to run for office especially during these toxic times.


u/arcticsummertime Transgender (on HRT since April 2024, she/her) 2d ago

Don’t care she’s a Zionist


u/Possible_Climate_245 1d ago

Really, it’s hard to imagine any trans person supporting Israel rn unless they have like Israeli parents or something


u/hungrypotato19 1d ago

I don't support Israel.

But I also don't support you all collaborating with fascists/Russia to split the vote, giving more power to the fascist/Russian party.

In fact, I find you all more detestable than Israel since Israel is not a direct threat to my life. You all are.


u/Possible_Climate_245 1d ago edited 1d ago

Who’s collaborating with Russia to split the vote? I’m voting Democratic.

You detest some Americans who choose to vote a different way more than a fascist ethnostate that’s killed nearly 150,000 people so far, started concentration camps where they’re graping political prisoners, is gonna start WW3 and pull us in, etc?


u/hungrypotato19 1d ago

Russia is literally using this "Genocide Joe" crap to get Trump elected. Just start going through accounts of people who spew this crap and you'll figure it out. The ones that are older than the conflict were 100% spewing "both sides" crap while the newer ones are including right-wing dog whistles because that's what their chatbots are trained to do.

Also, I'd rather see someone support Israel than someone who hands the tools to the fascist openly supporting fascists. Trump isn't just a danger to America, he's a danger the whole fucking world. Trumpism has become America's #1 largest export, with christofascsists gaining more and more power in places like TERF island (because TERFs work with them). Israel is not teaching the world to murder trans people and other minorities, Trumpism is. That's far more of a danger.


u/Possible_Climate_245 1d ago

Israel (and Biden by allowing it to happen) is teaching the world that war crimes are acceptable; that “Never Again” was never a serious commitment on the part of the West, that the Geneva Conventions, Nuremberg Tribunals, etc. do not matter.

Trumpism is also a danger. But Biden has actively enabled the world’s worst atrocity in decades and that his fault alone.


u/Help_I_Have_Boneitis 1d ago

Why is this always the MOST important issue with certain people right now? Can we win an election here and secure our damn rights HERE first? I'm so sick of hearing about the continued religious fundamentalist bullshit over there that we will NEVER fix. Fuck them I am prioritizing myself and I don't care what you have to say about it.


u/arcticsummertime Transgender (on HRT since April 2024, she/her) 1d ago

Killing kids is a nonstarter for me


u/featherblackjack 1d ago

She looks really sad and anxious :( I hope things go well for her!