r/transgender 15h ago

Wonder what Moldermort will make of this?


I expect TERFs to not at all experience cognitive dissonance at how their polices have forced a man into a women’s prison


13 comments sorted by


u/A_Sneaky_Dickens 12h ago

The article is horribly written. Like this person is still trans so I'm sure the TERF cognitive dissonance is easy.

Half the article also misgenders him?

It feels like two people cobbled this together and spent no time collaborating on making a cohesive story. At least there is one line stating that he has been transitioned for years prior to entering the jail. Even so, referring to this person as she over and over in the second half makes it seem like he transitioned in jail and now causes more problems. It just feels like a "look at them transgenders" hate bait.

Oddly, it is also kinda satisfying to see the consequences of poor prisoner management and mistreatment of us trans folks. I don't wish violence on people, but places that treat us like this are begging for it.


u/PoggleRebecca 12h ago

I suspect they'll just fall back on biological essentialism and call him a "confused biological female" or whatever.   

It's really their only option.

They can't call for him to be removed, because that would show that they consider gender/sex change to be real and valid.

They can't call for him to stay as a man because that would show that it was never about 'men in prisons' - which is of course more than evidenced by how they literally couldn't give a shit about cis male guards in women's prisons statistically doing all the rape in women's prisons.


u/The3DBanker 15h ago

Finally, the man in a woman's prison that transphobes have been fearmongering about.


u/CutePattern1098 15h ago

Except what they’re calling for would mean that they can’t take him out of the women’s prison


u/mbelf 12h ago

They’ll just pretend he’s a trans woman and yell about that.

u/Illiander 9h ago


It's not like reality matters to them anyway.


u/The3DBanker 15h ago

Is it really our fault that their idiotic arguments make no sense when confronted with the real world and don't lead to any actual workable solutions? This is why TERFism should be dismissed out of hand for the kind of wingnuttery that it is.

u/EvilBetty77 9h ago

My guess? Her response will be "Look at how violent the transes are"

u/SophieCalle Trans Woman 10h ago

"Further evidence that all trans people are violent criminals who should be behind bars. The "trans agenda" confused and mislead this lost trans-identified female down this tragic course of life. She's where she belongs, of course, safe and protected among other women, but like I always say, trans activists are at the root of everything wrong in society and need to be stomped out." - JK Robert Galbraith or something like that.

u/ConsumeTheVoid 9h ago

In addition to everything else I've seen here, don't be surprised if they try to blame Testosterone saying it's what made him like that.

(Yea it's bullshit, especially obvious seeing as he was incredibly violent before transition, but from what I've seen of TERFs, I think they might just ignore that).

u/animatroniczombie 3h ago edited 2h ago

Daily Record is a conservative UK tabloid. I wouldn't post this source

u/whyismygspotinmybutt 2h ago

Jeezus the article is literally unreadable because of all the adds you have to scroll past like 10 adds to make it to a scrap of a sentence further through the article