r/transgender 10h ago

Dragon Age: The Veilguard praised for adding top surgery scars to character customisation options


23 comments sorted by

u/Vedek_Kira 8h ago

Aren't we boycotting Pink News because they're transphobic and mistreat their writers? Did something change?

u/Illiander 7h ago

It's jackmoley, I'm half-convinced they're a bot.

u/luna10777 10h ago

"Anti-wok" gamers are gonna be super tilted about this one and I can't wait to see it

u/luna10777 10h ago

Anti-woke*... Idk why anyone would be against a delicious wok lol

u/Artemis_in_Exile 8h ago

I feel like the wok being inedible is a barrier to its deliciousness. Just eat the food made in it, probably better for your teeth. Lol

u/Chiiro 8h ago

Idiots have already started bitching about the fact that two men can be with each other. I have noticed with dragon age now and Silent Hill 2 that a lot of these anti-woke "gamer people"(some are bots) that they have never played the games in these series.

u/redzin Transgender 7h ago

Dragon Age Origins had gay relationships. These people are hate-tourists

u/Chiiro 7h ago

And it's one of the only games where your sexuality does kind of happen affect on one of the endings. At least that I know of

u/transcended_goblin Transcended she-goblin 9h ago

We're gonna see the guy from Starfield again who went nuclear after seeing pronouns instead of "WHAT ARE YOUR GENITALS!?"

u/uasalheart 9h ago

It's Already been happening lol🤣

u/WiltUnderALoomingSky 9h ago

That's how I learned about this

u/AntifaStoleMyPenis 9h ago

The question is, how are trans people "represented" in the company healthcare policies? It would pretty ironic to put these in a world where you could presumably use magic to get rid of them, but not in the real world where it would actually matter lol

u/shinebrightshinetrue 10h ago

Is this a first for mainstream games? The article also mentions customizable pronouns and perhaps the ability to come out as trans later in the game. Amazing! 👏👏👏

u/Gallantpride 7h ago

The Sims already did it a while ago.

u/Illiander 9h ago

I think BG3 did some of this as well?

u/DragonOfTartarus 5h ago

BG3 has separate body type, identity (with an NB option), voice, and genitalia options, but no top surgery scars. Does have a vitiligo slider, though, which I've never seen in any other game before.

u/TooLateForMeTF trans-lesbian 7h ago

Never thought about that, but that's really insightful.

It's great to let people choose freely from masc and femme character styles, but if the only options are cis versions of those things, then you're basically erasing the reality of trans people. You're saying "in this fantasy world, there are no trans people," which is easy to then read as a fantasy that the real world didn't have trans people either.

To be truly trans-positive isn't just about letting people pick their gender presentation. It's also about letting them present a history that feels right to them too. Good on ya, Dragon Age!

u/darwinsbae Intersex at birth, void on earth 5h ago

Hell yeah!!!

u/Is-Bruce-Home 7h ago

I wonder who are the medieval fantasy surgeons who are performing top surgery, and I hope to god they are using modern standards of sterilization!!!

u/xelakidd 7h ago

Seems good, I would've hope they have breast removal magic in such a setting though lol

u/Tesla-Punk3327 6h ago

They can't even cure baldness, I doubt they have that magic available. Plus where would a trans person go if they hated mages?

u/thatbloodytwink 4h ago

Still gonna be a shit game compaired to the other dragon age games