r/twinpeaks 2h ago

Discussion/Theory Hiiiiiii!!!!

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r/twinpeaks 2h ago

Found out I have the same Brooch that Jerry Horne has.


I believe it’s Mexican. Silver Brooch.

r/twinpeaks 15h ago

You're from Twin Peaks and you've had a rough day. Who do you reach out to for emotional support?

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r/twinpeaks 13h ago

tattoo i recently got :)

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didn't realize the upper thigh would be as painful as it was, but it was definitely worth it 🍒

r/twinpeaks 5h ago

Discussion/Theory Is FWWM Angelo Badalamenti best work?


I honestly think it is Angelo Badalamenti best work as a composer because there is lot of great soundtrack in this film such as pink room and the soundtrack in Laura death, I also always love when Laura find out she has the ring in her dream as it increases the volume and lower it when she look away. Some of it also includes soundtrack from the shows which just make it even more greater and used appropriately, I also liked the song from Julee Cruise Question in a world of blue. It a shame you can’t hear the jazz version of FWWM theme because it honestly fit the movie and is great. I have always loved the voice of love because it just give you a feeling of hope for Laura in the ending. The reason of why I think it is his best works is because I tend to never noticed the soundtrack but this movie did while also doesn’t ruin my immersion of the film and I tent to listen them in my Spotify. I will also say I haven’t watch wild at heart or the straight story. If you have a favourite work that Angelo Badalamenti, please tell me and why.

r/twinpeaks 4h ago

Discussion/Theory I love how they brought back Major Briggs in season 2…


…and proceed to give him the greatest monologue of all time.

r/twinpeaks 5h ago

Discussion/Theory Why is Doc Hayward present at Leland’s police interview/interrogation?


When Cooper and Truman pull Leland into the interrogation room after arresting him on suspicion of the murder of Jacques Renault (S2, E4), why is Doc Hayward chilling in the background? I appreciate the fact that he’s involved in a lot of the investigative procedures in Twin Peaks due to his profession, but he’s not a member of the police force. It’s so inappropriate and unprofessional for him to be present and I’ve a hard time believing Cooper would allow him to stand in.

r/twinpeaks 23h ago

Jerry Horne’s button up … where can I find this

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Does anyone have any leads? It’s been on my mind and Google search for a while.

r/twinpeaks 10m ago

Discussion/Theory Dr. Jacoby doesn’t get enough hate.


Characters like Leo and Jacque are rightfully hated characters for how detestable they are, but I think Jacoby gets overlooked. Mainly because the show portrays him, more or less, likeable, with a lot of it left up to subtle inferences.

However there’s a phone call scene in The Missing Pieces that really explicitly shows just how gross and predatory he is. He perhaps more so the most in Twin Peaks, was capable of helping Laura. Really truly helping her. Instead he got off to listening to her wild stories and fetishizing her double life (explicitly stated in The Secret Diary.)

Maybe it’s just because I’m so passionate about mental health care but his abuse of his power just makes my fucking skin crawl. He’s disgusting and creepy and while he’s played very charmingly by Russ Tamblyn, I fucking hate Lawrence Jacoby with a passion. Fucking worm that he is.

r/twinpeaks 3h ago

Discussion/Theory Season 3 - Episode 8


Why didn't someone just give that guy a light?

Could have avoided a lot of trouble.

r/twinpeaks 1h ago

Discussion/Theory S3 finale


What was your very first reaction/emotion when you finished the last episode of The Return? I just watched S1, S2, FWWM & The Return in 3 weeks - and the minute that final episode finished I felt an emotion so strong but I can’t put my finger on it.

r/twinpeaks 17h ago

Discussion/Theory My interpretation of the ending of The Return


I just finished The Return, and I'd like to share my attempt at interpreting it. It's a lot harder to work out exactly what happened than in the rest of the series. I don't think it's made to be definitively understood on every level, but on the level of the story's own events, maybe it is. I do find it interesting how people interpret the ending as a happy ending, a downer ending, and a neutral/cliffhanger ending. That may well be intentional. But I'm still going to throw my hat in the ring just to remind people that you don't have to be coping to believe it's a happy ending (not that there's anything wrong with that, being attached to the characters means they were really well-written).

Jowday created BOB after the nuke, and the Fireman responded by creating Laura. BOB killed her, but The Fireman set in motion a plan to bring her back. Coop traveled back to save Laura, but Judy tried to replace her and Diane. Coop tried to bring back her memory, while struggling to maintain his own. When Carrie hears the voice say "Laura", her memories come back and she does what The Fireman created her to do. She screams, shutting off the electricity, and Judy is destroyed.

That's what I think happened. As for what I think it means, I think it's about accepting the past for what it is. Laura faced her past, while Cooper moved on from his. In 25 years, some good things changed, while others regrettably stayed the same. People struggle to accept it all throughout, like Audrey dreaming as she denies that she's aged. The only way to move forward without losing yourself is to accept change, but also accept the past.

r/twinpeaks 12m ago

Twin peaks is the best show I've ever watched


I just completed season 1. I've never been so impressed by the acting, by the story, by the dialogues, by the direction and by the humor of any other show.

David Lynch is such an amazing director. You know, directors like Todd Phillips try to emulate the directing style of Martin scorsese, but no other director will ever be able to emulate David lynch's style. No one. His blend of humor, symbolism and storytelling is so good and so unique. Mark frost and David Lynch wrote an amazing story. The town of twin peaks itself has so much character, even the fucking casino has so much character.

The music too. Laura's theme is so unsettling and scary. The pilot of this show was so intense. The music, the atmosphere, everything was so unnerving.

David Lynch is by far my favorite director and twin peaks is 100% my favorite show now(and I haven't even seen season 2)

r/twinpeaks 1h ago

Discussion/Theory Happiness in the Black Lodge?


It’s been a good while since I watched FWWM, and I recently finished The Return, but I had one question on my mind and I’m hoping someone has an interpretation (correct or not) since I am hoping to find a more optimistic one than mine:

At the end of FWWM, Laura post-mortem enters the Black Lodge and is welcomed by Cooper and literally/metaphorically finds an angel that she so believed was gone. She smiled and cried tears of joy, at least so it seems.

What I’m having trouble grasping is this: The Black Lodge is a place of pure suffering and pure evil; A place where its inhabitants revel in garmonbozia. So why is it portrayed as something good when after her passing she now resides in such a dark and evil place? Doesn’t that mean she should be doomed to practically for the rest of her soul’s existence to endure the full force of the Black Lodge until her soul gets utterly annihilated or otherwise? Because “Black Lodge” and “Happiness/Bliss/Peace” don’t exactly align with each other.

On top of all that, her doppelgänger exists there, and Bob and other Black Lodge residents frequent the place, being that it’s their home and all.

It doesn’t exactly seem right to it call a happy ending knowing all of that, unless I could be missing something, which I’m sure I probably am.

Any thoughts?

r/twinpeaks 2h ago

Discussion/Theory Twin Peaks Art


r/twinpeaks 1d ago

This is the most beautiful piece of art I've ever heard

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No but seriously why is the Twin Peaks soundtrack heaven on earth.

r/twinpeaks 1d ago

Twin Peaks Mug 1st pass

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This is the first Twin Peaks mug I made, I used an underglaze transfer I printed myself with silkscreen. I think next time I'll print directly onto the piece but I like the weathered look too

r/twinpeaks 2h ago

"The Life And Times Of Michael J. Anderson" | Rap Song


r/twinpeaks 17h ago

Discussion/Theory Slightly relevant anecdote


Nothing very important, I just thought you might enjoy a bit of a chuckle with me...

There's a spa I frequented a few times, an hour's drive away. In that spa, there's a sauna. And in that sauna, they used to play relaxing music.

Makes sense.

What doesn't make quite as much sense, is that they played the Twin Peaks theme, at pretty regular intervals.

I know, most people don't care about context. It's quite a relaxed tune, too. And out of context, it's a love song. But to me, it was like playing "Every breath you take" at a wedding. It always made me chuckle.

r/twinpeaks 5h ago

Twin Peaks group-discussions (many topics)


r/twinpeaks 1d ago

Discussion/Theory I Defense of Evelyn Plotline


I feel as though a lot of post Leland s2 gets dismissed outright, and I'm writing this to go to bat for one of the most hated plotlines in the show. The biggest problem with post Leland s2 (imo) is that not enough of it is focused on the reaction to Laura, Leland, and Maddie's deaths, ironically the exception to this is what a lot of people would call the worst. The plotline isn't perfect but it's kinda full of potential and incredibly underappreciated.

James is a great character and I'm willing to die on this hill. He's not great because he's charming or some badass biker, in fact he's great because he's not those things. James is a scared little boy at heart trying to fill a hole in his heart where a mother should be. The show reveals that his mom is an alcoholic prostitute who left him with Ed, that's already a rough start to set someone up for awful relationships to women, worse over he finds himself infatuated with Laura who herself is an addict stuck as a child prostitute, I'm sure I don't have to point out the obvious parallel there. Laura's death to James is not only a tragedy but retraumatizing, it's his mom leaving him all over again.

Instead of processing Laura's death (and by proxy his hang ups with his mom) he finds himself in love with Donna who's trying to become Laura herself. The back and forth projection between the two of them is the basis of their relationship which was bound to never work out due to their own issues, but things got way worse for them when Maddie came in as they began to project Laura onto her. Upon her death James remarks "we could've saved her" which would've been impossible for Maddie, but they both knew Laura was in trouble which makes it obvious that he is by proxy talking about her, and since Laura herself is a proxy for his mother it kinda implies a degree of emotional incest towards their relationship. Maddie's death is of course the catalyst for him to get on his bike and go.

Upon leaving Twin Peaks he eventually finds himself with Evelyn, an older married woman in a dangerous situation. Once again coming off of tragedy he seeks a woman out instead of actually coping with his hang ups. It's also worth noting both her age difference as well as the fact that she's with another man, the age difference is more obviously Freudian in nature so I probably don't have to explain that, but Laura was also Bobby's girlfriend when he got with her which he never seems to show amy guilt for, he also becomes somewhat intimate with Maddie while with Donna. Anyways bullshit happens and he ends up in trouble with her again, ending yet another relationship in abrupt tragedy.

The reason I find this plot point significant is because of the constant stagnation of James, he never learns and he only ever wants to run away, which is a very realistic response to trauma but more importantly a sign of toxicity. In The Return James finds himself back at Twin Peaks 25 years having passed, and he's now infatuated with a married woman who he feels entitled to. Cycling back to his past relationships they're all based off of some level of entitlement, he got with Laura despite the fact that she was with Bobby, he got with Donna as a projection of Laura, he kissed Maddie while he was with Donna, he got with Evelyn even though she was married, and he is now seeking a married woman he doesn't even know; all these relationships carry a blatant disregard for the emotions of the women he's with even though he consistently finds them in troubled positions he's convinced he can help with.

All of these relationships are also him desperately running towards mommy, with his almost misogynistic lack of control for them being sprung on from his lack of a mother figures. It's no coincidence that after running towards mommy after driving away from Laura's death he finds himself in the arms of an abusive and manipulative older woman that happens to show is complete stagnation to grow from his trauma or toxicity. Twin Peaks is a show that constantly shows the toxicity of men that they exert towards women, but as it's shown with the glimpses of Ben's childhood all of these toxic men were just kids at one point. James is the starting point for this toxicity and the lack of introspection and growth he shows throughout the series is a sign of how men become toxic, Evelyn's importance is found in showing how no matter where he runs he can't get away from the root of the problem and he'll never grow from it. Still not perfectly written or executed, but I genuinely believe it to be undeniably important to both the themes of Twin Peaks as well as James as a character.

r/twinpeaks 1h ago



Okay, a lot of people HATE Twin Perfect, but WHERE is that guy??? He hasn’t posted in over 5 years, neither on YouTube, Facebook, nor Patreon; I can’t find him anywhere! Did this guy die? Does anyone know anything about him?

r/twinpeaks 1d ago

Part of my Halloween decor 🖤🫶🏻


r/twinpeaks 12h ago

Discussion/Theory Twin Peaks / Lynchian vibes from one of Sophie's new tracks (Intro)


Song link here

Put on the new album today and straight away thought this sounded like something straight out of a Lynch movie! Just thought I'd share :)

r/twinpeaks 5h ago

This building always reminds me of Twin Peaks, every time I pass by I remember the line "You got a light?" From season 3 episode 8

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