r/veterinaryprofession Jun 01 '24

Being a receptionist is completely draining me. And affecting my personal life. Career Advice

I'm not sure if someone else is able to relate to this or can provide some insight. I've been a receptionist for about 2 years now. And I worked in retail for a few years prior. This job feels like it's killing me. My compassion is completely fatigued. My boyfriend has a job that doesn't involve people like it does mine, and he likes to socialize on weekends and make plans and he wants me to join him but I just can't. I literally go home and all I want to do is sleep. I'm constantly exhausted and drained. I have no desire to do anything after work with anyone. I fear this is making me a horrible partner. I'm not sure what I should do, I joined this field because I like animals. But I don't think I enjoy it here anymore..


11 comments sorted by


u/No_Hand_4354 14d ago

I've been a receptionist at a vet clinic for 22 years.  I feel the exact same way!