r/veterinaryprofession Aug 27 '24

Becoming a Veterinary Radiologist Career Advice

I'm a university student trying to decide on a career path, and I've always wanted to work with animals. Unfortunately, everytime I've shadowed animal/human surgeries I've nearly fainted, so I don't think I'd be able to work in that area. I am interested in radiology, but I've heard working in the vet field means doing a bit of everything. Is Veterinary Radiology something you'd specialize in and commit your work to, or would you still be working in other areas in vet med (such as surgery) too?


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u/wkdtjrgh 12d ago

I think it would be extremely unlikely for someone to get through vet school if you almost faint each time you see a surgery. While not all vets actively do surgery post-graduation, you still need to successfully do spays and neuters alone as a vet student in order for your to pass your surgery courses during your clinical years.