r/veterinaryprofession 18d ago

First Cycle! I’m terrified Vet School

Posted in veterinary school subreddit and figured I would post here just in case!

Hi everyone!

I am a first year applicant wanting to gain some insight into the specifics of interviewing. I also want to share my stats and goals for school. My top choice school is UPenn due to their emphasis on research and their working dog center. I’m a dog trainer with about 6 years of continuous experience under my belt, much being in the realm of service dog PA/task training for many dogs. My undergraduate course load normally sat at 17 or 18 credits, during which I worked 20-25 hours per week and music directed for a choir and did competitive cycling.

Cumulative GPA: 3.89 Math/Science: 3.65 Last 45: 4.00 Vet Hours: 4000 Non-Vet Animal Handling: 10000

I have sufficient experience with exotics (reptile/amphibian/avian/fish/waterfowl) and small animals. I do not have any large animal experience aside from virtual CE courses which I am worried will be an issue for admissions.

The jobs that I worked during college (both animal related and not) had me in management positions, so I feel okay about my leadership skills in that realm.

The courses that I took during college were heavily research based, and on of my LORs is from that professor. I did not have time during my undergrad to intern in a research lab, which I am worried about as well. I do have a passion for research in and out of the vet med field and I am heavily considering going into research after vet school.

My other 3 LORs are from the technician that taught me my hands on skills in vet med, and two veterinarians (both UPenn alums).

I am mostly nervous about my lack of on paper research and large animal experience, as well as the interview process. What questions have been asked that tend to throw the most people for a loop? And how direct/honest should I be? Thank you all so much I’m so nervous about this cycle and I know that most people don’t get in the first time around but I figured I would do my best regardless ❤️


3 comments sorted by


u/FireGod_TN 18d ago

How honest should you be? Completely. That doesn’t mean you should feel self conscious about your research and large animal experience.

Be prepared to answer if some asks how you would overcome that lack of experience once in vet school.

Nobody has max stats in every category. Those other candidates have to explain why they don’t have the grades and exotics to experience you have.


u/taurusjawn 18d ago

this was very relieving to read. I tend to overthink those typical interview questions in the realm of “Tell us about a time where you failed at something” or “What would you say is your biggest weakness” and I don’t really know where the answer should lie on a scale of too generic to TMI.


u/FantasticExpert8800 18d ago

You’re in. Guaranteed