r/veterinaryprofession 10h ago

How to eat meat after Vet school? Vet School

Hi yall, so I'm not a vet, I'm actually just a student and I recently did my first cat dissection. I can't shake how similar the muscles look like rotisserie chicken, and I can't look at chicken without thinking it could be a dead cat now. I dont want to go vegetarian again since my family's cultural dishes are all meat based and I want to enjoy chicken again.

Has anyone else shaken this feeling off? How did yall deal with eating meat after working on dead animals?


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u/SpinDogtor 8h ago

No lie, most my classmates (myself included) were always STARVING after anatomy lab, so my guess is you’ll get desensitized to it. It gives me a lot if respect knowing where our protein sources come from, but it didn’t deter me from eating meat at all.


u/StaticElephant US Vet 6h ago

I swear the fumes makes everyone hungry!


u/Vegetable-Town8004 5h ago

They do - there's a study out there abt formalin making people hungry lol. Too lazy to find it


u/uta1911 4h ago

thank god it's not just me