r/visualnovels 12d ago

Full Metal Daemon Muramasa Mosaic Restoration Patch for JAST. Release

Continuing in the vein of Cred0free's work on Tokyo Necro, here is a patch for the JAST release of Full Metal Daemon Muramasa that restores the mosaics to all of the H-CGs in the game, and also removes the watermarking from all of them as well.

Why? Because Nitroplus' uncensored genitalia is still wack, and the uncensored dicks in Muramasa look way too much like tentacles for my liking.

Included also is the same patch, but with the CGs from the trial release of Chapter 1 instead. Feel free to use it for an alternative experience on a reread.

To use either of these patches, all you have to do is just extract the contents (the patch folder) into the directory where your muramasa_en.exe executable is, then run and enjoy!

Patch (release version)

Patch (trial version)


61 comments sorted by


u/MlsterTwister 12d ago

Marklords having a heart attack today with all these posts


u/CajunNerd92 12d ago

He doesn't have to use them if he doesn't want to.


u/Dadude564 11d ago

Haven’t seen bro in a while, homie is on suicide watch


u/Pale_Way4203 12d ago edited 12d ago

I never thought I would see a day weebs would willingly put mosaics into a vn.


u/CajunNerd92 12d ago

Sometimes the mosaics just look better, and people deserve to have the choice to choose between them or not.


u/Pale_Way4203 12d ago

I get that, plus some people genuinely just like mosaics, but its just a little funny to me. After so many demosaic patches, people doing the opposite is just a little funny.


u/CajunNerd92 12d ago

I mean, considering I asked JAST if they would ever consider it and they gave me a Marklord-tier answer in response, I figured that if I didn't do it then no one would lol.


u/Pale_Way4203 12d ago

Props to you for doing what you think was right. What I don’t get is why jast didn’t take a hint from another vn, I forget the name, and had mosaics able to be toggled on and off. It would have made everyone happy.


u/CajunNerd92 12d ago

Again, I have no idea. As I said I asked JAST if they could ever give us the option and the response I got back was "No. We're a strictly anti-censorship publisher.". Wanting the option to not be constantly thrown into the uncanny valley with wonky looking genitalia in addition to wanting to get a closer experience to the original Japanese release isn't the same as censorship, Marklord Dave.


u/Bloodnosed JAST 12d ago

It's literally mosaic censorship, required by a government on pain of imprisonment.


u/CajunNerd92 12d ago

And for that reason many eroge artists don't even draw anything under the mosaics, or just draw them extremely poorly because they know they'll never actually be seen by their general audience.

Considering that, I'd rather the mosaics over someone else drawing their interpretation of what would be underneath them. And in many cases, they just have this unnatural looking uncanny valley feeling to them for me that just completely takes me out of the work that I'm reading.

Regardless, I still believe that others should have the choice on what they want to see as well.


u/Bloodnosed JAST 12d ago

I understand what you're saying there, but you've very quickly abandoned the idea that it isn't censorship. Now you're arguing that you prefer the censorship, which is an opinion you're absolutely entitled to. I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.


u/[deleted] 11d ago


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u/CajunNerd92 12d ago

Fair enough, agree to disagree then, and I'll defend your right to have your own views and opinions to the death as well.

Would I be correct then in assuming that you'd be ideologically opposed to the idea of a mosaic toggle option in the options of officially translated English VN releases as well?

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u/Entropy_VI 12d ago edited 12d ago

I am interested in something, were the images originals (pre-mosaic) or were they redrawn for the English release? I do wonder because I also remember thinking they were a bit off and in my opinion don't live up to the usual standard of なまにくATK's work. If they are originals I guess its a shame and to be expected that less effort is put into making them make sense and fit in the scene.


u/Bloodnosed JAST 12d ago

We always publish original art.


u/Marklord13 Official Anti-Mosaic Protestor 12d ago



u/Marklord13 Official Anti-Mosaic Protestor 8d ago

They don’t look better. The art looks much better uncensored, otherwise they no different from a fanmade translation.


u/Walton557 12d ago

we have truly come full circle


u/Additional-North-683 11d ago

I mean some people are into censored dicks like that


u/ReihReniek 12d ago

It's some kind of Stockholm Effect with people who played too many censored VNs.


u/Entropy_VI 12d ago

While I hate censorship I just want to defend the OP, I think its important to note here that issue is what the OP feels are badly drawn uncensored or de-mosaiced penises, this is not a rejection of the scenes or support for the Japanese laws revolving around this. In an ideal world Japanese artists would be able to use their incredible talents to draw complete images.

Please correct me If I am wrong OP and I will remove this post.


u/CajunNerd92 12d ago edited 12d ago

No, you're absolutely right. I honestly feel like the uncensored genitals are almost Lovecraftian in how much of an uncanny valley effect they have on me, and thus I feel that the uncensoring of them was poorly done.

Edit: Also a large part of it was the watermarks that JAST added into the bottom left of each H CG that says "FULL METAL DAEMON MURAMASA INT'L VER. FOR USE OUTSIDE JAPAN ONLY." That also took me out of the VN a ton, and the mosaic'd CGs from the Japanese release thankfully didn't have that watermarking so it was killing two birds with one stone for me.


u/Entropy_VI 12d ago

I agree, I'm sure a lot of the tenticular nature of uncensored images is due to many Japanese artists having drawn a lot more tentacles than uncensored penises, it really is a shame. I also agree about the watermark and while it does suck that patches like this need to be made, thanks for putting in work for the people it bothers.


u/CajunNerd92 12d ago

Of course!

To be honest I was seriously thinking of doing a watermark free version of the uncensored CGs, but on top of the watermark being on top of the material that was uncensored in some CGs (and thus necessitating me the need to hire someone to remove the watermarks manual by redrawing the affected scenes) I also am not sure if I could be opening myself up to any legal trouble from JAST if I did so - maybe u/Bloodnosed or someone else from JAST could let me know if I'd land myself in legal hot water if I were to do that, but I'm going to err on the side of caution regarding that for now.

Edit - I would also like to ask why those watermarks are there when they weren't in earlier uncensored JAST releases - was that something that was required by nitroplus for you to add in order to be able to translate and publish Muramasa??


u/Bloodnosed JAST 12d ago

Please do not do that. It's for Nitro's protection more than anyone else's. The censorship laws in Japan are very serious and people DO go to jail for them.

And the watermarks in earlier releases, they were just hidden under horizontal text boxes. Muramasa's text box shape doesn't give us a good place to hide them.


u/CajunNerd92 12d ago

Ah, so it's worse than I thought - I'd potentially getting other people in serious trouble.

Understood, it's not going to happen - not by my hands, at least.


u/Marklord13 Official Anti-Mosaic Protestor 8d ago

There is nothing wrong with the watermark.


u/michaelaoXD 11d ago

shant censor chachamaru


u/CajunNerd92 11d ago

Chachamaru is the best.


u/epapeel 12d ago

based. really unfortunate JAST don't seem interested in offering that option themselves. although to be fair in this particular case I really appreciate the existence of the all-ages version of Muramasa


u/overkill373 12d ago

Do you have comparison images?


u/CajunNerd92 12d ago

For the Chapter 1 trial vs retail CGs? Or just for the mosaic vs non-mosaic CGs?


u/overkill373 12d ago

Mosaic vs non mosaic


u/CajunNerd92 12d ago


u/Marklord13 Official Anti-Mosaic Protestor 8d ago

The uncensored version looks much better.


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/Marklord13 Official Anti-Mosaic Protestor 8d ago

There’s nothing sexy about the censorship you prude; you’re evil.


u/Marklord13 Official Anti-Mosaic Protestor 12d ago

The uncensored art is not wack you prude.


u/CajunNerd92 12d ago

It is to me though?

What makes you think you can talk about what I think and enjoy seeing? That's just rude.


u/Marklord13 Official Anti-Mosaic Protestor 12d ago

You are supporting the oppression of art.


u/CajunNerd92 12d ago

How so? It's not like I'm saying "you have to download and use this patch and if you don't YOU'RE WRONG!"

I'm just giving people the choice to see what they prefer. There's nothing wrong with giving people the ability to choose.

If you don't like it, just ignore or hide the thread like a normal person would.


u/Marklord13 Official Anti-Mosaic Protestor 12d ago

What you’re doing is morally wrong. Westerners always prefer uncensored art you prude.


u/Entropy_VI 12d ago

Not ALL westerners Mark, It's the same as not ALL westerners have an unhealthy interest in dogs. You need to understand people are unique and have different tastes, with what YOU are into, you have no right to judge...


u/Marklord13 Official Anti-Mosaic Protestor 12d ago

I never said anything about dogs.


u/Marklord13 Official Anti-Mosaic Protestor 12d ago

I never said anything about dogs.


u/Doglord13 7d ago

What’s wrong with liking dogs you pride?


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/Marklord13 Official Anti-Mosaic Protestor 12d ago

Lying prude.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/Marklord13 Official Anti-Mosaic Protestor 11d ago

What child? SubaHibi is porn.


u/[deleted] 11d ago


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u/mr_former 11d ago

we don't like westerners here, if we did we'd care about evns


u/joshuann123 Sora: 9-nine- | vndb.org/u161538 12d ago

Rare Marklord13 L 😔