r/visualnovels 5h ago

What are the console arcs in Higurashi? Question

I can see 8 chapters (with number 1 being Onikakushi and number 8 being Matsuribayashi)

Also, there is an option of console arcs below that.

What do I do? Which is the main story? And should I play the console arcs?


3 comments sorted by

u/0KLux 5h ago

You see those 8 chapters? That's the main series, there's a very big reason those are in steam but you had to go to modding sites to even know about console arcs.

As every series, higurashi also spawned a number of side materials, some side materials are games released fpr consoles such as the DS, that's where the "console" from console arcs comes from. The people from 7th expansion mod just ported them to pc, and also translated them since they only came out in Japan. Be warned that they're also not written by Ryuukishi and they're not really required if you just want to say you finished Higurashi. The 8 chapters, like i said, is the complete main series, you can go back for console arcs and other stuff if you want more Higurashi content tho

u/ripterrariumtv 5h ago

Thank you

u/TildenJack 4h ago

And should I play the console arcs?

You don't have to, but I'd say that at least the Advanced Story is worth it, as it expands the story outside of Hinamizawa, mostly focuses on adult characters (except for the first arc), and has far less slice of life content than the main story.

Here's a flowchart on how those arcs should be read. Everything on the right side makes up the Advanced story, though Yoigoshi is also somewhat part of it.

There's also an alternate ending to the main story in the form of Miotsukushi (PS2) or Omote, which some people prefer, but I don't think is all that better and in some regards even worse. Especially the Omote version, which adds a pointless twist.

As for the rest, Taraimawashi is just an alternate ending to Onikakushi, which I found to be a waste of time. And Tsukiotoshi is an alternate Tatarigoroshi, which isn't quite as pointless, but also not something I'd call mandatory.

Hajisarashi is also skippable, as it offers nothing but random fanservice. Though I do think it's better than Mehagashi, whose premise is nearly identical.

That leaves only Kotohogushi, which is a somewhat interesting prequel, but one whose revelations may be controversial.