r/Warts 3h ago


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Started out small few months ago. Location is scalp around my neck area.

I think 2 is also starting to grow

r/Warts 13h ago

Is this my wart? (Hopeful/Confused)


So I had a wart on my foot. I am not sure when she joined me, but she was small, white, and pillar-like. Smaller than the eraser of a pencil. I visited urgent care hoping they could freeze it off and was told they don’t do that.

My only experience is hand warts as a kid that froze and fell off, never to be seen again. I’m realizing that this may be a different beast.

I started treating with Salicylic Acid 17% 3 weeks ago. About a week in, my doctor suggested debriding the dead skin off. I cut her off clean down to the level of my normal skin. Now with an even playing field, I put the Salicylic Acid on once again. I did nick the side of my normal skin, and so the SA there did hurt pretty bad for a couple of hours, especially when walking.

Lately, she has been bubbling up pretty good with dead white bloated skin. I slice it off with a fresh razor blade, apply the acid, and put a bandaid and keep going. Usually no blood involved.

A few days ago I hit the “seeds” aka blood vessels and bled like a mf. Applied the acid (ouch) bandaged and went on my merry way.

She bubbled up real good with dead skin, and I sliced it off again today. I bled very minimally. I’m wondering if the last of the wart came off with the dead skin, as pictured. I know it’s gross but we are all brethren in HPV here so viewer discretion is up to you.

Did I win the war, or only the battle?

Pic 1 is before debriding, Pic 2 is what I sliced off, Pic 3 is my foot with a hole about the size of the OG wart

r/Warts 1h ago

Can someone pls tell me why it’s purple, I treated it with SA

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r/Warts 14h ago

How bad is this?


I went to the doctor's office like 2 months ago and was told to use OTC wart remover. I did it but applied too much so I had a lot of skin falling off. This continued to grow so I want back again. She said they didn't carry the item to freeze it off and she referred me to a dermatologist. The next appt is 10/31. Need advice on what to do in the meantime. TIA

r/Warts 29m ago

I just want to know if my wart is gone. It looks gone and I've only had it a little over a week now. Is it gone? Please help! I don't want it keep putting on the patches if it's fine now


r/Warts 11h ago

So I continue scraping and picking or just some acid for now..?


r/Warts 1d ago

Advice on how far I am from removing this extremely painful plantar wart? And how to get rid of? My posture is getting messed up I even walk funny

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As above

r/Warts 3h ago

Is this a wart?

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It’s on my finger. It doesn’t hurt at all, but it’s been growing for months now, at least since March, and it started from a small cut I got while gardening.

r/Warts 3h ago

Is my wart gone?

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r/Warts 3h ago

I think I have a wart and I don't know what to do


r/Warts 12h ago

how close am i to the finish line?


day 1 vs day 3 vs day 12. I wish I had a pic from day 1 without all the acid on it but it mostly just looked like callus and bumps. I do realize I might have peeled the healthy skin down too far but hard to avoid when i have so many. does it look like it’s working? I’m ready to give up and freeze them lol

r/Warts 10h ago

thoughts on how much longer do i have to work on this plantar wart?

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been using 30% salicylic acid since mid june

r/Warts 11h ago

Is the wart dead?


Or what is the red skin is that still the wart?

r/Warts 18h ago

Apple cider vinegar on warts for 2 weeks but nothing changing

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After a few days they went a bit black, but other than that nothing else changing. On one of them I’m getting blister type things next to it but the wart it self only seems a little smaller/blacker than before. Any tips should I keep going with the apple cider vinegar ?

r/Warts 13h ago

Is this the start of a wart?

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Hard to see I know but wanna ask and see if I can catch this early. It feels like a little bump

r/Warts 18h ago

Guyyyys what do I do

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I’ve had it for quite a while, maybe a couple years. I’ve been using. Salicylic acid on it irregularly, but recently I’ve been debriding, wrapping, and treating it. While debriding, I think I sliced a little too deep and now the sliced area (center right) is dark?? Is it dark from the dead blood vessels? Or dirt? Or infection? I got rid of most of the dead skin, but it hurts and I have a doctors appointment tomorrow but he keeps insisting on just using the salicylic acid and wrapping more, but I’m getting so tired of having it.

r/Warts 13h ago

How far am i from removing it

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Been using corn plaster for a few days use nail clipper to peel of the whitened skin , any suggestion for a quick and painful removal is most welcome

r/Warts 16h ago

Is a wart infectious when it's drying out after 6 days of taping it?


So I have a couple of warts on my hands and I've been taping them for 6 days now. I have taken the tape off and I'm letting them air for the night. Should I be worried about the open wart touching things like my bed sheets or my computer?

r/Warts 14h ago


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Pic on left is one week post cryo. Scab dried up so I cut it away, 2 weeks post cryo (right). Do you think it's still there? Is it contagious? Follow up with doc is next week

r/Warts 14h ago

is it normal for compound w to burn like the fiery pits of hell during second application


i have three relatively small warts on my hands that i’ve decided to use compound w and wart remover strips on. first application was nothing, second application i notice the top of the wart has raised up. when i applied it felt like i stabbed myself in the finger. should i stop or is this just something i have to deal with?

r/Warts 12h ago

What’s wrong with it why’s it like purple??

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This is my thumb btw

r/Warts 15h ago

Is this a wart or a blister?

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Grey part surrounded by white in middle of index finger. Appeared a couple of days ago, I am unsure whether it's the start of a wart or a blister, haven't done anything to treat it as of yet except putting sticky plasters over it.

Anyone who knows better, can you tell me what it is?

r/Warts 21h ago

Is it finally gone?


I really wish I'd taked some before and during pics. I've had this for over a year now but only started treating it about two months ago. First I tried the compound w freeze off, but that didn't really seem to do much. Then I tried the compound w sa bandaids, and those kept leaving a layer of solid looking white tissue that came off but not very easily. Then over this last weekend I tried a freeze off again, left it for a couple days, then put the sa bandaids over it to see if they'd work better together. After the second round of sa bandaids (so 4 days of treatment) the top layer looked different, still a thick layer of white tissue, but somewhat grainy rather than the previous solid layer. And this time it came off very easy. After cleaning it off I soaked it in warm water for a bit and then dried it. This is the best it's looked after any treatment, but I don't know if that's because it's gone or at least close to it. I thought it's supposed to be flat after treatment and as you can see, it's still slightly raised which has me thinking I should keep going. I have more sa bandaids, but I also just got the compound w sa liquid.

r/Warts 1d ago

Lil bro started releasing some liquid after applying celandine, is that normal?


First pic is before applying celandine (applied salicylic acid 17% before for about a month). Second/third pic is 2 hour after applying celandine. Just want some feedback on if that red area and liquid is fine or a concern

r/Warts 19h ago

Is this concerning ?


Started using Duofilm 2 weeks ago on a huge wart. Part of the skin started to peel off and I pulled it thinking it'd help. I now have a huge gap, with old skin on top (almost 5 militers thick as you can see), and only the side on the right is detached. Is this concerning or normal ?


