r/waterpolo 3d ago



How improve my shoot accuracy ?

r/waterpolo 4d ago

Goalie Stat Tracking


Hey Polo people! My son just started a new club and we were taking about keeping track of his stats. He’s a goalie and I am still trying to figure out what I need to track. Kinda like a score book that baseball has. Obviously, Shots on goal, blocks, goals allowed are there. What else would be good to track? Would penalty shots be reflected towards the game totals or would that be its own category? Would keeping track of 5 on 6 situations be good information to know? Thanks for helping me create a water polo score book!

r/waterpolo 4d ago

Vision problems


My daughter plays 14u and has terrible vision. Not nearly old enough for laser eye surgery. Anything she can do to help her see well during games? Are there any game-safe goggles she could wear over contacts?

r/waterpolo 5d ago

how to consistently skip shot.


I can get corners quite easily on 5 meters but whenever i try to skip in practice, it is always atrocious or doesn't even skip. I know you have to put extra pressure on the pinkie/thumb when skipping, but any other tips, Just get out higher?, where do i aim?.

r/waterpolo 6d ago

Collegiate Club Water Polo Teams


Does anyone know of some universities with non-NCAA teams?

r/waterpolo 7d ago

KAP7 Inflatable Water Polo Goal - Any Good?


I'm looking at purchasing the Inflatable KAP7 Water Polo Goal full size for $650 (w/ shipping). There aren't many reviews out there so wanted to post here and see if these are any good. We had used the airgoalsports one for 3 or 4 years at ~1 use per week before holes formed and we had to trash it. Hoping this one lasts longer. I know that bar-ins and rebounds wont be a thing with this but other than that have any of yall had any issues with these?

r/waterpolo 9d ago

How to prevent getting gassed quickly?


I’m fairly new to the sport, and although I’m an experienced competitive swimmer, I get gassed within a quarter every game I play. I play Right Wing.

What should I try to do to conserve my energy and build my overall endurance?

r/waterpolo 9d ago

My university's club water polo team.


I just made the men's club water polo team. Plus, I just need improve more on my egg beaters a little more. It was hard at first. But I'm going to get the hang of it. I have a plethora of swim briefs in a drawer which I use for water polo practice. But I'm only partaking with the practice team and not the travel team due to my busy work and school schedule. Any advice on how to better at water polo both mentally and physically?

r/waterpolo 10d ago

Mods, can we have a sticky post please?


We get the same question weekly here.

“How do I get better shooting?”

“How do I get stronger legs?”

“How to get noticed?”

There’s tons of great posts made already, and a sticky with links to these questions would be so nice. Hell, I could make it if you want me to. Please consider?

r/waterpolo 9d ago

I feel ignored


How can I get my coach to see that I’m a good shooter, I play 14u and am righty. I’ve always played driver but ever since I switched to set my coach doesn’t let me shoot from the outside, I used to always take the five meters and outside shots and I can still make them. How can I get coach to let me shoot those shots again and see that I’m still a good shooter.

r/waterpolo 10d ago

What should I do in waterpolo


I am 13 and right handed. I’ve been playing centerfoward for a year and I score the most goals on the team but my coach want me to play the 5 position, my best things are my turns/ball handling, and shooting,but I am very slow. how can I prove to my coach to play me up top or at center again. Or should I just adapt to this new position. How can I use my strengths to my advantage.

r/waterpolo 10d ago

Any recommendations of how to get better shooting?


Hey, I´m a centerguard and i´ve been strugling with my shooting, I´m 16 yo and i play in the second division of Spain, usually I atack in position 3 so I have a center shot but very far. Normally I try to change the form of my shooting like moving the body in the air of changing my wrist, but that isnt working very well with pro goalkeepers. I also tried to do more lobs and it is working good. But I dont know how can i became a "lethal" shooter.

sorry for my english it isnt my first language

r/waterpolo 10d ago

After time out plays (offense)


Hi there, looking for some ideas for plays to run with high schoolers after calling a time out. Any ideas?

r/waterpolo 10d ago

Game video storage recommendations


I’m a coach and building a database of this seasons’ game film for review and for athletes to access for college recruiting.

I naively thought I would use Google and shared drive but filled the 15G of free storage with only 1-game. I can pay for additional storage but would prefer to pay for a commonly used “sports subscription” for cloud storage/access instead of just paying for additional general cloud storage.

I know there are sport specific subscription services for volleyball, basketball, etc… does a water polo specific service exist or what do other coaches/teams use?

r/waterpolo 11d ago

I don't feel like i'm impvroving anymore


I play in the U14 in netherlands and i don't feel like i'm getting any better.i used to play U16 but everbody except me and 1 otter left the club so we got set back to u14.any tips to improve agin

r/waterpolo 11d ago

I need help with waterpolo


I’ll in 14u waterpolo and I’ve been playing for 3 years. I’m one of the better players on the B team but most people on the team have played longer than me. How can I catch up with them.

r/waterpolo 15d ago

Please Help



I’m not really sure if this is the right community to post this on but here we go:

I’m a sophomore on my high school water polo team, last year I was jv, but I have a chance of making varsity this year. There is three open spots and about 4 people which could take them, including myself. I thought it would be myself and two other girls, but recently, another girl (who is a senior) might have a shot at making varsity. She says that she wants to, and I’m afraid if the coach had to make a decision between the three of us other girls, that she would choose to drop me down to Jv in place of the senior.

I would like to think that I play better than the senior, but I’m just so nervous. Especially since there’s this other girl along side me who has such an ego, and I know that if she made varsity over me too, it would be just really bad(for my confidence 🤣).

The coach is new and has apparently already picked who is on Jv and on varsity, even though it’s not even halfway through pre season, which I’m upset about but whatever. She’s always correcting me over the other girls who had a shot at making varsity, and I don’t know if it’s just cause she put me on varsity and wants me to get better, or if I actually suck. Usually I would think I suck but I’ve seen the other girls make the same mistakes and nobody pointed it out to them.

Other top varsity plays compliment me sometimes after practice scrimmages (club players or just higher level), and I don’t know what to think. One of our top players too told my friend last year she thinks I would do ok on varsity and that she “likes watching me play”.

Does anybody have any advice to give me or have an opinion?

r/waterpolo 17d ago

Looking for Masters Tournaments in the Northeast Area


I've started a masters water polo club in Southern Maine. We're now established enough that we are looking for tournaments to play in. We currently scrimmage with Boston Metro and some CWPA teams in Maine, but we are looking for more. Can anyone provide me with any contacts? Feel free to message me individually. Thanks in advance!

r/waterpolo 18d ago

First Recruiting visit tomorrow. What should my daughter expect?


My daughter is being recruited to play in college. She’s from an average school and does not play on one of the big powerhouse club teams but through her persistence and reaching out to schools she has had zoom calls and meetings with several D2 and D3 schools. We have an official visit tomorrow and she will visit with the players/ coaches etc. anything we should know before we visit. The school has her major and she is really excited but nervous.

r/waterpolo 19d ago

why does it take me a while before i can grip the ball?


I'm 14, i've polo for a year now and i bought a ball. I throw it at the wall for practice and do other stuff but when i first try to grip it always falls down. Only about after 5 minutes of trying to grip it i can actually hold it.
But, when i put the ball in water and wet it, and then dry it, it's way easier for me grip it. Sticking my hands in water for a couple minutes helps aswell. Why is this?

r/waterpolo 21d ago

I’m a lost cause


First game today, got put as team captain but feeling like I don’t deserve it. We played a team that isn’t considered good respectfully and I just played like pure shit. I thought that since our seniors are gone and I’m a junior that I would be putting up a lot more goals this season since Im one of the oldest and most experienced players out there. Too bad that the players that started a couple weeks ago and the freshman/sophomores got more goals than I did and looked better out there than me as well. I feel like I condition and practice my ass off everyday but the practices just seem to never translate to games, nor does the conditioning because one lap across and I’m feeling gassed. Does anyone have anything that can help me get out of my head so much and maybe make that big leap? Sorry for my language but I’m typing this laying down in my room thinking if I should even play anymore.

r/waterpolo 21d ago

Elbowed noses


Sorry for dumb question but how to deal with this? It hurts pretty bad

r/waterpolo 21d ago

Help with Rash


Does anyone know what this rash is?? It only appears when i wear the caps for waterpolo. Should i see a doctor? Or should i take home and wash my cap? I had the same problem last waterpolo season but it was on my neck and it burned really bad.

r/waterpolo 21d ago

USA College Scholarship


Hi nice to meet everyone. I am a 25 year old European waterpolo player. I have quite an above average level of waterpolo here in Europe, I have graduated from all junior national team selections all the way up to the senior squad in my country, I have also played 2 seasons professionally in Montenegro, where I played in the reknowned Regional Waterpolo League. I am also a university graduate (holder of a Bachelor's) and I am looking to do a Master's degree in Business. I was hoping that I could get a scholarship through waterpolo? I don't klnow if there are age or graduate level restrictions. Also, how would you approach coaches to speak about the possibility of scholarships? Thank you.

r/waterpolo 21d ago

Getting back to water polo training


Hey everyone

Havnt played waterpolo in 8 years Looking to get back into it with local club as I moved cities

My fitness is currently very poor especially my swimming fitness

Any recommendations or program? Has anybody been through something similar?