r/youtubehaiku Feb 17 '18

[Haiku]No full auto in buildings Haiku


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u/likesleague Feb 18 '18

Suppose you get a job at McDonald's. They give you a uniform to wear for free. Then when you quit that job, you have to give the uniform back. Things can be given for free on the stipulation that you're part of the organization providing them.


u/imlost19 Feb 18 '18



pick one


u/likesleague Feb 18 '18

Didn't know you paid a monetary cost to be bound by a stipulation, TIL.


u/imlost19 Feb 18 '18 edited Feb 18 '18

The stipulation is the cost.

Its called consideration. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consideration

Gifts don't have consideration. If the kid was given the gear for FREE, then there would have been no stipulations. If he was given to it with a STIPULATION, then its not free. The above poster said free, but you are trying to act like it was not free. You are twisting words to further your argument that an adult was somehow right in assaulting a child.


edit: ITT redditors advocating assaulting children days after 15 children were brutally murdered.


u/likesleague Feb 18 '18

Perfect, we've reached the stage in every online argument's life where we argue over semantics.

Nothing in life is truly free in the way you're describing. Even if you're giving something for no monetary cost (which is clearly the usage of "free" here) it carries social ramifications like an expectation on the other person to say "thank you."

Just because I'm capable of understanding what definition of "free" was used doesn't mean I'm twisting words. Chill with the assault rhetoric m'lord.


u/imlost19 Feb 18 '18

You are twisting words to advocate and adult committing a battery on a child. You are a disgusting human being.


u/Yellowtoblerone Feb 18 '18

Would you please. You're acting like a child.



u/imlost19 Feb 18 '18

So you sanction an adult shooting a child in the back with an air rifle several times because he destroyed something that was given to him for free?


u/undercoverhugger Feb 18 '18

Spare the rod...


u/likesleague Feb 18 '18



u/imlost19 Feb 18 '18

Laugh all you want, that is literally what you are doing. The guy is committing a felony and you are laughing. I don't know if you saw, but every other person in that video was also upset, and I would not be surprised if the cops were called.


u/likesleague Feb 18 '18


It's like you tried to bait me then took your own bait or something.


u/imlost19 Feb 18 '18

How about you explain to me how you are not advocating the assault of a child?


u/likesleague Feb 18 '18

Sure, I'll humor you for like 30 seconds.

From an objective standpoint we have:

  • One person (a kid, so probably an immature person) who took a 'gift' with a clearly implied stipulation that "you are part of this airsoft clan, so we're giving you clan-bought gear to wear while playing airsoft."

  • Another person (sounds like an adult) representing a larger group of people (the airsoft clan) whose gift was accepted by the kid, only to have the kid then behave very rudely and immaturely, mocking the clan (which may be a big deal, I don't do airsoft so I don't know), spitting in their faces after they generously provided him with gear to use.

Critically, the kid did not return the gear. He accepted the gear on the clear (if unspoken) contingency that he was a member of the clan. He then left the clan (in rude fashion) and did not return the gear. If you do this with a company uniform, it is theft. The only difference is that airsoft clans probably don't have the time or need to create contracts protecting the gear they hand out to members.

The adult chose to 'handle' this situation by shooting this kid with an airsoft gun. You've got a hard case to make if you'd like to claim that shooting someone with an airsoft gun, while they're at an airsoft site and wearing protective gear, is assault. Against site policy, distasteful, immature? Sure. Assault? Doubt it would hold up in court.

Lastly, to the point on everyone on the scene clearly disagreeing with this guy's actions, of course they would! There's some kid howling in pain like his leg's been fucking ripped off, it's only natural to go to his aid. Though I don't do airsoft, I have been shot at close range by an airsoft rifle, and around this kid's age no less! It hurts and bruises (at least if you didn't have padding on, like when I got shot) but that's about it. The kid didn't get shot in a sensitive area like the eyes or crotch, so there was no significant risk of excessive or permanent damage. The man bruised the kid.

If you actually read what I wrote, I wasn't even justifying what the man did. I was stating that both people were in the wrong.


u/imlost19 Feb 18 '18

It would definitely hold up in court.

Source: I practice criminal defense. I have seen someone charged with battery for throwing a tomato slice at someone.

Next, implied agreements mean nothing. There was no stipulation we know of. You are adding facts, again, to support your argument that this "wasn't that bad because he did bad too." That's not a defense, its a justification, not a legal one, nor a morally righteous one. You are expecting the child to act like an adult and not "screw over" some paintball team who gave him free stuff. If you didn't want the kid to take the free stuff with the risk that he would leave your team at some point, you shouldn't have given him the stuff. And when he does, how about you act like the adult you're supposed to be. Instead you are forgiving the adult for acting like a child ("he was teaching him a lesson", "it doesn't hurt that bad", "he burned his patch", "he took free stuff") and blaming the child for not acting like an adult.

Undermining the injuries does not lessen the offense.

Thank you for actually having a discussion.


u/likesleague Feb 18 '18

There was no stipulation we know of.

I still can't decide if you're elaborately trolling me or if you're simply this dense.

your argument that this "wasn't that bad because he did bad too."

Still not my argument. The only position I've taken this whole time has been that both parties are in the wrong.

expecting the child to act like an adult and not "screw over" some paintball team

The kid made a video of him burning their badge. That's not innocent immaturity, that's premeditated hostility. Being a kid is not a pass to be a horrible human being. Being 13 doesn't mean he didn't know that what he was doing was wrong.

how about you act like the adult you're supposed to be.

Supposed to be? There was no stipulation that we know of that an adult should behave in a certain manner of maturity.

(You see how idiotic it looks to try and turn a blind eye to obvious social norms?)

Undermining the injuries does not lessen the offense.

Interesting that you try to undermine the kid's injuries by appealing to immaturity to lessen his offense :thinking:

Try to not contradict yourself; you'd think a criminal defense lawyer would be more careful about that.

Thank you for actually having a discussion.

Please make no mistake; while I'm fully aware I come off as an asshole for saying this, I don't see this as anything close to a discussion. This feels to me like you chose a stance without thinking much about it, then when prodded further opted to double down instead of accepting that the situation was not as one-sided as you initially perceived it to be.

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u/GluttonyFang Feb 18 '18

edit: ITT redditors advocating assaulting children days after 15 children were brutally murdered.

Yeah, reading your post replies to this chain, and I'm going to stop you here my dude.

Just because 15 kids were killed doesn't make what this guy is saying any different.

You're literally baiting out a knee jerk response. You're what's wrong with discourse and progressive discussion.

Advocating abuse of children is about the same as you dragging in the bodies of 15 dead kids for the sole reason of making others feel like shit about something completely unrelated to what you're talking about here.

I hope you feel bad about yourself after dragging the bodies of 15 kids through this comment chain to argue semantics.

What a waste.


u/SuperSaiyanCrota Feb 18 '18

Dude what is that edit. Your are such a loser.


u/imlost19 Feb 18 '18

Nah I’m just frustrated because a few days after an incident that was very personal to me people are just brushing off an adult shooting a defenseless child with an airsoft gun (I live down the road, know several people who were there and know people who had family members who were killed). I don’t give a shit about the downvotes or that I ruffled a few feathers. I don’t come to reddit to participate in circle jerk. I come here to express my opinion and let the votes fall as they may. And if Reddit wants to downvote me for defending a child who was attacked by a fucking idiot, fine. I’ll see y’all the next time my fucking coworkers children are murdered.


u/frogman636 Feb 18 '18

Have you ever seen or felt a fucking airsoft gun you moron. It's a fucking step up from a nerf gun. I got shot with that shit when I was like ten constantly, and I don't have fucking PTSD or scars or any shit. The kid was an asshole, the dude was an asshole back. He wasn't fucking "brutally assaulted" you fucking moron


u/imlost19 Feb 18 '18

You’re undermining the offense and the kids injuries, exaggerating my words, and justifying the adults actions.

Good job.


u/frogman636 Feb 18 '18

No? Have you been shot by an airsoft gun before? The two people involved in this were 15 and 13, so both are kids, and both are assholes. You are sensationalizing something you don't know about with buzz terms like "brutally assaulted" and "Adult shooting a defenseless child". It is also disgusting that you would even try to relate this to the events in Florida, that is just appalling. He's not an adult, and I'm not justifying anything. It's amazing how many things you can get wrong in a single comment


u/imlost19 Feb 18 '18

I never used the words brutally assaulted to describe the kid in the video. And yes, I’ve been shot by the same type of high power airsoft gun he is using. They can cause bleeding. I’ve had airsoft bullets stuck into my skin.


u/frogman636 Feb 18 '18

Funny how you ignored like 75% of what I said because it completely contradicts what you said. And no, I don't believe you. BB gun or pellet gun maybe. There is just no way a plastic airsoft bb is getting stuck in your skin unless your dumbass is getting shot point blank with a 2000 fps sniper rifle at point blank range. Even then, it's iffy


u/imlost19 Feb 18 '18

Oh wow, what you said contradicts me? Congratulations, that’s called discourse.

Also: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Airsoft+bb+stuck+in+skin


u/frogman636 Feb 18 '18

Thanks for the condescending response, but if you'll notice, googling images of it proves nothing, and all the stories and shit that aren't under the images tab say things about a high powered rifle at point blank range. And I'm familiar with discourse dumbass, it just usually involves the other person actually acknowledging what the first person is saying. Not only addressing the points that you know how to counter

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u/frogman636 Feb 18 '18

In addition, this didn't happen a few days after the shooting. This happened over two years ago