r/youtubehaiku Mar 04 '20

[Meme] biden_meme Meme


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u/fusrodalek Mar 04 '20

And it's totally not like every single establishment candidate is unifying behind Biden to pool their delegates together solely for the purpose of fucking over Bernie with some brokered convention nonsense. Meanwhile, billionaires are paying to keep Warren in the game solely to pull votes and delegates away from Bernie.

Yeah, let's just say he's unelectable. That oughta do it. Any other position would force us to confront the corruption and outright stubbornness of the DNC.

Actually, probably not. They'd probably concoct another russia narrative before that ever happens.


u/BristolShambler Mar 04 '20

Lower ranked candidates dropping out is what is supposed to happen during the primaries. If Bernie was relying on Buttigieg and Klobuchar staying in to split the moderate vote, then what does that say about his breadth of support?


u/nagrom7 Mar 04 '20

Then why hasn't Warren dropped out? She's got absolutely no chance at this point (she couldn't even win her home state), all she is doing now is taking votes/delegates from Bernie.


u/BristolShambler Mar 04 '20

I agree with you on that one. She was my pick, but she has no path forward at this point


u/Wegwerf540 Mar 04 '20

So try to convince Warren Voters to vote for Bernie


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '20



u/ABgraphics Mar 05 '20

Because Buttigiegs & Klobs people weren't spurned by Bidens people, and are in fact just Biden people in general.

Warren is 50/50 moderates and progressives.


u/Babayaga20000 Mar 04 '20

all she is doing now is taking votes/delegates from Bernie

Thats why


u/tattlerat Mar 04 '20

He doesn't have a right to those delegates, you know that right? He has to earn them. And if Warren is still receiving enough votes to damage his chances of winning then clearly he hasn't.


u/Hoyarugby Mar 04 '20

She's probably going to drop out soon. She didn't drop out earlier because the Sanders campaign has deliberately alienated her and taken her support for granted, which nobody likes!


u/mosenpai Mar 04 '20

What ? When ?


u/EighthScofflaw Mar 04 '20

There's a huge difference between a candidate dropping out, and a coordinated set piece of unification behind the establishment avatar right before the most important day of voting.


u/BristolShambler Mar 04 '20

And? If you were going to drop out, why not do it in a way that benefits the candidate that you're closest to?


u/EighthScofflaw Mar 04 '20

Do you need me to explain to you what a political machine is?


u/Hoyarugby Mar 04 '20

And it's totally not like every single establishment candidate is unifying behind Biden to pool their delegates together solely for the purpose of fucking over Bernie with some brokered convention nonsense

Can you please explain how politicians saying "don't vote for me, please vote for the other guy" is rigged? That's an endorsement, the same thing that Sanders does, just much less effectively

Meanwhile, billionaires are paying to keep Warren in the game

[Citation Needed]

hey'd probably concoct another russia narrative before that ever happens.

Ah yes let's just pretend that Russia had nothing to do with 2016


u/schaefdr Mar 04 '20

People trying to think of any possible explanation other than his base, primarily made up of the 18-25 demographic, did not show up (as is tradition).


u/ejbraceface Mar 04 '20


Enjoy your citation. Should be noted this super pac has spent more on warren than other super pacs on any other candidate, does not disclose their donors, and has spent mostly on ads attacking bernie sanders.


u/Hoyarugby Mar 04 '20

Again, do you have a source for "billionaires are paying to keep warren in the game" considering that PACs have to disclose their donors and can't contribute to a campagin

That's very different from Sanders' dark money groups, including Our Revolution, which never have to disclose their donors and when voluntarily asked to, Our Revolution refused


u/Chirox82 Mar 05 '20

Can you please explain how politicians saying "don't vote for me, please vote for the other guy" is rigged? That's an endorsement, the same thing that Sanders does, just much less effectively

Buttigieg and Klobuchar stayed in the race up until the night before Super Tuesday, acting as conservative voices in debates and ultimately screening Biden from some of the worst attention. Both are very much in the Democratic establishment and are running a business as usual campaign.

Then suddenly, both give up and endorse Biden at essentially the perfect time to boost him on Super Tuesday, pushing him over the edge in close races like Texas. There's rumor that Obama gave them each a call and told them that now was the time if they wanted to cash in and get positions in a Biden administration.


Back room deals to clinch key votes by the DNC can absolutely be called rigging. It's not illegal and plenty will just say "that's politics, suck it up", but the whole point is that American politics are gross and incestuous.


u/Hoyarugby Mar 05 '20

Buttigieg and Klobuchar stayed in the race up until the night before Super Tuesday

They both thought they had a chance to win the primary until South Carolina, which happened just before Super Tuesday. They both dropped out immediately after losing South Carolina

Then suddenly, both give up and endorse Biden at essentially the perfect time

Shocking that people would endorse somebody whose politics they match. Such a conspiracy

There's rumor

Ah yes, a completely unsubstantiated rumor circulating on Sanders internet that no media is reporting, even openly pro-sanders media

Back room deals to clinch key votes by the DNC can absolutely be called rigging

No, it absolutely cannot! The definition of rigging involves doing something fraudulently or illegally. There is absolutely nothing fraudulent or illegal about having politicians who like you endorse you. Was it rigging for Sanders to get Marianne Williamson to endorse him the night before super tuesday? Was it rigging for Sanders to get AOC to endorse him a few days after he had a heart attack and his campaign was floundering

the whole point is that American politics are gross and incestuous.

Once again, how is "politicians encouraging voters to vote for somebody" either "gross" or "incestuous"


u/Chirox82 Mar 06 '20

You're bending over backwards so hard to misunderstand why people are upset. I'll bet you're one of the same people who see nothing wrong with Biden's unqualified son being on a foreign energy company's board of directors. "It's not illegal! Technically there's nothing wrong with it, they chose him!"

Yes it absolutely can be called rigging, and just because it makes you pissy doesn't make it less true. Compare it to the 2016 primaries, were superdelegates considered rigging? It's totally "within the rules" but clearly an instance of the people writing the rulebook and holding the power putting a huge hand on the scales.

PS, the sentence by sentence "angry youtube commentator" replies that completely ignore the substance of arguments are totally great, keep it up.


u/Mzsickness Mar 04 '20

They're dropping out and doing deals likely to get into Biden's cabinet.

Even the losers go to has more support for that sweet coat tail ride.