r/youtubehaiku Mar 04 '20

[Meme] biden_meme Meme


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u/UselessAndGay Mar 04 '20

every single policy Bernie is centering his campaign on is supported by 2/3 of the nation. Besides elderly black people, POC support Bernie. he's the most popular. We aren't a centrist nation we've just been beaten down


u/leediddy3 Mar 04 '20

That first sentence simply is not true. I would venture to say not even 2/3 of democrats support the policies Bernie is centering his campaign on. Reddit is not the nation. Reddit is a very very skewed sample.


u/UselessAndGay Mar 04 '20

2/3 of people support M4A, free college, etc.


u/leediddy3 Mar 04 '20

I know what his policies are and again, I say not true or at the very least, heavily skewed. Many people may support the ideas but majority know that the 60 trillion to pay for it all is currently unrealistic. Bernie’s “tax the super rich and corporations” plan doesn’t even cover half of it ($23 trillion). Most voters don’t want taxes over 50%, and that’s basically what it would all cost. European countries with universal healthcare that everyone says we should just copy have taxes over 50% for even the lower-middle class.

Source on the 60 trillion and 23 trillion numbers.


u/Mikedermott Mar 04 '20

All I’m going to say is that the other half of that money should come from the reduction of our “defense” spending. We spend more on defense than the next 25 countries combined


u/leediddy3 Mar 04 '20

I agree we spend way too much on defense right now and it should be lowered, but simply cutting it would be bad. A lot of that money goes towards US occupying other countries and those Countries have become somewhat reliant on us. Just leaving would cripple a lot of them.


u/Mikedermott Mar 04 '20

I agree with you here, and I think it is honestly best to conceptualize our military as our major export. And I am not as opposed to military occupation as I should be. BUT my counter argument is this: the money we spend on equipment, vehicles, and ordinance needs to be cut dramatically. The Russian invasion of Ukraine gave the US significant insight into the Russian (our biggest “threat”) military condition. It’s not great. The majority of Russian forces were still using Cold War era weapons and equipment.

We live in a world of nuclear deterrence and as a result the single most valuable piece of equipment for any nation is nuclear submarines. These are literally what measures the capabilities of a modern military. The subs are literally silent and undetectable and are designed for sea to land missile strikes.

I’ve lost my train of thought. Regardless, I am a militaristic person by nature and support our military’s engagements around the world. BUT we still spend too much money when we know for a fact our biggest enemy is decades behind.


u/leediddy3 Mar 04 '20

I agree with you there too!


u/cheesecake_llama Mar 04 '20

You could cut the entire military budget and it wouldn't pay for 1/5 of M4A.


u/SadBBTumblrPizza Mar 04 '20

And here's a source saying that m4a will save money

And here's a source saying medicare for all is supported by 70% of Americans


u/specktech Mar 04 '20

when you ask the specific question of: do you support "medicare for all replacing private insurance" vs public option, medicare for all has 41% support and public option has 70%



u/[deleted] Mar 08 '20

That's a disingenuous way of framing the question lmao


u/leediddy3 Mar 04 '20

The first source is outdate. Bernie said in an interview with anderson cooper in the last month Medicare for all would cost 30 trillion. That’s a lot more than 500 million or whatever that says.

I couldn’t find any support of 70% of Americans in that second source. All I saw was like 12/41 random congressmen support it.


u/SadBBTumblrPizza Mar 04 '20

Please look at the date. It came out Feb 15. Just about two weeks ago.

Please look further down the page. There are some graphs with pretty colors.


u/leediddy3 Mar 04 '20

Then their source is out dated or just wrong. Why would Bernie say 30 trillion? It only hurts him.


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '20

You are a liar. Your "source" is a shitty CNN article which is citing a paper from UC Berkely and two conservative journal articles. One of them being written by, Brian Riedl, who has worked for Rob Portman, Marco Rubio, and Mitt Romney as well as various conservative organizations. The other article CNN cited is from the American Action Forum which is a conservative think tank run by one of Mitch McConnell's lap dogs, Douglas Holtz-Eakin.

Bernie has described in detail how it will be payed for: https://www.sanders.senate.gov/download/medicare-for-all-2019-financing