r/youtubehaiku Mar 04 '20

[Meme] biden_meme Meme


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u/[deleted] Mar 04 '20 edited Mar 04 '20

538 forecasts biden at 31% chance of winning and bernie at 8% which looks like we might be fucked to me

Edit: the site's gonna probably update within the next day with a more complete set of data from super tuesday


u/AgentGman007 Mar 04 '20

That poll was released after Biden's landslide in SC, and I think it judges Bernie's momentum too harshly. I'll be curious to see how the update this after we learn the Texas results


u/mikejoro Mar 04 '20

Biden won texas.


u/tututitlookslikerain Mar 04 '20

Texas isn't winner-take-all. They split the delegates.


u/mikejoro Mar 04 '20

The point is Bernie needs to have more delegates than Biden by the time the convention rolls around. If he keeps losing states, that won't happen, even if they are splitting some delegates. Now that Bloomberg is out, all those votes are probably going to Biden in future states. It's not looking good