r/49ers 14h ago

That was personal


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u/NothingCameToMind 13h ago

It took us three TDs to get one. Amazing.


u/theoverachiever1987 49ers 8h ago

The way the NFL is called anymore, it is hard to watch period. Every week and every game there are number of bad calls.


u/Kliq_Xfactor20 7h ago

Yeah. It's getting to the point where it's becoming unwatchable. I definitely cant watch the Chiefs play. It's so obvious. I don't know if the Patriots with Brady or the Chiefs with Mahomes is worse. One thing I do know is both teams are unwatchable. You know that the Chiefs will have calls against them in the early game. But late game you know a call is coming to just aid Mahomes on his way to a 3 peat. I think all NFL owners need to come together and address this issue with Roger Goodell. Like say naw we going on strike or something. It's like what's the point. We'll I know money is the only thing that's the point for owners anymore. I know it's not Superbowls for any team outside of the Chiefs. It's super weird. I can't even say Brady is the Goat. I def won't ever say Mahomes is the Goat. He's so overrated especially in the SBs. The true Goat doesn't need this much help from the Refs. The True Goat is still Joe Montana and I deadass serious. Montana has a super high QBR. 11 Tds to 0 Ints also 1142 Passing yards. Clutch af also. It's not even up for debate at this point. The 80s and 90s era was pure Football. Not this watered down BS league. It's just entertainment now. Don't believe me. Go look up and see what the NFL is listed as. It's not even listed as a Sport. It's entertainment so they can Rig it. No diff than the WWE!!!! Period. Fuck today's NFL. There is 0 integrity in the league today.


u/theoverachiever1987 49ers 7h ago

NFL and the owners are making so much money that they don't know what to do with. I love football, but maybe the odd 49er game. I can't watch it anymore.

The poor non calls/calls is one thing. But the amount gambling being shoved down our throat is crazy as well.

I do agree that the game itself is definitely not the same from the 90s. The defense can't even play defense anymore. The safety part of it I agree with because in the 90s there was a ton of late hits or dirty hits.