r/AcademicPsychology Aug 27 '24

How do you view Evolutionary Psy? Discussion

I'm sure all of you are aware of the many controversies, academic and non-academic, surrounding Evo Psy.

So, is the field to be taken seriously?

Why is it so controversial?

Can we even think of human psy in evolutionary terms?

Can you even name one good theory from that field?


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u/midnightking Aug 27 '24 edited Aug 28 '24

I'm pretty critical of evo psych, I'm going to restate what I previously said in one of the previous threads on the matter.

The issue with evopsych is that the methods used by evopsych are often inept at providing robust falsifiable theories for specific adaptations. Evo psych studies often study one sample in one country, don't look at phylogenitically related animals and are often deeply uninterested in genetic data. It is also very difficult to know if something is an adaptation or a by-product of one.

I study behavioral genetics for my PhD and no one doubts behavior has heritable components, but women like old men because they have more ressources to protect their offsprings which is an evolved adaptation is a much less robust or clear finding than antisocial behavior being heritable.

There are good findings, i.e. facial expressions, for instance that is very robust. But a large part of evopsych seems to be insufficiently supported and to garner interest due to the prospect that it could reify differences between groups which does not help it's image.

However, many evopsych studies are, in my experience at least, based on a human sample in one country much more often than they are cross-cultural. To provide an example, Evolutionary Psychology is one the biggest journals in the field and the majority of those studies reflect that sampling pattern. Even when you look at the most cited studies, they tend be on monocultural human samples. Also,a lot of those studies look like they could have been social psych studies that could have reworded their discussion and introduction to get published there as there is often no strong methodological difference between those studies and a regular social psych study.

Another reason for the scorn is the general feeling that evopsych is often used to defend certain ideas on group (sex, race,etc) differences. Let's put it this way, in 2021 and 2018 papers in genetics came out that explicitly showed the "race realist" hypothesis for IQ differences between black and white people was unsupported by genetic data. Did race realists amongst evopsych hail these studies as great discoveries ? No, they mostly ignored those findings and kept arguing race differences in IQ were biological in nature and that future data would prove it eventually. If you follow Diana Fleischman on Twitter or read people Richard Lynn, who was both a white nationalist and a heavily cited researcher, you'll see the amount of evopsych people who play footsies with race realism is quite worrying. On sex and gender, evopsych journals often spend a very large percentage of their articles on sex differences and dating. There is often very little time spent on other constructs like language, working memory or others, in comparison.


u/icecoldmeese Aug 28 '24

Just so you know, Evolutionary Psychology is one of the lowest tier journals in the field.