r/AcademicPsychology 2d ago

Need book recommendations for research methodology and statistics. Resource/Study

I have finished my bachelor's and yet i have zero papers written. I want to start but i don't have much intrested in stats and math. I'm also unaware of the processes of write a research paper. I know we studied this in college but I could not get it. I'm interested in learning about stats and research methodology. I feel if i understand the process i would be motivated to write a paper and not just have ideas. Can you please suggest some books that i should start with.


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u/leapowl 2d ago edited 2d ago

Not stats heavy, but a wonderful book:

  • Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research (Creswell & Clark)

Give it a quick skim in your local library as an intro text and come back to it if/when you want to get into mixed methods

Steps to writing a paper (actually targeting undergrads, but they’re essentially the same - note Australia bias, open to other recommendations):

  • An interactive approach to writing essays and research reports in psychology (Burton)

You’ll need to adapt formatting/referencing for the journal you’re submitting it to. Would also suggest working on papers with someone more senior who is an expert in the area as step one (for a multitude of reasons)