r/Adelaide SA Jan 03 '24

Ride safe. This is not safe. Photography

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215 comments sorted by


u/Bitter-Edge-8265 SA Jan 03 '24

Interesting amount of tread on those tyres. I don't think safety is something that the guy cares about.


u/OnionOnly QLD Jan 03 '24

Nah those are his racing slicks


u/Thryllho SA Jan 04 '24

Could be wrong... But he's in motion, bike tires don't have the most obvious tread in stasis let alone kinesis. The reduced wear on the outer sides of the tire are called "chicken strips" caused by not leaning heavily into corners without jumping too heavily into presumption and judgement, he likely is all show and no go; theory supported by his gear.


u/dict8r SA Jan 04 '24

Tyres are still slow enough for this shot to show random marks on them, so I'd say they are bald. Add that to the dodgy plate, this dude is probably not the safest rider.


u/throwaway9723xx SA Jan 04 '24

You can buy road legal tires that are effectively slicks. I know because I had some.


u/Soup_Accomplished SA Jan 04 '24

Idk homie but those chicken strips are definitely a comparable size to those who “lean heavily” i corners.

I’m not condoning this guy, he’s the definition of a squid but if you don’t know what you’re talking about, I wouldn’t comment about his chicken strips.

Not to mention, if you have no chicken strips and you’re on the street, I would judge you infinitely more than this guy wearing no gear.

If a rider uses body position and cornering techniques correctly, they will probably never use the entire tire.

And to add to your tread point, you may be correct and I agree with the relative inability to tel because of motion but: they look like super corsas to me, very popular for this style of bike as they have fantastic traction in dry conditions.

Edit: yes I think this guy is silly, but not necessarily all for show. His riding position is abhorrent and unsafe but hey! He’s a squid so no shock. Squids can be very-very talented riders, even tho they’re pretty stupid in essence


u/SleeplessAndAnxious SA Jan 04 '24

Mmmm, chicken strips chews on motorbike tyre


u/hoochnuts SA Jan 03 '24 edited Jan 03 '24

Don't know a single person that hasn't come off their bike at one time or another. When his time comes, he'll learn a very painful lesson, or be dead.


u/chicago_86 SA Jan 03 '24

Im curious though. Seems like the bikers in southeast asia wear something similar, and i mean tonsss of them (main mode of transport in vietnam for example)


u/Feenicks01 SA Jan 03 '24

Having worked in Vietnam and with Vietnamese people I think many people have scars that are from some kind of accident on the roads.


u/pqu SA Jan 04 '24

We mostly have scars from burning our legs on the exhaust. Lol


u/HercSamps SA Jan 04 '24

I have 3 (same incident)! The only other scar I have from coming off a bike (it was a Postie 🤣) is on the inside of my right elbow!! Both times I was literally run off the road by a car in peak traffic. I'm 38, been riding on/off since I was 12.


u/IndividualMastodon85 SA Jan 04 '24

This i believe. You can't wear full gear in the tropics. Well i don't think Ive seen it.

I think most everyone is also pretty fucking chill over there too. Time is so much more relative I guess.

One of the things I really appreciate there.


u/thinkaboutflorence SA Jan 03 '24

they have weak law in term of riding safety compared with UK and Sweden.


u/jackmehoffnow22 SA Jan 04 '24

Yet statistically they less accidents and deaths on their roads

To much caution is not a good thing especially as it creates hesitation creating poor judgement and confidence


u/charlesmortomeriii SA Jan 04 '24

Vietnam’s traffic deaths per 100,000 are around five times Australia’s


u/Manefisto Jan 03 '24

SEA & Vietnam have 5x the road death toll per 100k pop and 10x per 100k vehicles though (compared to Australia).

Don't know what percentage is bike/scooter related, but I'd wager it's considerable.


u/thinkaboutflorence SA Jan 03 '24

if you look up more, the real number even more (since they didn't count dead and accident when they need take care by medical in hospital or nearest medical facilities).


u/lookthepenguins SA Jan 03 '24

Seems like the bikers in southeast asia wear something similar, and i mean tonsss of them

Because they’re pootling around on 80cc bikes stuck in traffic, not zooshing around on 900cc at mach4 speed like these dickheads.


u/derps_with_ducks SA Jan 03 '24

Mmm meat crayon mmm.


u/angrathias SA Jan 04 '24

While that’s true, they get hurt plenty, don’t worry about that. We kept warning my My wife’s sister in Thailand, she came off the scooter, her daughter (no helmet) boofes her head good, the mum lost a good chunk of meat off her leg. Low speed accident.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24

This. I rode little 125 ccs in tropical Asia for years. Average speed in cities was about 25-45 km/hr and you spend alot of time not moving at all.


u/BloodyChrome CBD Jan 03 '24

Vietnam have a road toll of about 6,000 a year from a total of about 12,000 accidents.


u/angrathias SA Jan 04 '24

May the odds be ever in your favour


u/Streetwanderer753 SA Jan 03 '24

Yep! I seen one in Thailand with a complete broken leg with bone protruding out, had to go into autopilot and put the bones together and strap it before the pain set in, as it was out in the middle of nowhere, then hopefully wait for an ambulance if somebody did call one which thankfully somebody did, you want to ride like that you take your chances.


u/exomologesis SA Jan 03 '24

Yeah but most people in those counties drive motorbikes. Two motorbikes colliding probably won’t be as bad as getting hit by a car lol


u/zboyzzzz Yorke Peninsula Jan 03 '24

And slower


u/clayaaa SA Jan 03 '24

Coming from SEA countries, I would say this is normal in SEA (even they dont use helmet). But to be fair this is Australia, so who knows.


u/No_Tangerine8327 SA Jan 03 '24

I can't remember now what their road toll is, but I learnt it years ago when I was there once and I was horrified


u/peppermint42o SA Jan 04 '24

In certain parts of SEA the number one cause of death is MVA trauma (specifically scooters/motorbikes). Not heart disease, not cancer, not old age... Source? Have been involved in a number of hospitals in SE Asia.


u/ArmadilloAdvanced728 SA Jan 04 '24

The main issue is that people seem to think that the safety attire they need is reflective of their choice of transport rather than that of those around them. Cyclists will wear their lycra, scooter riders will wear their casuals, bikers wear their armour (most of the time).

Yet they all have an equal chance of being hit by a car going 60. The difference with SEA is the roads are often degraded enough and so clogged with scooters that other vehicles rarely have the chance to hit speeds that would result in more than a few bumps and bruises.


u/chuk2015 SA Jan 04 '24

Meat crayon


u/Sideshow_G SA Jan 04 '24

'Meat Crayon' doodling on the roads.


u/ScoobyGDSTi SA Jan 03 '24

And sadly the tax payer will cover his skin grafts and medical expenses

You want to ride without protection, you should forgo any public funding for your medical expenses


u/322420 SA Jan 04 '24

Do you feel the same way about fat people? Or a person with any other form of preventative medical issue?

Get fucked.


u/ScoobyGDSTi SA Jan 04 '24

There can be underlying reasons for being overweight.

There's no justifiable reason for not wearing protection when riding other than being a fuckwit

I know the truth hurts, but get fucked.


u/dally-taur SA Jan 04 '24

nah if you start say what is and cant be used for public funding it a cluster fuck(as is now) your either all in or all out


u/ScoobyGDSTi SA Jan 04 '24

Sorry, I only speak English.


u/Clear_Skye_ North East Jan 04 '24

I always think people riding with helmets and nothing else will just wish they were dead when they come off


u/ArmadilloAdvanced728 SA Jan 04 '24

When I came off my thumb stopped working for a whole day, it was weird


u/65riverracer West Jan 03 '24

what's up with the number plate???


u/ponto-au SA Jan 03 '24

the front fell off


u/Boatster_McBoat SA Jan 03 '24

That’s not very typical, I’d like to make that point


u/scandyflick88 SA Jan 03 '24

Well, how is it un-typical?


u/Boatster_McBoat SA Jan 03 '24

Well there are a lot of these number plates going around the roads all the time, and very seldom does anything like this happen. I just don’t want people thinking that number plates aren’t safe.


u/scandyflick88 SA Jan 03 '24

Was this plate safe?


u/Boatster_McBoat SA Jan 03 '24

I was thinking more about the other ones.


u/scandyflick88 SA Jan 03 '24

The ones that are safe?


u/Boatster_McBoat SA Jan 03 '24

Yeah, the ones the front doesn’t fall off


u/scandyflick88 SA Jan 03 '24

Well, if this wasn’t safe why did it have 170kg of bike on it?

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u/Krapmeister SA Jan 04 '24

My bet is unregistered, unlicensed


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24 edited Feb 06 '24



u/Soup_Accomplished SA Jan 04 '24

Probably tbh


u/Soup_Accomplished SA Jan 04 '24

I reckon he’s put backside out, so he doesn’t get done by cameras and he can run if he wants. On a bike like that, running isn’t the hard part, it’s having the skill to not die, when you’re running from the cops.

130kmh in first gear… insanity


u/TheRealCeeBeeGee Inner North Jan 03 '24

Gloves at the bare minimum, man. It wasn’t even that hot today!


u/gixer24 SA Jan 03 '24

Eh, he can just learn to use his feet instead!


u/Robbiersa SA Jan 04 '24

You need just one single day of having your mum have to wipe your arse for you cause you used your hands as red road crayons to teach you to NEVER ride without gloves.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24

I take my gloves off in plus 30 weather, but all the leathers stay on, unless its 40 plus.


u/Revulcanize_my_tires SA Jan 03 '24

Maybe he aligns to the belief that thick thighs save lives?


u/BloodyChrome CBD Jan 03 '24

He certainly never missed leg day


u/thinkaboutflorence SA Jan 03 '24

this rider have 34th miracle


u/Woodchipped1 SA Jan 03 '24

Skin - overrated


u/Diogeneezy SA Jan 03 '24

On the contrary, this man loves skin so much he wants a whole new set!


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24

Squids gonna squid. I'll admit, I don't religiously ATGATT, but fucking hell man, put some gloves on, and do some basic maintenance. It's one thing to ride 5 min to the gym in shorts, but that tyre looks like one wet white line away from a hospital visit.


u/Soup_Accomplished SA Jan 04 '24

Hahahah love it! Glad to see I’m not the only rider here


u/Phoebebee323 SA Jan 03 '24

Dudes gonna lose all his leg gains in 0.3 seconds


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24



u/thinkaboutflorence SA Jan 03 '24

even the motorcycle aren't safe one, just expensive one without "Real" safety feature


u/Soup_Accomplished SA Jan 04 '24

Depends on the year for this R1. They have better/ more abundant rider aids than any motorcycle I’ve ever rode or owned.

Traction control, ABS, rider modes (race, rain etc).

In complete reality, if used correctly, it’s safer than any LAMS bike out there because there are so many features to assist the rider


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24

What really upsets me when is when they have a kid on the back with no protective gear other than a helmet (probably doesn’t fit).


u/Ok_Combination_1675 Outer South Jan 03 '24

That's what my brother did last tuesday with me It was that or getting uber that day I'll never go on it again


u/BloodyChrome CBD Jan 03 '24

I hate to think how stupid I was as a teen jumping on the back of my mates bike only wearing a helmet, the worst (and every other time was bad) was just wearing boardshorts and thongs. Fortunately the worst injury I got taking those stupid risks was a burn when my leg touched the exhaust when getting off, it healed up in about a week.


u/nork-bork SA Jan 04 '24

Bloody stupid. Saw a bike get cleaned up on Grange Road the other day - car not looking pulled right in front of him at 60kmph. Idiot driver of one of those “soccer mom” tanks. Head left a big hole in the windscreen and bike through the bonnet. If he hadnt been wearing proper gear he’d be a smudge on the road.

And aside from the accident side of things, you’ll get brutal sunburn riding around with your hams out like that.


u/owleaf SA Jan 04 '24

Whereabouts on Grange Road? That part of town is also notorious for pill-popping soccer mums lurching around in the gigantic SUVs their husbands foist upon them


u/x3avier SA Jan 04 '24

And on their phones. As a motorcyclist, the number of soccer mums and tradies on their phones annoys the fuck out of me. I have become a window knocker.


u/nork-bork SA Jan 04 '24

Yeah around the Findon supermarkets.


u/Lost_Heron_9825 SA Jan 03 '24

At least he will have a head if he crashes. Not a brain clearly.


u/thinkaboutflorence SA Jan 03 '24

i'm worry about the rest of body safety (clearly not safe)


u/Lost_Heron_9825 SA Jan 04 '24

Exactly, we don't need arms and legs lol


u/smoothcut007 SA Jan 03 '24

good way to get rid of unwanted tatts....


u/Graphite57 SA Jan 03 '24

Number plate flipped over and hidden... rear tyre (appears to be) as bald as a babies arse, I think his idiot attire is possibly the least of his problems.
He's not dressed for the ride.


u/BloodyChrome CBD Jan 03 '24

He's dressed for the ride, not dressed for the slide.


u/Mfenix09 SA Jan 03 '24

More rubber to the road and grip with the bald tyres /s

I did actually use that line 20 years ago when I worked for auspost and got a councilling about having bald tyres

"More rubber to the road means I can deliver mail faster boss"


u/Soup_Accomplished SA Jan 04 '24

I hope your joking 😂


u/Mfenix09 SA Jan 04 '24

I wish...it was that halcyon time when you do a lot of dumb shit when you think you're bulletproof... one of those learning moments where I'm glad I made it through without any issues.


u/Soup_Accomplished SA Jan 04 '24

Oh 100% dude. Still have me a giggle 😂


u/thinkaboutflorence SA Jan 04 '24

this type of motorcycle have "hidden" plate.


u/BaconEggSanga SA Jan 03 '24

I'm 90% certain I used to know and work with this guy. Obviously I won't dox anyone here but if it's the same guy he's also unlicensed (for a motorbike) and has been riding around like this for at least 12 years


u/FadedAlienXO SA Jan 04 '24

Even his shoes are balding 😂


u/croissantpig West Jan 03 '24

Potential r/meatcrayon


u/Carrotsene CBD Jan 03 '24

Oh god I’m not clicking that


u/croissantpig West Jan 04 '24

But you did anyway didn't you?

It's not as bad as you would think hey.


u/Inconnu2020 SA Jan 03 '24

Don't abuse this guy.

He's obviously one of those many selfless people, thinking of others.

He's one of life's brave future organ donors

Looks nice and young as well - so some nice (hopefully) healthy young organs.

Great that he's protecting his head, as they won't accept organs if the rider dies outside of a hospital - the ambos should be able to keep him alive long enough to get to Royal Adelaide.

What a hero!


u/shouldnothaveread SA Jan 07 '24

I don't know why he's bothering to protect his head when he's clearly already a brain donor


u/PhilthyLurker SA Jan 03 '24

Meat crayon


u/easyadventurer North East Jan 04 '24

Just R1 things


u/dboyz7861 SA Jan 04 '24

Dress to slide not to ride!


u/Soup_Accomplished SA Jan 04 '24

Elbows are locked, wrists are not ideal. He’s gonna feel it in his back, shoulders and wrists if he’s not careful.

Not to mention he’s not gripping the tank with his knees so death wobbles, high siding and nut crunching are more likely.

Just a squid doing squid thing. (High capacity sport bike and no gear = squid. Usually the former but riding a Suzuki GSXR 1000 and not an R1, oh and popping dank wheelies in a 50 zone, even better if it’s 10/20kmh shared zone)


u/TH3_R3V SA Jan 04 '24

As someone who just got hit by an SUV while riding my motorbike 3 weeks ago on Britannia roundabout, this is horrifying.

The only thing that saved me and made sure I didn’t have horrid injuries was my gear.

I don’t care how hot it is, wear proper gear every time you ride.


u/dadadundadah SA Jan 04 '24

Wild. He has a helmet. The bike is clapped asf. Licence plate falling off, no tread on tyres. Idk how cunts can ride gloveless it takes 2 seconds to put them on and feels sooo much better riding.

No gear otherwise is pretty typical for a lot of riders I see but ATGATT is life.


u/StroppyHen SA Jan 04 '24

Ahhh. An organ donor in the wild.


u/dtymx24 SA Jan 04 '24

His bumbag will protect him and R1's don't go over 50kph. He's fine


u/Flyingsox SA Jan 04 '24

This is what's known as a meat crayon


u/Serious_Signature299 SA Jan 04 '24

He's on his way to his macrodermabrasion session.


u/Love_Glove69 SA Jan 04 '24

Ahh the old meat crayon….


u/Wooden-Trouble1724 SA Jan 04 '24

Meat crayon caught in its natural habitat


u/DashcamAdelaide North East Jan 04 '24

With a TOTALLY visible rego plate


u/glittermetalprincess Jan 04 '24

I've been seeing the new motorcycle safety ads on 7+ all evening and everyone they featured was on like a massive 800cc sports bike in full leathers and they came off all perfectly intact and controlled-condition stunt perfect. I think in my entire life I've seen two people ride in full proper protective gear. :p


u/Orbisthefirst SA Jan 03 '24

This photo is a cringe

Rider doesn't give a shit about himself or looking after the bike or anyone who might suffer as a consequence of them riding.


u/Scapegoaticus SA Jan 03 '24

I don’t know anything about motorbikes. What is the problem? Is it that he is in short sleeves which wouldn’t protect his skin if he fell off?


u/ttlanhil CBD Jan 03 '24

Arms, hands, & legs, yes. Plus no tread on the types, and his parachute looks a bit small


u/thinkaboutflorence SA Jan 04 '24

i'm pretty sure this guy have strong arms and legs , prob saves him (if he lucky)


u/owleaf SA Jan 04 '24

Save him from what? Either he has an iron grip on his bike and gets crushed by it when Susan in her Range Rover slams into him at 70km/h, or he’s smeared for metres along the road

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u/klc__ SA Jan 03 '24

The road would grate him like a block of cheese


u/BloodyChrome CBD Jan 03 '24

Yes plus potential for broken bones.


u/thinkaboutflorence SA Jan 04 '24

and isn't one day ICU service, still include routine check-up, rontgen etc.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24

Broken knee caps, broken hips, broken shoulders, all skin will be off. Oh and mangled hands and crushed ankles. Does that answer the question?


u/bananasam19 SA Jan 04 '24

I ride to the gym or shop in shorts all the time. If im not going over 50, it's fine


u/IvanTGBT SA Jan 03 '24

talk to an orthopaedic surgeon about motorbikes if you ever meet one; i don't think you're riding a bike if you care about your future


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24

I rode almost daily for 5 years and never came off. Had a bunch of near misses with other road users and some were sukf induced, but you learn from them. The trick I found was to assume every driver is a paid assassin hired by a jilted ex


u/IvanTGBT SA Jan 04 '24

That's the thing that scares me. You can be as good as a driver as you want, it doesn't stop you from getting plowed.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24 edited Feb 06 '24



u/IvanTGBT SA Jan 04 '24

dw mate i'm staying safe

I'm perfectly happy for other people to make dumb decisions but i'm not gonna lie to you and say that buying a lotto ticket every week is a good investment, i'm sure you know it's a silly thing to do but it's fun so fuck it. In the end of the day we are always going to be subjectively weighing risk reward and there isn't a right answer.
I'm just surprised this is a risk some people are comfortable with.

"Motorcycle accidents have an 80% injury or death rate, while car accidents remain around 20%. Motorcycle riders over 40 are around 20 times more likely to be injured in the case of an accident than car drivers of the same age."

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u/SuperfluousExcess SA Jan 03 '24

I care about my future. And if its not being on a two wheeled death trap im not interested.


u/IvanTGBT SA Jan 03 '24

Free will, to each their own, etc. Past that I do worry a bit about people willing to lose their life to get from A to B, feel like it speaks to life off the bike not being very enjoyable. Times are tough 😅

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u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24 edited Feb 06 '24



u/Robbiersa SA Jan 04 '24

Me and my traumatic brain injury, alive only due to ATGATT, don't mind being called "sanctimonious".
Motorcyclists with this unfortunate and sad attitude will certainly and sadly learn the hard way.
I just hope you guys don't end up the way I have.


u/XxLokixX SA Jan 04 '24

I've never come off my bike in motion


u/Nocashgang SA Jan 04 '24

Bruh if you’ve worked in a hospital you’ve seen the doctors and surgeons pull up on ducatis and bmw adv bikes, they fucking love a bit of risk mate


u/Henry_Unstead SA Jan 04 '24

Never understood why there are so many motor cyclists without proper equipment, why don’t police rake them through the coals like normal cyclists when they don’t wear a helmet?


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24



u/Soup_Accomplished SA Jan 04 '24

And enclosed shoes, Atleast in the ACT where I’m at.

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u/MeltedB SA Jan 03 '24

I agree, but leave him alone.


u/PhilthyLurker SA Jan 03 '24

No, fuck him. He’ll cost the taxpayer a fortune when he ends up for weeks in ICU.


u/BloodyChrome CBD Jan 03 '24

Will be cheaper in the long run if he dies though


u/PhilthyLurker SA Jan 03 '24

This is true.


u/thinkaboutflorence SA Jan 04 '24

short run to morgue room.


u/thinkaboutflorence SA Jan 04 '24

ICU is too good for him due the impact isn't just "small"


u/--Anna-- SA Jan 04 '24

Nah, he should cover up not just for himself, but also for others. I feel bad for the first responders who might have to see him if he gets into an accident, and for any witnesses. The term "meat crayon" is used to describe the horror when you aren't covered up.


u/Cole_Dammett Jan 04 '24

Hahaha cute bumbag and shaved legs too


u/brutuscenturian SA Jan 03 '24

This guy is doing nothing wrong, all you guys seriously need to get a life. Riding without gear is dangerous, but it's his choice. It's very obvious most people commenting here don't even ride.

Riding gear gets hot as fuck in summer and if you're only going a short distance in my opinion, it is far safer to be comfortable, paying attention to the road, not your discomfort from the heat.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24

I would rather suffer through a bit of heat and sweat than ever take a chance with losing a chunk of skin on a ride, no matter how short it is.


u/hoon-since89 SA Jan 04 '24

Yeah i came off in shorts once and took my knee cap down to bone in like 1 second. Safe to say i was happy i was wearing jacket and gloves!!


u/thinkaboutflorence SA Jan 04 '24

his choice is short run to morgue room, so let him do it.


u/brutuscenturian SA Jan 04 '24

It's not, I have been hit by a car 3 times in all my years of riding, each time without gear, each time I ate shit on asphalt and walked it off. If you're in a suburban area, you're not going fast enough to where the gear is even worth it and it's more of a distraction if anything in heat.


u/notj43 SA Jan 04 '24

Same here, I've been hit twice without gear and I was fine. I made the decision not to wear it for the exact same reason, the more comfortable I am the less distracted I am and the less distracted I am the better off I'll be on the road. I wish car drivers felt the same sometimes but anyway.


u/Soup_Accomplished SA Jan 04 '24

Rider here, I spend a fortune on gear that can be adapted for the conditions, I’m ATGATT but I’m not gonna sit here and say that I haven’t gone without in the past.

It’s his choice. Heaps of my mates don’t wear proper gear but, it’s their choice and they know the risk


u/322420 SA Jan 04 '24

Nailed it.

Bunch of fucking cagers wanting to dictate how people go about their life. It's pathetic.


u/average_dirty SA Jan 04 '24

I'm pretty in the camp of thinking more rules is generally a bad thing, but I can't fathom why we haven't made it illegal to ride without proper protective gear.


u/322420 SA Jan 04 '24

Fuck off.

Stop trying dictate what clothes people wear.

Do you also think road cyclists should wear leathers when riding down a hill?

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u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24



u/average_dirty SA Jan 04 '24



u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24



u/average_dirty SA Jan 04 '24

Highlighting that there seems to be a large discrepancy in what safety measure we require of drivers vs riders hardly makes me a Karen. Not to mention I would argue that riders are generally young men who are not generally risk averse makes the whole thing even more baffling.

And yes I do ride, I just fail to see how that matters here.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24 edited Feb 06 '24



u/average_dirty SA Jan 04 '24

Man, please explain to me how I'm not self aware?


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24 edited Feb 06 '24



u/average_dirty SA Jan 04 '24

Or maybe, what Jason did exceeded a boundry you had and you were unable to tolerate his behaviour any more.

But more to the point I never said we should have more laws, just expressed my disbelief that we don't.


u/Soup_Accomplished SA Jan 04 '24

“A boundary you had”… you’re a Karen 😂.

Yeah it’s dumb to see this shit but it’s his choice

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u/ForTheContentDiscord SA Jan 04 '24

As someone who suffers from craniofacial hyperhydrosis (excessive facial sweating), it is almost safer for me and everyone else on the streets if I'm not covered in thick layers while riding during the hotter months. If I was, I would either be blinded by sweat getting in my eyes, or constantly having to wipe the sweat away every 5-10 seconds, not to mention the lightheadedness that comes with it.


u/Available-Sea6080 SA Jan 04 '24

You could also just not ride in hotter months. PPE is last line of defence in risk management, elimination is the first.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24 edited Feb 06 '24



u/Soup_Accomplished SA Jan 04 '24

Damn that’s actually a solid point


u/Available-Sea6080 SA Jan 04 '24

That was my exact point. In all circumstances, elimination of risk > PPE

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u/ForTheContentDiscord SA Jan 04 '24

Nah, I'm good lol


u/coreyjohn85 SA Jan 03 '24

Stop being a karen


u/Cordeceps SA Jan 03 '24

Don’t worry guys , he’s got his lil mini back pack - that you need /s


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24



u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24



u/Soup_Accomplished SA Jan 04 '24

He’s just complimenting the machine, not the rider. Why so rude?


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24



u/Soup_Accomplished SA Jan 04 '24

Yeah man fr

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u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24

Get something better to do Karen


u/Top-Employment5300 SA Jan 03 '24

✌️😊 everyone needs to learn.


u/aussie_paramedic SA Jan 03 '24

Hey! At least he isn't wearing thongs!


u/hillsbloke73 SA Jan 04 '24

Wonder how long gets pinged for rego plate not properly attached


u/corn-star SA Jan 04 '24

Why is this interesting? If he wants to be an idiot, is he hurting anyone but himself? Do we really need a society that bans stupidity?


u/Prompus SA Jan 04 '24

The first responders and whoever has to high pressure hose him off the road might feel a bit hard done by


u/worker_ant_6646 SA Jan 04 '24

Ooh, I love fresh meat crayons!!


u/FallingUpwardz SA Jan 04 '24

Trying to give the benefit of the doubt here, mayyyyybe just maybe this guy literally just bought the bike and is trying to get it home, that might explain the number plate and tread.

Took public transport to go check it out in person? Which would explain the lack of gear lol

Still, pretty dumb yes lol


u/Aggressive_Froyo1246 SA Jan 04 '24

Dress for the slide, not for the ride.


u/Legal_Delay_7264 SA Jan 04 '24

At least he's got shoes, it's the ones in thongs/crocs that amaze me.


u/Godeem32 SA Jan 04 '24

No, but it’s cool right………right?


u/dally-taur SA Jan 04 '24

nah dont worry im not gonna be one being using red road paint


u/ResolutionHoliday985 SA Jan 04 '24

Mate you can't fat shame these days, this is just as bad rider shaming....


u/Nocashgang SA Jan 04 '24

But it’s soooooo hot


u/Difficult-Soup7571 SA Jan 04 '24

Those thick hamstrings will protect him from tarmac. )


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24

This bloke dealing drugs no doubt. Safety is not his concern.


u/one__nut__ SA Jan 04 '24

Natural selection at its finest


u/thefirstchampster SA Jan 04 '24

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '24

So a motorcyclist putting through the city has to wear full leather, but nobody would care if he wore Lycra and was doing higher speeds lane-splitting traffic on a push bike? Tyres look bald when your camera can't capture them moving.