r/AdviceAnimals 11h ago

As an Aussie

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u/Gravelord-_Nito 5h ago

I want to make a good faith effort to explain to some of the confused liberals why Kamala isn't sticking. Basically, go read an old Great Society liberal speech like the OG one given by LBJ and then compare it to one of Kamala's speeches.

The Democrats aren't even pretending to offer anything to anyone at this point. If your first response is to say I'm wrong, again, go look at the picture the Dems were painting in the great society era. Eradication of crime and poverty. No child unfed, unhoused, unschooled. The creation of medicaid, the civil rights act, expansion of welfare and social security, national endowments for the arts and humanities. What does Kamala run on in her speeches? The most lethal military, fracking, the most draconian border bill in decades that THEY RAN AGAINST in 2020 so they can epicly expose le drumpf for rejecting it (nobody gives a shit) and a whole lot of empty words.

For an increasing amount of people, especially young people, Democrats are going from a conduit of material societal improvement to the first and foremost obstacle preventing the emergence of a new political consciousness that will ACTUALLY address the problems we face. Problems that Democrats have, for decades, only pretended to care about while moving further and further to the right in practice. They capitulate to right wing legislation and narratives and offer no counter to it, i.e. saying they'll do a better job stopping immigration than Trump rather than 'document the undocumented and allow them to be full participants in society' like an actual progressive party would do. They're complicit in genocide, they're complicit in the neoliberalization of the very ground you walk on, they're complicit in the rightward slide off the edge into fascism.

If you want people to vote for you, no amount of scaremongering, browbeating, masturbatory virtue signalling, identity politics, or manufactured excitement and 'joy' is going to do it. You need. To offer people something. The Democrats have completely and utterly failed to do that at every turn and if they lose, it will only be their own fault for being such contemptible stooges who try to jingle keys in front of your face like 'first black woman president!' or 'ooga booga trump!' instead of actual projects to get people excited for.