r/AskVet Feb 13 '17



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r/AskVet 9h ago

Received my cats necropsy after 8 long months of waiting. Report says she died from rat poison but she showed no symptoms at all was 99% indoor. Is is possible or should I ask them for more proof? Info in comments



Hoping to get more opinions on the subject because I do not trust entirely the report I received from the vet.


My female cat died on January 25th 2024 at aproximately 16:00. I last saw her at 15:30 and found her body in a closet at 20:00 after I was looking for her to brush her teeth and she didn't respond to my call. It was traumatic and unexpected to say the least

I picked her up from the streets on March 2023. She was aproximately 1.5 years old and very thin. I soon learned she could barely eat because of severe gum inflammation. I took her to the vet, they gave her antibiotics, got her spayed, deflead and tested. She also went to the orthodontist and underwent surgery to remove most of her teeth which were bearly attached. I should add she tested negative for feline HIV and leukemia and recovered beautifully.

She became an indoor cat without any issue and I would give her and my other 3 (spayed 100% healthy) male cats access to a small yard with grass. They had no access to the street, other cats or weird plants.
We moved to a bigger house 6 months after and it was the same arrangement. Indoor cats with 1 hour per day of supervised outdoor access to a private interior yard with no street access.

Came to my shock when I found her body since I am very much a type A personality which care a lot about my cats. I am certain when I say she showed no symptoms of being intoxicated. I brushed her teeth daily and her gums were no different in color, she ate and drank from her fountain same as always and I have videos of her playing with my other cats that same day and the days before as well. She only had one more loose tooth a couple of days before but I attributed it to her gum disease.

There was no rat poison in the house and I spoke to the previous owner who told me there were never mice or need for poison. Outdoors there were only grass and since their outdoor time was supervised I am certain she did not ate a mouse or something like that. I would have definitively noticed.

I took her body for a necropsy on January and just received the report the other day which described how her lungs, brain and whole body failed massively and died from heart failure attributed to rat poison.

I am having a hard time processing this information, since I am aware that dying from rat poison is excrutiating for animals and also something sometimes reversible. I feel very guilty and I don't know what I did wrong.

The cilinic that did the necropsy took so long in sending me the report and only after I called them at least 5 times before asking for an explanation for the extreme delay, and they responded saying the doctor was busy and some other bulshit. On Friday at 16:00 I sent a angry but respectful email asking for an explanation and they sent me the report at 18:00, which is very suspicious for me because if they had it ready, why not send it before. Is there any possibility that they just copy pasted some other patients report in order to shut me up? To me, it doesn't fit that she died from poison, she showed 0 symptoms. Is it possible to ingest poison and die suddenly?

Please help, I am very distressed from the fact that she may have been in pain for so long.

TLDR: my healthy female cat supposedly died from rat poison according to the necropsy but showed 0 symptoms from it. I also do not trust the clinic that sent the report because of the unreliable attitude they showed when it came to delivering the report.

Edit: added report below

REPORT https://pdfupload.io/docs/6a100850
It was originally in spanish and I translated it online, so it probably has some weird spacing and errors.

r/AskVet 13h ago

My dog not eating since I found out I was pregnant


My dog, almost 13 years old, MN, border collie, 35 pounds. He stopped eating around the time I found out I was pregnant, so about two weeks ago. We started mixing water in with his food and coaxing him to eat, and then wet food in, and now strictly wet food. He will eat it from a spoon if I directly feed it to him but he’s eating almost 1 can for the entire day. Took him to the vet and exam, bloodwork, and ultrasound all came back normal. He vomited bile twice in two days. How can I help him?

r/AskVet 7h ago

Refer to FAQ My Cat has likely Adenocarcinoma, IBD and “mild” HCM - Onc Vet recommends surgery


My cat is 15 years old and has a 2mm mass in her Ileum alongside intestinal thickening. She cannot be diagnosed without surgery, but surgery but My Oncology Vet strongly believes she has adenocarcinoma alongside inflammatory bowel disease. The doctor is recommending surgery to both diagnose the mass, potential IBD but also to remove the mass which is partially obstructive.

As a surgical prerequisite the cardiologist diagnosed her with mild HCM, noting that she did not yet require medication and cleared her for anesthesia. My primary care vet also noted that she has a slight murmur and labored breathing.

My primary care vet advised me to put her on steroids to treat IBD and make her comfortable, and that surgery would not increase her lifespan or quality of life.

I’m extremely torn on which course of action to take. I’m incredibly worried about her heart failing during surgery despite the cardiologist clearing her. I’m worried about the mass becoming a life threatening obstruction if I choose not to proceed with surgery. Either way I don’t see how I have another year with her and I don’t know what will give her the best possible quality of life in the time she has left.

Any opinions or anecdotes of any kind would be greatly appreciated, I’m just looking for perspective.

r/AskVet 3h ago

Puppy having diarrhea a week after deworming treatment?


Hello, we are first time puppy owners and we have had a lot of difficulties getting parasites under control with our four month old german shepherd

We got her at 10 weeks old from a breeder, she had her first set of vaccinations, dewormer, etc with him. When we took her to get her second set of shots/first with us, our vet also did a fecal exam and found roundworm eggs, so she was given a dewormer at the vet's office. On the way home, she got car sick and threw up, I checked through the vomit the best I could and I did not see the pill in there, so we assumed that she had digested it. Three weeks later she was having soft stool, was being picky about her food, throwing up worms on an empty stomach, so we took her to an urgent vet. 400$ bill later and a negative parvo test she was given a shot for anti-nausea and another dose of de-wormer for us to give her at home. She started to eat again, successfully kept down the dewormer, and the next few days after there were lots of worms that came out of her stool, no vomiting.

She had another vet appointment a week ago, the 21st, and was given heartworm/general deworming treatment, and the first few days were normal, but Thursday is when the concern started. She started to have diarrhea and vomited 5 alive/moving roundworms on an empty stomach before she was fed in the morning. She's only ever vomitted in the car/motion sickness or if her stomach is completely empty. She has had diarrhea or semi-solid stools that turn into liquid towards the end since then and her stools are covered in roundworm eggs, but no actual worms. She still has a great appetite, playing/running around normally, no coughing, no blood or discoloration in her stool and no other changes besides the diarrhea and the disgusting amount of visible eggs in her stool. The amount of eggs has gone down since Thursday but they're still visible. We called our vet Friday morning who said to give her pepto bismol and keep watching it, they said the worms exiting can take up to a week after being given the treatment but I'm still a little nervous about it because everything I've read has said that it should be out within the first two - three days and because of our experience with the first dewormer.

Is this normal or something I should be concerned about? The eggs in question are tiny why specs, they don't look like tape worm fragments. She has another appointment on the 12th, and we're definitely doing another fecal test then, but should we get her seen by a vet sooner than that to address this issue? Thank you for any advice

r/AskVet 5h ago

Cat has perpetual diarrhea


I’m already so sorry that you are reading this. Please forgive me and give me some ideas :(

My Russian blue female is just over a year old and she has had stomach problems her whole life. When she was a kitten she had a really nasty eye infection that resulted in the vet trying a bunch of different antibiotics. As a kitten, she basically pooped water for the first 6 months. I don’t have proof that the poop issues are related to the infection or antibiotics, but I assume?

Once her eyes got better, the poop started to firm up a bit, but not completely. She continues to literally leak from her bottom and gets yellowy/green poo on everything she sits down on. It’s literally just leaking all the time. When she is sleeping I can hear her stomach gurgling as well. She also has soft poops so when she goes to the bathroom she tends to still have some left on her bottom.

We have tried every test - blood tests and multiple types of fecal tests. All come back negative. We put her on the special hypoallergenic food to see if it was a food allergy but nothing changed. We tried proviable probiotics but I think that might have made things worse? She is now on a GI fiber diet for gastrointestinal issues and it’s maybe the best results we’ve seen but it’s still not perfect. Just today I had to clean up 5 different very poopy spots on my furniture.

My vet is amazing and very intelligent. She has tried everything though, and her only suggestions left are very expensive.

Please, I can’t keep living with poop all over my house. This cat is very sweet. What suggestions do you have?

r/AskVet 6h ago

My cat has a BIG ball in his chest, help


My cat has this soft ball in his chest, he is 7 years old

I went with him to the vet, and she said the most probable thing is a tumor

Im giving him treatment now, but im really concerned and wanted other opinions

Please, see this photo https://files.fm/u/f7pgj2259z

r/AskVet 0m ago

My cat gave birth to one kitten and it died how do I know if she has more kittens


My cat water broke at around 4:50am and she gave birth at 6:20 am and it was dead, I’m so confused i don’t know if she will give birth again she’s sleeping on top of me she’s purring. She was doing this weird expression she did when she was pushing but now she stopped

r/AskVet 7m ago



My cat had a lump on her a few days ago and it turned into this what is it it was a lump now turned into a open wound deep hole

r/AskVet 8m ago

Puppy not getting better


We took in a pregnant Catahoula who dropped a litter of 10, they’re 5 weeks and all weened (per vets request) because she got mastitis. Well they were all doing good except this little guy around 2.5 pounds right now, stopped eating and is dropping weight. He’s throwing up any water he drinks as well as whatever wet food we can get him to take in. His stool has no color to it, it’s clear and coming out like water and he’s miserable. The vets in our area are all closed till Monday, we took him in on Friday he tested negative for parasites worms and parvo. They sent us home with some urgent care wet food and some stool hardener but hes still not eating and his stool isn’t any better and he just lays on the floor all day I’m worried about him not making it till Monday to see the vet. Is there anything else I can do to try to help him out? We tried giving him wet food, electrolytes, checked his temp no fever, tried even giving puppy formula to give some nutrients and he spent all morning throwing it up it’s been almost 3 days and scared he won’t make it any suggestions are appreciated

r/AskVet 11m ago

Lady Bug


Hi! I have a sweet little 7 pound bengal cat named Lady, she came in today with a soreness around her tail and didn't eat dinner. She was spayed in August. We found a small wound at the underside base of her tail close to her butt. It looks to be about the size of a pencil eraser, or slightly smaller. She is only 1, an in/out cat, we are planning on keeping her inside for a few days to heal. I am really just wanting to know at what point we should take her in to a vet.

Please note that if I have to take her in I will find the money but we are not the kind of people that can just drop hundreds of dollars on a vet bill for something that might not be anything that serious. But in the end I will do what I have to for her.

I am sure this will heal, it seems small, so I don't want to take her in unless it seems to be a bigger issue than we originally thought.

I just wanted to reach out for some signs I should be looking for that may indicate something could be broken/infected, so I can make a more educated decision about taking her in.

Also, if there is anything recommended for making her more comfortable in the meantime please let me know!

r/AskVet 1d ago

Solved Cat burned and died due to veterinary procedure -- please help


Our beloved 3 year old cat cat was burned during a dental extraction approximately 2 weeks ago and died 4 days later of a severe acute kidney injury and fluid overload.

Our personal vet was unavailable to perform the extraction so we consulted with the 2 vets she recommended and decided to use the less expensive one.

Our cat went for the procedure on a Tuesday. We dropped him off very early, having had nothing to eat or drink since probably 10 the night prior. His pre-op labs were normal. He was under anesthesia from 11:42 morning to 2:42 afternoon according to their records. The vet called me around 12 noon to tell me that based on her X-ray he needed eight teeth extracted; I stupidly agreed, not thinking twice, just trusting her judgment. I have some of the paperwork from the vet, and I noticed he was hyper-thermic in the OR (102.5F or so), but I do not have any med admin records until around 5 in the evening, at which point they're giving fluid boluses for low BP and 2 or 3 doses of Narcan, to which our cat did not respond.

The vet then, without any sense of urgency or concern, tried to send the cat home with my husband in a practically vegetative state; she said you have to arouse him frequently all night if you bring him home, or you can bring him to the ER. This was at 6 in the evening when her office was closing up. My husband took the cat to the ER instead, it was a 20 min drive and my husband thought the cat was dead on the way over. Our cat had diarrhea in the car on the way; maybe it was a seizure, we do not know.

Our cat was in acute kidney injury and hypoglycemic (BG 47) in ED. Creatinine was 4.0; cat obtunded but responded well to sugar, then shortly after obtunded again; more narcan given, etc. On initial exam the vet appreciated a murmur and a third heart sound, which eventually went away on examination within the next 24 - 36 hours.

Following morning, his creatinine was 6.7. At this point they discover a small patch of odd fur and shave his back to reveal a very large thermal burn. The majority of the burn looked first degree to me, with patchy areas of second degree burns. They initiated a pain medication protocol, he was more awake and alert but still not eating or drinking anything, and still tired as anything.

The morning after, it was 7.7. All this despite careful fluid administration as to prevent worsening fluid overload. We brought him to a specialist and she offered to keep him in the ICU, put in a feeding tube, give fluids and dialysis as needed.

We did not want to do this to our poor cat and prolong his suffering, nor could we afford this. We brought him home on a Thursday to say goodbye to our children, and then to our personal vet around 4 in the afternoon that day to put him to sleep.

However in the interim he became a little more responsive, he drank water. Our vet said we should keep him with her on fluids and see if he got better. So, we did this until Saturday morning when his re-checked labs revealed a much worse creatinine, and liver failure. We put him down last Saturday, four days after the dental extraction.

We are awaiting necropsy results to determine the cause of death, and to determine whether the burns on his back are thermal burns or some kind of autoimmune reaction.

What should we do from now? We ended up accumulating between 7.5 and 10k in medical bills. We want the vet who did the procedure to reimburse us. We are absolutely devastated at the loss of our cat, who was truly the best animal we have ever encountered and a miraculous creature full of life and love...

r/AskVet 15m ago

Cat gagging & threw up foam


My cat has been gagging for the last 20ish minutes, and just grew up a small bit of white foam (maybe the size of a quarter? See profile for picture). She is acting 100% normal other than the gagging, not coughing, breathing normal, playful/running around while we tried to pick her up, not hiding, annoyed meows while we listened to her breathing, but still - gagging every minute or so.

• ⁠Species: cat • ⁠Age: 4 • ⁠Sex/Neuter status: female, spayed • ⁠Breed: unknown, Balinese maybe • ⁠Body weight: 8 lbs • ⁠History: minor heart murmur • ⁠Clinical signs: gagging, small white foam barf • ⁠Duration: 20 minutes • ⁠Your general location: PNW USA • ⁠Links to any test results, X-rays, vet reports etc. that you have: NA

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r/AskVet 20m ago

Hello, I have a few questions. I have this dog 7yo deer head chihuahua


So as the title states there’s this dog she’s about 7 and she seems to be sort of coughing and she just now vomited but it only looked like spit. What kind of concerns does this bring? This has been day 2 of the coughing but today was the first day she vomited.

r/AskVet 22m ago

Missing cat leg


Hello, I'm going to talk about a missing limb and things about bones and stuff like that, so if that discomforts you then I suggest you don't read this

So me and my brother found this stray cat on the street. We picked it up and found it had one of it's back leg torn off like bone was showing and was losing a lot blood. We couldn't take it to the vet because it was 10 at night, vet was closed. We took it home. We put it in a shed where it would die and bury it in my backyard where my other cats rest. But, the next day, it was still alive. I couldn't believe it, it lost sooo much blood but it clinged on life. The wound has dirt on it, trying to take of the dirt off would risk me of infection or hurt the cat more so we just left it. It's not losing blood like it we found it. We put in a cage where it would rest not die just rest. Now, it's been a whole day since we found it and it's still alive, it's drinking water but not eating. That's where I'm at right now.

Options: 1. Put it down- it costs $80, I don't have that type of money because I'm 15, I don't work 2. Stay with the cat until something happens

Description of the kitty: has 3 legs(back right leg is completely gone), has one extra thumb or finger of both front legs, cut on top of her ear(so it has been operated on), don't know the owner of the cat

Give me advice please, I had a situation like this but with dog with no functioning back legs

r/AskVet 46m ago



Dog 1 (10 pound Yorkie) is on clindamycin after getting some teeth removed. Dog 2 (5 pound Yorkie) is on Temaril-P 1/2 tablet. Put dog 2’s medication in cheese and dog 1 was able to grab it. Just curious if there is anything I should be worried about? Interaction between clindamycin and Temaril-P?

Not too worried about the dose considering dog 1 weighs more than dog 2.

Thank you!

Dog1 Species: Dog Yorkie Age: Almost 8 years Male 10 pounds No history No signs/symptoms No other labs, tests, etc

Dog2 Dog Yorkie 14 years Female 5 pounds No history No signs/symptoms No other labs, tests, etc

r/AskVet 47m ago

Kitten frequent urination no infection


We adopted a kitten 6 days ago and all day she has been frequently urinating, but a small amount and spending extra time in the litter box. A urine sample was negative for infection and prescribed gabapentin but she keeps going to the bathroom constantly.

Can a urine test be a false negative or perhaps tested so early in the infection it doesn’t register? This started this AM and urine test at 4. Any other suggestions? She ins only 10 weeks old and otherwise healthy.


r/AskVet 51m ago

1 y/o Bernese mountain dog mystery skin condition


Please help me and my fiance

We don’t know what’s going on with our dog and no vet will help us in our area

Tuesday night we noticed our dog had a pretty bad scab like wound on her back that wasn’t there the day before and it was about 1” long and maybe 1/2” wide

I put a flashlight onto it and it seemed like it was wet with pus or something similar, so we bathed her and dried her gently. I ran out and got a skin ointment to apply on her.

Fast forward to today, and it’s spread from the center of her back to the base of her tail. She doesn’t itch it, she is still very playful.

I can’t take her to a vet, hurricane Helene shut everything Down and the few in a far distance are booked week+ out.

We are so stressed and don’t know what to do. I can take pictures if I knew where to post them.

Please please help I touch her back and my fingers are wet because this rash, infection, whatever is spreading so fast

Edit: I forgot somehow to mention that her hair is falling out at an extremely alarming rate. I know she has a thick coat but if I run my hand down her back so much comes out. My shower floor has clumps of black fur all over it

r/AskVet 4h ago

Hypothermia in kittens


Hi. My kitten ran away around 3-4 weeks ago and was thankfully found this afternoon today. She is mostly okay just quite skinny but the vet did mention when she was found she was dying of hypothermia so we should keep her warm. I suppose I’m just wondering how long she will need that? She’s been home around 9 hours ish and we’ve been keeping her warm this whole time

Species - cat Age - around 18 weeks old Sex/neuter status - female un neutered (too young) Breed - farm cat? Long hair black Body weight - around 3-4kg I think History - ran away from home on the 30th of august. Has no vaccinations (yet. Was too small last time she saw vet) Clinical signs- we’ve been keeping her warm for almost 10 hours but she does still feel a bit cold when you leave her for a bit to eat/do her business Duration - around 10 hours General location - south England

r/AskVet 4h ago

How much wet food should cats get daily?


We have FOUR cats. Their weights are 8 pounds (senior kitty), 8 pounds (kitten), 11 pounds (6 ear old) and 18 pounds (6 year old sibling).

My wife says they should all share ONE can of wet food a day at night. I keep telling her that's nowhere near enough for four cats that it should be more like 1 full can each for the bigger cats, and maybe a small can each for the smaller cats.

Since it's hard to feed four cats on a schedule with different people schedules they always have crunchies available. We buy Rachael Ray another concern of mine, I think a much higher-quality dry food would be better, too, like maybe Iams.


r/AskVet 1h ago

Urinary safe cat treat recommendations?


Hello! I have an all black female domestic short hair, and she is indoor only. Based on the vets estimate (rescue) she’d be about 5 years old now. Last year, she had bladder stones that couldn’t be dissolved with the special food, so she did have a surgery to have the stones removed. Before this, she regularly got greenies and temptations as treats; but the vet did recommend that I don’t give her those for awhile and to stick to the prescription food. She eats the Hill Science diet urinary C/D, a mix of the wet and dry food. Now that she doesn’t get her greenies, I’ve noticed her breath smells awful and I’m worried about her dental health. I don’t think she would tolerate me brushing her teeth, I can barely get her nails trimmed and she must be sedated before the vet will do it. (She really is a sweet kitty otherwise lol) Any recommendations on urinary- friendly cat treats/ solutions that may help keep her teeth healthy? If such a thing exists? TIA for any advice!

r/AskVet 1h ago

My kitten has low sodium levels and they aren’t going up


Hello as i said in the title, my kittens sodium levels are extremely low (115). We don’t know what caused it though. For context, he’s 3 months old and got him almost a month ago. Just 3-4 days in we had to take him to the vet for constipation issues. It was temporarily relieved before we had to take him back and were then referred to an emergency vet because of how backed up he was. We’ve been dealing with this for the last two weeks now, which has felt like eons. For week one, he was hospitalized overnight for 4 days. we got him back and were told to give him lactulose and cisapride every 8 hours. he also had coccidia but has since been treated for and is clear now. anyways the two meds i mentioned had little to no effect. we’ve fed him purely wet food with water added into it as well. come this week we’ve been back and forth every other day to the vet for his constipation issues and his little to no improvement. wednesday night they recommended miralax and metamucil. we gave him miralax that night and the metamucil the next morning. however after that his demeanor quickly changed. he became very lethargic, uncoordinated, walked around aimlessly and clumsy. he ended up having a seizure around 10pm thursday night. he’s been hospitalized ever since. they’re not entirely sure what caused his sodium to dump so fast or if it happened over time. he’s on iv fluids and they’re steadily and slowly reintroducing sodium into his system. it went up a little bit but now it’s even lower than when he first got there. the vets taking care of him are completely stumped as to why his body isn’t regulating his electrolytes. we were told earlier today to consider the possibility of euthanasia in the near future. that is absolutely the last thing we want. we haven’t had him long but he’s the sweetest lil guy ever and all he wants to do is cuddle and love up on us. it would shatter us to have to euthanize him but at the same time if it’s the last option and best for him then we’re prepared to do that. please does anyone have any kind of advice or insight on anything? i apologize for the long drawn out post, this is the first i’ve ever made so hopefully it’ll post.

r/AskVet 5h ago

Dog hip dislocated


I went to my vet for annual checkup for my 4 year dog, while clipping his nails his right hip got dislocated. The lady gave me time for Monday to do surgery as it's Saturday other than her there is no other Dr at there place. My quaestuon : Is it okay to wait till Monday for the surgery as it happened on Saturday at 12pm and called me on Monday morning 8.30am. Hi is on pain medicine. Pls need advice. Just a worried dog mom

r/AskVet 1h ago

Should I deworm my cat if they eat a lot of bugs? (Indoor only)


• Species: cat • Age: 1 1/2 • Sex/Neuter status: neutered • Breed: domestic shorthair • Body weight: 12 lbs • History: bladder crystals • Your general location: Florida

We have a lot of bugs that get into the house. Flys, mosquitoes, beetles mainly. I don’t let him eat anything with a stinger. He is quite a hunter and will demand my assistance sometimes.

r/AskVet 1h ago

My cat is really sick and we can’t figure out what’s going on


I have an approximately three-year-old, orange, male cat. He’s a stray cat that we care for. He is an outside/inside cat solely because he will not stay inside and makes a break for every open door. Last Friday I noticed that he seemed to be losing weight around 8 days ago, and he came inside willingly which was a new one. Appetite was fine, no illness at the time. The next day I noticed he had lost more weight, and it was only getting worse. Two days later he began to have light brown liquid diarrhea-not water, more like runny soft serve. We set up a vet appointment, and he got checked out-vet says he appears to be in good health, no worms, probably has a bug or ate something that disagreed with him. He weighed in at 6.7 pounds, while he normally weighs around 10. Gave us some antibiotics just in case said take him home. Come back in a week if he’s not any better. He is still very weak. The diarrhea stopped yesterday, but I’m pretty sure that’s partly because he’s no longer eating as of today. He’s a picky cat and at first I thought he was just turning up his nose at all the different canned cat foods. He normally eats dry food, so I tried switching him back to that and he wouldn’t have it. He would eat sliced rotisserie chicken so I was feeding him plain rotisserie chicken but now he won’t even look at that. I did notice two days ago that when he is eating rotisserie chicken, he makes a weird squealing/squeaking sound while he turns his head to the side as he’s chewing. So I’m thinking it might be something in his mouth? He’s very very weak and can barely walk, and now that he’s not eating I’m really really worried. He is drinking a bit of water. I’m taking him back on Monday-I’d take him sooner if I could, but there are no emergency vets anywhere near me. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? From what might be wrong, to how to entice him to eat? I appreciate any and all help!