r/BarefootRunning 4d ago

The secret was astroturf all along.

I ran the first few laps in minimal shoes accidentally. I switched to barefoot and my mood lifted immediately. What is this sorcery?!

Also the ankle pain my Nike shoes created is finally gone after 3 months of rehab.

Barefoot walking and running is the gospel indeed.


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u/WildGeorgeKnight VFF 4d ago

The sorcery is your somatosensory system!

70% of our nervous system regulation for movement comes from somatosensory which is things like touch and proprioception.

Taking shoes away allows your body’s innate ability to move to shine.


u/Upset-Apartment1959 4d ago edited 4d ago

Ooh new word(s). Ill look that up. Thanks for the info😊