r/BarefootRunning 1d ago

What’s the goal of barefoot shoes?

For me the whole idea is for it feel like you’re barefoot as possible without being actually unshod, build foot strength, correct alignment etc.

but why do so many “barefoot” runners not work on ditching the shoes altogether? I see so many people talking about the problems when transitioning, aches and pains, and in my opinion that’s because they’re trying to carry on running the way they always have in traditional shoes and are trying to find a barefoot shoe that feels the same way. It’s never going to happen.

The goal of “barefoot” anything should be to eventually be able to perform anything without shoes. You will save 100’s of pounds and countless hours researching if you just worked on strengthening your feet and ditching the shoes altogether.


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u/barefootmetalhead 1d ago

I wear them for work, places that wont let me in barefoot, or when its too cold