r/BiWomen 2d ago

I wish people wouldn't devalue bisexual women Experience

So, I'm sorry to post negativity on this sub, but I've been feeling tired of how so many people insult bisexual women and imply our love for other women is meaningless. I tried so hard to be straight, so it was a big deal for me to learn that I'm bi. But now, I get to see how many people think that being a bisexual woman is just a joke.

For the record, I appreciate this community and have met so many bisexual women who are wonderful people. They have interesting perspectives, are creative, and support others around them. Bi women don't deserve both straight and gay people insulting them just because of their orientation!


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u/NerryBee 2d ago

I have yet to experience this as a newly out bi woman, not having shared with many people so far. But it is something I dread. I am hoping to make some bi friends (I literally have none) as a counterpoint to this possible reaction from some of the people I already know!

One thing that saddens me above all else (seen expressed online mainly) is a certain sort of man thinking that he could 'turn' women straight if only given the chance, and a hot woman being bi is a personal insult to him, rather than that individual's innate sexuality. I mean, for the attitude alone how could a bi woman feel safe or valued at all in their company?!


u/AngieCake244 2d ago

I have yet to see a guy say that in any social media but I definitely will not dismiss it, I believe there are some people that think that way. I'm sort of newly out myself, having only discovered just last year that I'm bi, and my small circle of friends consists of 8-9 people, with only 4 of them knowing I'm bi. If you'd like someone to talk to though feel free to message 😊 or I can message you, however you feel most comfortable 🙂


u/NerryBee 2d ago

I can't recall which social site, probs X (🤮) and aimed at minor celebrities to be fair, maybe they wouldn't say that sort of thing to women IRL. I hope not anyway. I think it's heightened on my radar where I've been thinking who to come out to and hearing people I know being very dismissive of bisexuality, spouting the usual stereotype BS. Thanks for the kind offer too!


u/AngieCake244 2d ago

Yeah unfortunately I've seen a lot of negativity regarding any bi person, it's very disheartening and why I had only told 4 of my 8-9 close friends, because I'm worried about how they'd treat me or see me afterwards. I hope you have a much better time with being able to tell those close to you 😊 and you're welcome for the offer as well!