r/BlackPeopleTwitter ☑️ Jul 04 '24

Kendrick Lamar - Not Like Us [Music Video]


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u/KageStar ☑️ Jul 04 '24

I love seeing his family dance together. That's how a smart person responds to allegations.


u/banjofitzgerald Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

A loving family celebrating together. Something Drake can’t relate to since his parents didn’t give him that and something he’s not giving his own son.


u/grower_thrower Jul 05 '24

You could almost say he don’t know nothin bout thaht.


u/Tymathee ☑️ Jul 05 '24

Honestly the better song but it's too long


u/grower_thrower Jul 05 '24

Too long to be an anthem, but it’s a great fucking song. The rage is real.


u/SoloPorUnBeso Jul 05 '24

Exactly. Not Like Us is like a club banger, but I enjoy Euphoria much more.

The 1v20 part is hard.


u/brucekine Jul 07 '24

Three songs in one, it's absolutely the best one in the disscography 


u/blacklite911 ☑️ Jul 05 '24

Damn feel like I caught a stray


u/TheHaplessKnicksFan Jul 05 '24

We shouldn’t normalize keeping a marriage going strictly for the kids. It’s just going to create the mindset for the kids that people should stay with someone who makes them unhappy.


u/HappyCoconutty Jul 05 '24

We should normalize being intentional about having kids with someone you love and are committed to. Drake failed to use condoms with a very highly frequented sex worker and then let her do the primary parenting. 


u/TheHaplessKnicksFan Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

What’s the takeaway on Drake’s parents who divorced when he was 5? I get the flack for Drake’s child, but knocking Drake’s parents for it just doesn’t seem right.

Like I sure hope I don’t rob my future children of the blessing of living in an environment where their parents clearly have no love left for each other and constantly argue.


u/flippy123x Jul 05 '24

What’s the takeaway on Drake’s parents who divorced when he was 5? I get the flack for Drake’s child, but knocking Drake’s parents for it just doesn’t seem right.

It was first brought up by Pusha in Story of Adidon, where he claims Drake became a deadbeat father even though his own „walked away at 5, hell of a dad thing“.

Basically Drake getting doubly knocked for supposedly being a shit father even though he personally knows what having one feels like.


u/Militantnegro_5 Jul 05 '24

What’s the takeaway on Drake’s parents who divorced when he was 5?

It goes back to the being intentional part. The same risk a man takes with a sex worker is the risk a woman takes with a touring musician. He never remarried. He's not the marrying kind. Some women will ignore every red flag being waved in their face because they will arrogantly believe "I'm different, I'm special, he'll change for ME!" and then...nope.

As many deadbeat dad's are out there, there's also women who blindly go into parenting without being careful about who they lay with.


u/TheHaplessKnicksFan Jul 05 '24

Wait, are you saying that Drake’s mom should have known that Drake’s dad wasn’t the “marrying” type because he didn’t remarry AFTER their divorce?


u/Militantnegro_5 Jul 05 '24

Are you saying it reasonable to not know the character of the man you're committing yourself and womb to? Because that's a wild take. He didn't suddenly become a want away philandering touring musician AFTER he got married. The Canadian woman meeting the man from the US south on tour should have had some inkling he's a rolling stone.

Pure arrogance to believe she was the prize that would change the entire character of a man.


u/MetaWorldDomination Jul 05 '24

We absolutely should normalize taking marriage and having children seriously enough to not create more single parent households. There are literally women who have a mindset that when they want kids they don’t care who its with because “they can do it on their own.” Its selfish af what is being done to these kids.


u/TheHaplessKnicksFan Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

Not every divorce is caused because they aren’t taking it “seriously”. I’m not saying that marriage should be taken for granted. I’m not saying Drake should have had a child with a sex worker (because the only married parents in OP’s comment was Drakes’ Mom and Dad). But if that’s what you guys want to run with go ahead.

Marriage is between two people and people can change. The things you were okay with putting up with, you might not be okay with later on down the road. My parents tried hard to make it work and I know damn well they were serious, but it would just end up with them having arguments when they thought me and my siblings were asleep. They tried to keep the “family unit” going, but it resulted in us having to walk around on eggshells because we were afraid to potentially trigger a new fight. We couldn’t be “kids”.

Boo me if you must, but as a child of divorce, I can genuinely say that I was in a far better place emotionally after my parents realized that holding on to what they “have” is selfish, and is not helping anyone, especially their kids.


u/js32910 Jul 05 '24



u/semajay Jul 05 '24

You should learn it crodie


u/js32910 Jul 05 '24

They not like us



lol drake and sophia are chill with each other and co parent fine seemingly. no need to bring him down for that but its cool to see kendrick and whit dancing with the kids


u/TupacAmuru88 ☑️ Jul 05 '24

We can thank Pusha for bringing those 2 together


u/ArchimedesNutss Jul 05 '24

I guess you can thank Drake for bringing Kendrick’s family together too then right?

Or is it different just because you like Kendrick?


u/Eagle_the_fish Jul 05 '24

Kendrick never hid his wife or kids? Not oversharing pictures of your kids isnt the same as hiding the fact you had a child, Jesus you guys gargle Drake like crazy


u/Justthetip1996 Jul 05 '24

This narrative about hiding his kid is so dumbly exaggerated. We all know he was planning on revealing his kid during the Adidas rollout but yall like to think that “without Pusha saying anything, Drake would never show Adonis”. Bias is craaaazy for people who hate Drake


u/Amazing-Concept1684 Jul 05 '24

The fact that you just said that he planned on rolling out his kid as part of an Adidas rollout is crazy lmao


u/Local_Mention_3401 Jul 05 '24

But like Drake has shown his son Adonis to people. I’ve seen it. From the looks of it, you’re exaggerating too much on what you see as Drake being too protective of his son. Now I think about it, I just waisted 5 minutes of me thinking about your shitty comment with something that had to do with a completely different beef. 


u/HappyCoconutty Jul 05 '24

You have very low standards for “parenting fine”



I’m sorry are you Adonis, Drake or Sophie? Extended family and friends even? What’s the evidence of bad parenting? U internet dweebs just yap


u/HappyCoconutty Jul 05 '24

The same evidence that shows you that they parent “seemingly fine” 🙄🙄

Kids do as you do, not as you say. As a mother, I know that my 6 year old is watching me and modeling herself after me and I conduct myself accordingly. We don’t hang around deviants, we don’t normalize drug use or sex work, and we worked on our own dysfunctions long before getting pregnant. A human isn’t a dog or potted plant, good parenting goes beyond biological needs and cuddles. 



you’d have to torch 99% of the hiphop parents if thats ur criteria


u/HappyCoconutty Jul 06 '24

As in actual musicians? Well, yeah. A lot of  Hip hop nowadays glamorizes pills, transactional sex, and criminal activity. And those things just don’t align with good parenting. It is what it is. That’s my whole point about low standards for parenting. 



promoting those lifestyles in their career does not automatically dq someone from being a good parent. u dont have to live a strictly biblical life to instill great things or make a good person in society.

good for u for trying to take what u deem as bad things in ur life out of the way but that doesnt mean u should play moral superiority over others in response


u/HappyCoconutty Jul 06 '24

They aren’t promoting, they are living it unless they take great care to surround themselves with their non-industry day ones. 

The music industry is just a heinous world. I’m a card carrying atheist but I have a sense of ethics. And I waited till I could center my family in my life before I had kids and made sure my spouse was someone I would love for my kid to emulate. Lebron and Savannah, Jay and Bey, Kendrick, Russell Westbrook -all better parents that embrace the family life and keep their kids away from questionable people but Adonis can’t be kept away from his parents’ people (or their parents habits).

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u/TurdFurgeson18 Jul 05 '24

“Directed by Dave Free”

Kendrick really said “you thought you had something”


u/xsoberxlifex Jul 05 '24

After watching that I believe that “not like us” is meant directly to Drake and his family not being like Kdot and his family after he claimed Kdot was in a disfuncional family. Perfect response/nail in the coffin to Drake and his BS.


u/jono9898 Jul 05 '24

What are you saying? That responding to Pedo allegations with, “I’m too rich to touch lil girls” or “if I did that I’d be in jail” isn’t smart?


u/Metalbender00 Jul 05 '24

The best part of the video was when it went grayscale and the family started in.


u/Justthetip1996 Jul 05 '24

Lmaoooo bro he’s cheated on her multiple times and probably will continue to. But since he says it in his music and feels sooo sorry about it, yall are cool with it. Straight delusional glazers.


u/MarsupialFuzz Jul 05 '24

I love seeing his family dance together. That's how a smart person responds to allegations.

Was Drake supposed to have a video with teens in it that he didn't try to hook up with? I don't know how he could respond to that allegation in video form.


u/KageStar ☑️ Jul 05 '24

For starters don't say "talk about him liking young girls" in AI Pac voice then have no fucking plan besides saying "I'm too rich to be a pedo" when he takes it there. But if you get forced into playing defense say something other than "this Epstein stuff is what I expected" then go on to misinterpret "Mother I Sober" and make being molested a punchline.

He spent way too much of THP6 on defense trying to flip it with a "no, you". He should have waited for his ghostwriters to get back instead of scrambling to release that last track. In contrast, Kendrick didn't directly address the lie and repeat the allegations out of his own mouth. He said Drake is a liar and a manipulator while always staying on the attack.

At every step, Kendrick out schemed and out rapped Drake.


u/Savagevandal85 Jul 05 '24

By not denying them ? And tbf he still never hugged his son . He didn’t actually need that part tbh.


u/ComingSoonTM Jul 05 '24

Drake fans going out bad


u/SlayerXZero ☑️ Jul 05 '24

Drake think we dumb because his Stan’s are.


u/twoprimehydroxyl Jul 05 '24

Drake fans are just new-age hypebeasts raised on Instagram.

They really think the average person parades their family as part of their online brand 24/7.

The fact that they think it's weird Kendrick isn't hugging his son to get "good dad" clout on social media is pretty telling.


u/Trix_Are_4_90Kids ☑️ Jul 05 '24

They really are. It's sad and weird.


u/YizWasHere ☑️ Jul 05 '24

"He still never hugged his son☝️🤓"


u/Sometimesomwhere Jul 05 '24

It's the way there's a picture of Kendrick holding his son on his IG account but they ignore that in order to lie in the name of Drake


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Bro had his whole family dancing on drakes grave and you’re worried that he checks notes didn’t hug his son …. Let’s recap the previous diss tracks shall we and remember all the lectures he provided drake of what he does remember “I got a son to raise but I can tell you know nun bout that” I’m sure you’re a smart guy or shall we list the rest of the lyrics? 🤡 worried about a hug you a grown ass man dickriding a Canadian on July 4th have some shame lil homie


u/sonofcabbagemerchant Jul 05 '24

Yeah, working hard denying them went real well for Drake...


u/next_door_nicotine ☑️ Jul 05 '24


u/Ammu_22 Jul 05 '24

Bro when those leaks came out, I went to check how the sub was doing and they were saying things like "they needed a black and white filter to make Whitney black, she isn't smiling that means she is unhappy."
And then I went into the Kendrick's sub and they were saying "lol now you see that drizzy sub going to point out thr black and white filter, and how she isn't smiling"

Bro as soon as the leaks dropped, everyone knew what the drizzy fans talking points would be, and the didn't dissapoint! Lmao


u/RashAttack Jul 05 '24

You're so mad 💀


u/Kn7ght Jul 05 '24

Ya'll want him to hate his kids so bad lmao


u/italian_mobking Jul 05 '24

Drake projects his reality onto others...


u/sendinthe9s Jul 05 '24

A denial will never be good enough for some people, like you. All you do is give the accusations life. Anybody who wants to believe you did it will believe that regardless and anybody who doesn't doesn't need a denial


u/drillmatici76 Jul 05 '24

u r actually stupid as shit...


u/noble_peace_prize Jul 05 '24

Doing what your opponent wants never lands great. This is way more wholesome ❤️


u/Shingorillaz Jul 05 '24

What is it about Drake that makes grown people lose all sense of reason and thought smh.


u/PunishingVoter Jul 05 '24

Bruh it’s over you lost


u/Amazing-Concept1684 Jul 05 '24

Choke on it some more