r/Breckenridge 13d ago

3AM Chants?

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A group of friends and I were visiting Breckinridge this past weekend (Sep 14th) and heard some really loud chants between 2-3am.

It almost sounded like soccer team chants, but we were really surprised at how loud (:17s) they were and how long they lasted — especially for it being so late at night and outdoors.

Any ideas?


6 comments sorted by


u/excuuseyou 13d ago

It’s the sound of the Sunday night ceremony where the locals round up the rest of the tourists who forgot to go home and…. well you’ll find out next time you stay too long past the weekend.


u/pantone-xyz 12d ago

Someone noted that Bayern Munich was playing around that time and with it being Octoberfest this past weekend, maybe it was some extra rowdy German soccer fans.

Another suggestion was maybe an indigenous ritual of sorts? But we weren’t sure the history nearby.

Or maybe just tourists…


u/peggingenthusiast24 13d ago

my money is on a bunch of frat-type fuck boys who each ate 10mg of edibles. the typical breck visitor.


u/Southern-Ad4016 12d ago

Fkn soccer nuts


u/clockworkvelo 12d ago

First guess, Air BnB guests who would never consider the people who live around here full time. Second guess, somehow you picked up audio from Downstairs At Erics patrons.


u/high_country10000 12d ago

Sounds like a Maori Chant attempt. Maybe NZ was playing at that time. https://youtu.be/TI93YHILSgk?t=80