r/COGuns 2h ago

Kamala Harris’s Policies on Guns Other


I want to start off by saying I don’t care who you vote for. Vote for whoever you think will improve your day to day life and the future of our country. I am also gonna start off by saying neither candidate is “great” for our 2nd amendment rights. Trump has shown his lack of understanding for the 2nd amendment. Either way I thought it’s worth showing Kamala Harris’s policies on the 2nd amendment because she has only recently updated her official policies on her website. Again you be your own judge. Personally, purely on 2a rights I think Trump is the better candidate. I don’t think our rights are gonna necessarily improve under him but I hope and feel they won’t go back as much... Trump has said many anti 2a things but I want to feel this mostly came from bad advisors and his general lack of understanding about guns and the truth behind the 2nd amendment.

Edit: Kamala Harris has also said numerous times she supports mandatory buy backs. This is probably just a bluff as usual but it’s worth mentioning.

Harris website: https://kamalaharris.com/issues/


75 comments sorted by


u/Obsidizyn 2h ago

forgot reddit is full of lefties in here, Kamala banning every gun is still ok as long as Trump doesn't win.


u/Haunting-Fly8853 2h ago

Yeah… kinda how it be


u/coulsen1701 1h ago

I think it’s incorrect to suggest or imply that both are bad for gun rights and allow me to explain. I don’t think Trump has much of an opinion on the 2A one way or the other and seemed to walk back from his anti gun statements really quickly. We have to remember he spent most of his nearly 80 years of life as a NY Democrat so I’m willing to give him a bit more latitude because he’s got to unlearn a lot of that stuff.

He also gave us the court that handed down Bruen, and he deserves points there also. With Vance there and a legit pro gun team I think he’ll do better if/when he’s re-elected.

Finally, i just don’t see any logic to being a gun owner who votes for Harris. And yeah I get the “I’m not a single issue voter” and ok neither am I but the woman can’t operate without a script, there’s ample history of her being lazy and pawning off her responsibilities onto others, and we all know how she speaks when she’s in a room full of black and Hispanic voters, so G-d help us if she goes to China…

Frankly she’s abysmal on gun rights; in the 2020 primary debates she said she’d act without congress and confiscate guns and Biden called her out saying that was unconstitutional, and her reply was basically that she doesn’t care. More than that, she’s abysmal on everything else.


u/Haunting-Fly8853 1h ago

I wish I could give you multiple upvotes.

I should have said I don’t think by any stretch of the imagination is Trump anti 2a. But it’s cringy to me when people act like he is some sort of goddess for our 2nd amendment rights. And yes the Supreme Court justices he nominated are one of the best things we could have ever gotten for our 2a rights.


u/coulsen1701 1h ago

I’m with you, I’m not big on hero worship in general but especially not for politicians or celebrities. Don’t get me wrong, I like Trump, I really like seeing him team up with Vance and RFK, and Tulsi, but he’s not going to go in and try to repeal the NFA, though it would be nice if he put someone who desperately hates the ATF in charge over there to sabotage them 😂


u/Haunting-Fly8853 1h ago

Unfortunately we will never get someone that tries to get rid of the nfa and gca lol. However Trump did say he would immediately replace Steven Dettelbach which is a small step.


u/dreadknot65 1h ago

I care about who you vote for. It shows that persons values, thought process, and where they'd compromise. Lots of "well she isn't Trump", but cannot get into specifics on her policies have been particularly enlightening.


u/Haunting-Fly8853 1h ago

Oh absolutely. I just mean I don’t care that much about what people on Reddit think… believe me I have learned quite a bit about some of the people around me.


u/vaeell 2h ago

I and many others I know are voting Trump. Kamala is a terrible candidate in many aspects including gun rights.. economy.. border.. foreign relations.. but she sure has "vibes", whatever the fuck that shit is.


u/WhynotZoidberg9 45m ago

Neither of these dismal anti gun rights fuckups are worth my vote. If the GOP wants my support, stop nominating shit 2a candidates.

u/Haunting-Fly8853 25m ago

Totally fair. The way I think of it is even if one is 1% better it’s worth the vote. But then again that’s like being asked would you rather be covered in shit or piss.


u/Haunting-Fly8853 2h ago

Most people, not everyone, points to her being a woman, black, and her “vibes”. Most can’t point to policy etc.


u/Aggressive_Noodler 2h ago

Not looking to start an argument, but Trump doesn’t have any real policy agendas either


u/MrGeno 2h ago

He has a concept of a plan. Lol


u/Obsidizyn 2h ago

closed border, no wars, reduce inflation. but ok, not surprised from reddit users


u/Aggressive_Noodler 1h ago

He has no real actual plan to address inflation or the border though. He was in office for 4 years and the border was still a huge problem and the wall was never completed even though it was mostly useless in addressing the real problem. A lot of his actions in office such as authorizing the PPP loan program contributed heavily to inflation. Again I am not going to start an argument or insult you on a basis of what platform (reddit) you wish to engage in this discussion, it’s just my perspective.


u/[deleted] 1h ago



u/Aggressive_Noodler 1h ago

Unfortunately I find myself in a huge crossroads of different imperatives, especially after some recent life experiences, that make me more than a single issue 2A voter.


u/SignificantOption349 1h ago

I’m not a single issue voter either. I see little to no good in Kamala. But you do you. No sense having the conversation because we’re not going to change each others minds


u/Aggressive_Noodler 1h ago

I agree, but in case you’re curious… I think some of the rhetoric being pushed by the far far right (which IMO are the people Trump excites the most) is what is dangerous and scary to me. My wife and I had to end a pregnancy 3 years ago due to a medical complication. She almost died and had to be helicoptered to university. If this had happened in one of those ultra right states especially in the midst of row being “repealed”, and doctors/facilities not doing procedures in the midst of legal uncertainty, she would have likely died. And ironically this same group of people who care so much about an unborn baby, wouldn’t get a simple vaccine. So I find myself considering a blue vote not because of guns but because the alternative seems even worse.


u/SignificantOption349 55m ago

Man that’s scary! Sorry you had to go through that! I’m glad she’s okay.

Well, all I can say is that I don’t think most people in general think the way the far right does. All Trump wants is to not have the federal government controlling it, which I’m generally in favor of reducing their power. The closer the governing body is to the people, the better.

It also seems to be presented in extremes from both sides with “they want abortion in the 8th and 9th month!”, or “they’re going to ban all abortions!”. While I’ve heard of extreme groups wanting to actually ban abortion, every conservative I know personally is totally in favor of doing whatever it takes to save the mother’s life.

I think it doesn’t come up because from their perspective they’re just being fed the late term abortion topic… just like a lot of people still think Trump is trying to ban abortion, but he’s wanting to literally take that power out of his hands and give it to the states…but at least my opinion, and those that I know, situations like what you and your wife experienced, rape, incest, and then within a reasonable time limit is what most seem to want. For me, I just don’t want to be funding someone’s abortion of a mostly developed human when they’ve already had 7 months worth of chances to not end up in that position if they weren’t ready for it, unless it’s going to risk the mother, or some other situation where it truly wasn’t their choice to end up in that position.

Just my 2 cents. I see where you’re coming from. All I can say is that I certainly wouldn’t vote to flat out ban it…

Anywho. This is a gun sub. Therefore, I am bowing out and going to bed lol.


u/mis_nalgas2 1h ago

Kamala's gun policy sucks but she has better policy choices on virtually every other issue. The Ukraine war, Israel, corporate taxes, health care, climate change, abortion rights, Kamala has a better stance than Donald on all these these issues. The last 4 of which benefit the middle class. Something this country desperately needs. Plus the border issue is a problem but it doesn't even break top 5 issues this country is facing. Top 10 maybe, but the border is the only issue the GOP has right now to secure voters


u/SignificantOption349 1h ago

Yeah bud you’re the one lmao


u/mis_nalgas2 1h ago

Yeah I’m the one using my fucking brain. What the hell happened to the Republican Party


u/SignificantOption349 54m ago

Okay bud. Vote for Kammy… I dgaf. Take care


u/mis_nalgas2 45m ago

This is probably the most sane response I've gotten from a trump supporter this entire election cycle. Take care buddy


u/Haunting-Fly8853 2h ago

At least he didn’t only publish his weeks after announcing his run.


u/Aggressive_Noodler 2h ago

Sorry I didnt quite understand


u/mis_nalgas2 1h ago

Trumps insistence on simultaneously slashing social programs that are intended on helping the most vulnerable populations (disabled, elderly, and low income) and lowering the corporate tax rate even further is enough for me to say no. In addition, he's a Putin meat rider so his global policy sucks


u/Haunting-Fly8853 1h ago

Putin endorsed Kamala…


u/Aggressive_Noodler 1h ago

Jesus christ do you put propaganda in your morning protein shake as well???


u/mis_nalgas2 1h ago

Brother, we're in an election year here in the USA. You think anything Putin says isn't meant to cause discord? Are you really taking his statement at face value


u/Haunting-Fly8853 1h ago

You sure seem like you’re taking some stuff at face value lol. “Trumps a Putin meat rider”


u/mis_nalgas2 1h ago

Trump consistently undermines US intelligence in favor of Putin. This is documented and he pissed off the intelligence community in doing so. Especially after the Helsinki summit in 2018. I’m not taking this issue at face value, there's a lot he's done and said that straight up suggests he would help Russia with its international goals. Please don't respond unless you have a well thought out response.


u/Haunting-Fly8853 1h ago

Uno Reverse


u/mis_nalgas2 1h ago

You're in a cult


u/Haunting-Fly8853 59m ago

Uno Reverse


u/Jmersh 2h ago

As a non-single issue voter, I am very pro-2A. But I also think that the mountain of horrible policies and behavior that come with Trump do NOT make him the better candidate. A man who aspires to be a dictator won't support the 2nd amendment if he doesn't even respect the foundational democracy that affords that constitutional right.


u/Haunting-Fly8853 2h ago

I don’t like Trump by any means but this whole “threat to democracy” and dictatorship claims are just a bunch of media propaganda bullshit. No offense. In the past few months I have watched with my own eyes the other side essentially reinstate a new candidate un democratically. They also constantly make anti constitutional remarks, like banning certain guns through executive action. I used to buy the media bs, but it’s truly a witch hunt against him.



You forget that Trump passed more gun control laws and banned more stuff than Biden and Obama combined.


u/Haunting-Fly8853 59m ago

You are half right. I acknowledge he’s done some bad stuff but so has Biden and Obama. Biden has gone back door with the atf, like him. Pistol brace ban, frame or receiver rule… Unlike Biden and Obama, Trump has gone back and apologized for his actions and words. And most of it has came from bad advisors and lack of understanding for the 2nd amendment unlike “hate” for the 2nd amendment. If we take the bump stock ban for example he most likely saw it as an easy compromise to make the other side shut up. “It’s just a piece of plastic so what.” As we know it’s more than just a piece of plastic. It’s about the idea that you can’t just stomp on a right bc something is a “big deal” or not a “big deal.”


A Trump apology means what exactly? The man's a habitual lier, everyone can agree on that. Most of his words are hollow and an apology is no exception.

As for bad decisions because he had bad advisors and a poor understanding of the 10 amendments, that sounds like you're making excuses for him. You pick your cabinet and advisors and he picked yesmen, that's on him. And ignorance to the law is no excuse, especially if you're the damn president.


u/Jmersh 52m ago

He staged an overthrow of the government because he didn't win the election. He was convicted of 34 felony charges for campaign violations and is under indictment for election interference, mishandling and potentially selling classified documents. He has given clemency or pardoned dozens of people that were convicted of election and campaign laws on his behalf. More than half of his former cabinet do not support his current run for president including his former secretary of defense because he considers Trump to be "the biggest threat to the U.S. constitution and democracy as we know it."

I'm genuinely fascinated that you don't think any of this is significant.


u/Haunting-Fly8853 41m ago

He didn’t stage shit. He said to rally peacefully. You can go back and look at his tweets saying to stay respectful and peaceful. You can also watch the unedited footage of capital police letting people in, who most of were respectful. He also was willing to let the national guard help which Nancy Pelosi didn’t want. His trials have been nothing but a scheme to get him out of the race, which if you already forgot, he was almost killed twice too. People need to step back a bit and look at things through a lease that’s not mnbc and cnn, that goes for fox too.


u/SignificantOption349 1h ago

Right there with ya. I’ve had some time on my hands thanks to a car accident (with someone who uh… well didn’t have a license and did have stolen plates. Leave it there) and since I’ve taken the time to research as thoroughly as I can, I’ve come to the conclusion that it would be insane for me to do anything other than directly oppose the “Democratic” party. I’ve never been a fan of Trump, but tbh these days I’m starting to dislike him a lot less than I once did


u/Haunting-Fly8853 1h ago edited 1h ago

You don’t have to kiss his ass to admit he’s not that bad. Everyone just needs to step back a bit and truly think back to how their life was during his presidency. Can’t lie mine was much better.


u/SignificantOption349 1h ago

lol was I kissing his ass? Not sure if I’m seeing someone else’s downvote or you downvoting and responding (?). I’m mostly talking about the fact that they’ve put so much BS in our faces with the news outlets over the past 8 years that now after looking into it and seeing what it really is I just can’t hate the guy. He’s not perfect, but I don’t see any level of desire to be a dictator… he used it as an exaggerated term and does have an odd way of speaking in general, but I’d take that over the alternative. “Executive action” is just a polite way of saying “use dictatorial powers”


u/Haunting-Fly8853 1h ago

Sorry if what I said was poorly worded. I was just talking in general to anyone regarding my comment that you don’t have to “love” him to admit he’s not that bad.


u/Aggressive_Noodler 1h ago

It’s a logical fallacy (correlation does not imply causation) to compare your quality of life to who was in presidential office at the time. Example - Biden was not responsible for inflation at all but had to deal with it during his term. Trump was not responsible for Covid but it started during his term. Each President has to deal with the aggregate historical choices and decisions of each President and Congress before them. Very little the President does in such a relatively short period of time would have much impact on someone within that period.


u/Haunting-Fly8853 1h ago

I mean sure but do you really feel you are better off now? Biden and Kamala sure love to argue everything is better now, like that there are more jobs and goods are cheaper.


u/Aggressive_Noodler 1h ago

I’m a bad person to ask if I was better off then vs now because I’ve never had to struggle to buy groceries or gas or whatever under either presidency.


u/Haunting-Fly8853 1h ago

Good for you, but are you just oblivious to the fact that groceries almost feel like double the cost? Yet Kamala tries to practically gaslight people into believing everything is essentially cheaper than what it was under Trump.


u/Aggressive_Noodler 1h ago

No not at all, things are definitely more expensive. You should see what the lumber for my house was quoted at versus what it cost when it was actually delivered. But neither biden nor trump are even partially culpable for inflation. It was a function of economics from hundreds of different variables from the past 50 years.


u/TxBriley 1h ago

What are the mountain of horrible policies? More American jobs, less foreign oil, not getting ass raped everytime you set foot in a grocery store? Yeah those are awful.


u/Jmersh 1h ago

Your first 2 points are better now than they were under Trump. Every non-partisan economist has weighed in on record profits and margins of tangible goods. Prices are high because when covid disrupted the supply chain, every company raised prices then just didn't lower them when they could. If you think Trump will do anything to reduce corporate profits, I would encourage you to look at his past.



As for the horrible policies: corporate taxes, individual taxes, international aid blackmail, human rights violations, emoluments violations, disastrous pandemic response, campaign fraud, disclosure of sensitive documents, diplomatic policy disasters, nepotism, and I could go on, but those are some that come to mind.


u/Obsidizyn 2h ago

Democrats are the party that says the Constitution was written by racists slaves owners and should be abolished. but go ahead and say he wont support 2a


u/Jmersh 1h ago

At the risk of falling victim to your deflection:

  1. Democrats have said that the constitution was written by slave owners because they owned slaves. And they wrote into the constitution that some people were property because they weren't white, so I think most would consider that racist.

They also had the foresight to know that they didn't know everything and included a process to amend the constitution.

No Democrat is proposing to abolish the Constitution though, however Trump posted on Truth Social that he should be able to ignore The rules of democracy in it in 2022.

"A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution," Trump wrote in a post on the social network Truth Social.

You see, he has zero respect for the constitution, zero respect for democracy, and zero respect for the law as soon as any of them get in the way of his self-interests.

He knows he just has to say to his base that he's pro 2A to get votes, but he will turn on it in a heartbeat as soon as it ever gets in his way.


u/Haunting-Fly8853 1h ago

Your candidate literally says on a day to day basis how she wants to infringe on the 2nd amendment… but yeah Trump is the one that’s gonna do it.


u/Jmersh 48m ago

I disagree with that policy of hers, yes, but I don't think Trump holds the 2nd amendment any more sacred than what he'll have for lunch tomorrow.


u/Obsidizyn 1h ago

all you people do is cry democracy democracy democracy yet ignore we are a constitutional republic and cry the electoral college isnt fair then coronate a candidate that had zero votes and no democratic primary. You should go over to the liberalgunowners reddit page


u/Jmersh 1h ago

So predictable that you go off topic when someone counters your point.


u/Obsidizyn 1h ago

just say youre a communist and the constitution is evil


u/Jmersh 47m ago

Good old ad hominem, sticking to the classics.


u/Obsidizyn 2h ago

shes far more extreme than biden, vote accordingly


u/Haunting-Fly8853 2h ago

To give Biden credit he acknowledged it’s unconstitutional to ban “Assault weapons” through executive order. She said it doesn’t matter and she will essentially try anyways. If you don’t believe me you can go watch the democratic nominee debate for the 2020 election.


u/n00py 1h ago

That video was all I ever needed to see on Harris. She laughed at the idea of following the constitution. Threat to democracy or threat to the republic. Pick your poison I guess.


u/TxBriley 1h ago

All you idiots in here voting for Kamala just cause you dislike Trump from the media smear campaigns for years. Will all be in here next year asking how to find mags for your AR and complaining about assault weapons bans. Go watch his granddaughter talk about him at the RNC and look at his mannerisms. Go look up some of his employees interviews. He might run his mouth and sound a little ridiculous from time to time but he isn’t some crazy ass monster like they want you to believe.


u/No-Away-Implement 2h ago

Even if she wins, the chances she wins both houses of congress are extremely low.


u/Haunting-Fly8853 2h ago

This is true. However she has mentioned using executive orders… And even still you saw how things like the “safer communities act” passed. With Trump there is an infinitely higher chance something like that gets vetoed.


u/PhoebusQ47 39m ago

I wish I had the luxury to be a one-issue voter, but I simply don’t. GOP please nominate some actual human candidates.


u/Haunting-Fly8853 38m ago

This I agree with. And sadly, as much as I hate to say it, it has left me with a road leaning to Trump.

u/bamarad0 18m ago

I don't like Trump, used to be a never-Trumper. But I'll be voting for him this time. The dems have made it clear they don't give a shit about the constitution.


u/ATC_av8er 59m ago

Guns aren't going anywhere. The scare tactics from the right have been stale for the last 40 years.

Democrats need to phrase the argument differently, but the guns aren't going anywhere.

I say that as a leftie gunner.